[system hint: The host acquires the ancient Dragon’s dragon claw and integrates it into the host’s dragon life. The host’s dragon life fails to completely refining the dragon claw. Every time you use it, It will cause the dragon body’s life to be overloaded once, and unreasonable use may cause the host’s dragon body’s life to collapse and die. Please use it with caution]

Lin Chen perceives that Taizhou Ancient Dragon’s When the dragon claw is integrated into the dragon arm of the dragon king, there is a strange violation. And a strong sense of power!

When the system light screen pops up, a series of memories quickly merged into the mind of Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit!

"Peerless Dragon Clan Bloodline divine ability: A flash in the universe. With Dragon Vein and dragon energy and blood, the flash of stagnant time and space is played out, and it moves. The moment it is activated, it can be carried out. Large-scale Space-Time Stop. If the cultivation base is higher than a strong enemy by multiple levels, the range will be limited..."

"Activate bloodline divine ability Minimum cultivation base limit: 10 million Sacred Dragon veins The foundation."

A Sacred Dragon vein represents the power of a deity. Ten million Sacred Dragon veins are just ten million powers!

Lin Chen's Dragon King, just up to the standard!

Lin Chen's mouth opens slightly...

Take advantage of Taizhou Ancient Dragon’s dragon claw fusion, the new Ancient Dragon bloodline divine ability, Taizhou flashes!

Good fellow, this time is more than just a good thing, it's all four!

top grade Gold Element Alien Crystal, Ancient Dragon's bloodline, Ancient Dragon's claws, and a bloodline divine ability!

A trip to the Liujin Zone has picked up four waves of opportunities in vain!

Lin Chen suddenly realized, "No wonder I didn't respond when I first came in. It turns out that the Ancient Dragon was only passed on to his descendants..."

The Dragon King absorbed the bloodline attribute light ball , Obtained the bloodline of Ancient Dragon of Taizhou, which led to the last reaction of dragon claw.

Zi Qianshou and Xiao Ling'er looked dumbfounded. Such tyrannical and mysterious Ancient Dragon claws were so unimpededly integrated into the Lord's Dragon King's body!

Zi Qianshou can't help but sigh, "Lord, really is a god forever!"

Xiao Linger's face is full of worship: "Who would have thought that there would be so many galaxies in hell this time. The secret of Dragon Clan’s secrets will be discovered by the lord!"

Lin Chen takes advantage of the right time and place, and it’s hard to encounter similar situations again!

When the dragon claw of the Ancient Dragon of Taizhou merged into the dragon king, the nearby time and space began to disintegrate, time flowed, and no longer stood still!

And Lin Chen gradually broke free from the shackles, just as he was about to withdraw, a chill of have one's hair stand on end went straight to the top of the head from the bottom of his feet!

Lin Chen stunned: "Why did the Chrysanthemum have a chill, and the crisis was terrifying, so I thought it was otherwise, why is it?"

A sudden thought emerged among the sparks and flints. Lin Chen's heart!

Why, such strong existence as the Ancient Dragon of Taizhou will also fall here.

This is Dragon Clan's top-ranked Ancient Dragon. Even in the barren ancient times, it is also the invincible level of all major Star Domains such as Shenhe River.

What kind of powerful enemy can it be beaten to the dragon body incomplete, with only one claw left.

Also, its last ray of will, actually said: Is it qualified to deal with it?

Who is this it?

At this moment, Lin was struck by lightning!

Oh, it will be too watery if you continue to analyze it!

Lin Chen suddenly lowered his head. When the stagnation of time and space dissipated, a mysterious picture of the starry sky came into Lin Chen's eyes!

It is a huge black tail like a keel, covered with barbs, demonic energy shakes the sky forever!

Suddenly, Giant Tail opened a pair of scarlet pupils!

Boom~! !

The magic power that smashes time and space is like an overwhelming collision!


Lin Chen, who covered the'War God Golden Body', was knocked into flight on the spot!

