When the azure vortex rotates, all around time and space collapse, all around bend and twist into a paste!

Lin Chen once again urged the'War God Golden Body' and swept into the Azure vortex!

"The energy of the Gengjin divide pond has been taken away by me. It is only a matter of time before the Fiend clan found out here!"

When Lin Chen, a fully armed, penetrated into the vortex of Azure, The mighty space turbulence resembles a storm, and the erupting force of terror pulls Lin Chen, dragging him into the deepest in an instant!

"What a heavy space, what the hell is that place!"

Lin Chen is subconsciously trying to defend instinctively and punches in self-defense, a dragon's Might of vast vicissitudes of life assaults the senses! !

Lin Chen has emerged in a brand new time and space!

When urging Primordial Spirit to take a glance, Lin Chen was completely shocked in place!

His Primordial Spirit's power has been increased in time and space, far exceeding the normal Primordial Spirit mid-term. The range of perception is extremely wide, even if you cannot fully perceive a small galaxy, you can roughly determine the range.

But in this time and space, he only perceives'endlessness'! !

"Lord, we have fallen into a zone of time, space, and almost stagnation!"

Xiao Ling'er's voice was excited and trembling.

After defeating Zhou Baichuan, she obtained the posthumous technique of the'Time and Space Silent God', bringing it up a level of understanding of time and space.

If it weren't, she wouldn't find it here.

Lin Chen tried to move his figure, as expected, the space here is very'solidified'!

The flow of time is infinitely close to stagnation!

"I can't move anymore? Don't be so nonsense, is this what the hell is that place!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched wildly.

Xiao Ling'er's voice was surprised again-"Lord, look down!"

When Lin Chen looked down hard, he was first taken aback, then eyes shrank!

The incomplete dragon claw of Cang azure is as vast as a nebula, tearing through countless star fragments floating in the void, lying quietly in endless void!

The source of the shining attribute rays of light is also from the stalwart and terrifying dragon claw!

"This is a surviving divine dragon claw... This kind of Dragon's Might is exactly the same as the dragon stele space that day! It is the Ancient Dragon of Taizhou!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and grinned--"Damn! Mr. Lu Xun was right, handsome, good luck!"

He heard that the Divine Dragon spirits of the Divine Dragon ruins mentioned it. The Ancient Dragon of Taizhou disappeared in the hell galaxy during a time travel, and it is very likely to fall here.

Didn't expect Lin Chen's "two shots" and found a Gengjin divine pond. He even touched the place where Taizhou Ancient Dragon died out!

"The problem is, I can't make it now!"

Lin Chen tried to break free from the stagnant void, but found that it was impossible to move even a little bit.

He couldn't help but cursed: "This system, what version, and I have to pick up the attribute, can't you let it be sucked by me!"

system : [...This system has no function, take it away, the next one. 】

Lin Chen: "...you are ruthless!"

Lin Chen thinks about countermeasures and releases Xiao Linger or Zi Qianshou, which will also be restricted by the stagnant time and space.

"That's right! Use my Dragon King!"

In Lin Chen, the Dragon King was out of the body!

War God five-piece golden light skyrocketed, rapidly increasing Lin Chen's power!

Lin Chen's body is two million powers. If you don't increase to ten million powers to urge the'War God golden body', it will not be able to prevent the spatial pressure here!

Boom~! !

Lin Chen's dragon king is stalwart and majestic, the dragon body is shrouded in a layer of red gold divine light, and the endless dragon body emerges in the still time and space!

When the magnificent dragon tail stretched out, it just touched the incomplete dragon claw!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ancient Dragon bloodline attribute: Taizhou Ancient Dragon bloodline. bloodline attribute value: 5 billion points. 】

bang! bang! bang!

An extremely mysterious and abstruse dragon is so powerful! Shaking the still time and space, Azure's Dragon Qi entangled directly above Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon!

Lin Chen is feeling that the Dragon King is quickly absorbing the bloodline of Taizhou Ancient Dragon!

"Two Ancient Dragon bloodlines, how strong can my Dragon King be!"

Lin Chen was shocked and looked forward to.

I saw the scarlet gold dragon scales of the dragon body, and a touch of Dragon Mark began to appear!

The yin and yang two-color dragon pupils, the dragon eyes are flowing with a deep azure radiance!

With the Taixi Ancient Dragon as the leading force, the dragon body with Heavenly God Dragon, Divine Dragon, Divine Transformation Dragon from Yin and Yang, began to emerge the characteristics of the Ancient Dragon!

Suddenly, Lin Chen was electrocuted! A new kind of'perception' rise in the mind!

Through the dragon king's dragon pupils and perception, Lin Chen can actually see the'unusual' in this space and time!

In endless void, there are countless flowing "blue lines", like jade with silver thread, like spring silk, silver bar thread!

These lines, which are more subtle than hair, constitute this world!

The entire space of Heaven and Earth is filled with countless blue lines, and the blue is purple!

Lin Chen was shocked, muttering to himself.

"These lines around the blue light actually constitute the universe! Could it be said that the Ancient Dragon has the ability to see through the essence of the universe?"

See through the essence of the universe? This ability is too terrifying too!

[Congratulations to the host, the successful integration of Taizhou Ancient Dragon bloodline has been completed. The bloodline ability is no different and can be strengthened at any time. ]

[Note: Taizhou Ancient Dragon is one of the top Ancient Dragons ranked by Dragon Clan. If the host wants to strengthen, it will consume a higher value of strengthening attribute. 】

When the system light screen just pops up, time and space vibrate!

The lingering world with blue light lines in Lin Chen's eyes began to fluctuate violently!

"How many years..."

A vicissitudes of life and hoarse dragon roar slowly echoed.

That is the language of the Huang Ancient Dragon family. Lin Chen specially consulted Xingyue Princess and Luo Shuiyue.

With a hint of panic, Zi Qianshou sounded transmission to Lin Chen: "Lord... lord, the dragon claw seems to be wrong! The divine nature has changed, and there seems to be a trace of consciousness!"

Zi Qianshou can't understand the language of this lonely ancient Dragon clan.

If the dragon claw is still conscious, I am afraid that it is a hundred times more difficult to deal with than the top ten in the list of sages! 1

"Human Race and my descendants have arrived... everything, there must be cause and effect, that's all, the last dragon body of this Royal General is passed on to you..."

Lin Chen immediately sighed in relief when his heart was shaking!

Taizhou Ancient Dragon’s dragon claw, although divinity exists, spiritual wisdom has been crippled.

If not, with its vision, it is enough to see that Lin Chen's Dragon King and his Human Race body are one.

"Presumably, my descendants can come here...and are qualified to deal with it..."

When the low and hoarse dragon roar echoes, dragon claw rays of light is prosperous! !

The majestic and majestic dragon claw, like a nebula, has begun to transform into an endless stream of light, incorporating Lin Chen's left claw of the dragon king! !

Lin Chen suck in a breath of cold air!

It turned out to be, Fusion!

In a blink of an eye, the left paw of the Dragon King is like the sun and menstruation, the dragon scales transformed into the deep blue azure, divine splendor is shining, and the shining light!

【System hint: The host acquires the dragon claw of Ancient Dragon and integrates it into the host’s dragon life. The host’s dragon life fails to completely refining the dragon claw. Every time it is used, it will make the dragon The life of the body is overloaded once, and unreasonable use may cause the host's dragon life to collapse and die. Please use it with caution. 】


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