When Lin Chen had bleeding from the corner of his mouth, eyes shrank.

"Lord, run!"

"Lord, leave this space, we can open Formation for you and escape!"

Xiao Linger and Zi Qianchou sound transmission Lin Chen with a trembling voice!

The two of them have never experienced this kind of magic power, unprecedented!

Lin Chen is a level that cannot be suppressed even by the coercion and divine might of the Demon Emperor!

This is the first time he was blown away by the enemy!

Lin Chen stepped on the sole of his foot, and the divine splendor flashed, and instantly rushed to the golden zone to escape this time and space!

His pure power is soaring all the way, the higher the power, the faster the movement!

"What the hell is this guy!"

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He felt it from the descendants of the four Great Demon Emperors, even the pressure of the Demon Emperor It's not terrifying to be of that grade!

The magic pupil on the pitch-black giant tail is a little surprised, as if there is spirituality as if he is surprised at why Lin Chen did not die.

next moment, it trembled and disappeared!

A divine splendor soars into the sky, and Lin Chen rushes out of the vortex of azure time and space!

Almost at the same time, the imposing manner of the majestic and violent pitch-black giant tail struck the sky monstrously, appearing beyond Lin Chen's ten thousand zhang!

It is like a giant that covers the sky. Lin Chen is not even the difference between an elephant and an ant in front of it!

Tear and pull~! Time and space tore, the dark devil's tail slammed down at Lin Chen!

"Zhou Tian move return to the sect Ten Absolute Array!"

"Super dimensional move divine technique!"

Lin Chen's all around, rise The powerful red glow, like a jade dragon flying over, entrenched Lin Chen's head, a heavy silver wheel rose under his feet, blessing Lin Chen's whole body!

The red clouds flashed, and the Lin Chen silhouette trembled when the silver mantle wheel rotated——

Boom~! !

The Dark Devil's Tail crushed countless powerful flowing gold energies, and did not hit Lin Chen!

The scarlet pupil flickered, and he was slightly taken aback.

Lin Chen disappeared in the inner area of ​​the gold stream!

"You...have the smell of it...damn it, Dragon Clan."

A ghost-like idea came from the devil's tail, muttering to himself.

The magic pupil turned and stared at another space. After a moment of tremor, that huge unspeakable giant tail unexpectedly escaped a few hundred thousand li in an instant. The speed is as fast as it is super fast, surpassing the speed of light by an unknown number of times!

Liquid zone, external area.

The red glow disappeared, and the silver light shattered.

Lin Chen’s silhouette appears to be void, and his mind echoes the sound transmission of the two.

"Master, the energy here is too powerful, we can only move such a long distance at the fastest speed. Formation will take a quarter of an hour to start again, the energy of the formation eye has been exhausted!"

"The lord...something is wrong, that thing seems to have caught up again! Run away! Linger's cultivation base is overloaded, and Ling can't use it a second time in a short time!"

Two The sound transmission of people sounded at the same time, Lin Chen had a good heart, and immediately dismissed the War God set.

Without the need to resist the surrounding powerful energy erosion, the fastest movement speed is his movement method!

"Ambilight·Cloud shadow skylight!"

Lin Chen stepped on the cloud shadow, and the aurora was spread all over his body, rushing out of the golden zone very quickly!

Lin Chen ran wildly for his life, he realized a terrible name! !

The ghost thing just now is most likely mentioned by the ancient god, Demon God King!

Demon Race Demon Emperor is the supreme powerhouse of Demon Race today.

All Demon Emperors are pursuing a realm, that is, Demon God King!

There is only one Demon God King that exists in history, that is, breaking into here from the higher universe, and alarming the monster of God World!

"His uncle! I said, who the hell can kill Taizhou Ancient Dragon, the feeling is this ghost!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but yell.

"Sure enough, the more the chance, the more outrageous the risk factor! Good things are really not so easy to pick up! This time, I provoke a Demon God king!"

This time I can run, all in gray. Can't run away, there is not a box of ash left!


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