The black giant tail is most likely part of the Demon God King!

If it is a complete Demon God King, Lin Chen may not even be able to rush out of the gold stratum!

Furthermore, the Demon God King, who had wounded the wolf rushing to the God River galaxy, had to gather the power of the God World messenger to encircle and suppress!

When this thing was in its heyday, I simply couldn't believe it!

Lin Chen once heard that the ancient gods frankly confessed the origin of Demon Race Demon Emperor.

Except for a few natural bloodline Supreme Demon Emperors, the current Demon Emperors of Demon Race basically rely on absorbing the debris of the Demon God King’s breakthrough!

The Demon Emperor can be created by the fragments of its own remains, and the remains can cause the fall of the Ancient Dragon!

This thing is simply the strongest creature in Lin Chen's known concept, not one of them!

"This thing should be a fragment of the Demon God King's wreck. It is too terrifying. It is not guaranteed to win with the War God set, Yo-Yo!"


The Green Devil frowned suddenly, how could he feel a trace of Human Race...Holy Force fluctuations?

Feel a trace of Human Race in the forbidden area of ​​the Fiend clan? Illusion?

A silver robe silhouette passed in front of the Green Devil and the Fiend King for a moment, shuttling through the void!

His body guards the sky, and the silver robe rolls over, making the green devil think that he has missed it!

"Human Race......"


In almost no reaction time, the six Fiend Kings and the Green Devils were crushed and burst by a burst of demonic energy!

There is no reaction time to perceive one's own death!

Strong like the Fiend King at the top of the Fiend clan, he is powerful, and his strength suppresses one side. At this moment, he can't even react before his death!

Lin Chen suddenly feels have one's hair stand on end, the hair stand on end!

"This ghost is so fast?"

Teaching Heavenly Demon Qi is blasting all over the Heaven Vault Star, which obscures Lin Chen's perception!

The heavenly demon like a skeleton like a skull, open your bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and move towards Lin Chen!


The magic pupil of the dark giant tail burst out hoarsely with a low growl.

Lin, Kikube Ichiyo, this feeling of being stared at is almost like being stripped at any time!

"Phantom Clone · Starburst!"

Lin Chen in a flash release all Phantom Clone!

All Avatars condense the power of a brand-new annihilation starburst, and the gorgeous nine-color star cluster rises up in front of the demonic energy frenzy and blooms suddenly!

Om~! Om~!

Time and space trembled, Heaven and Earth reversed.

"Is it so hard!"

Lin Chen complexion slightly changed, corner of mouth twitching.

However, even if it is annihilation·Starburst after the enhancement, all Avatars are displayed together, but this move can only stop the opponent for a moment!

After the enhancement, the annihilation starburst, the formidable power is more than doubled, and an Avatar blessed with "instant light and split shadow" is five tricks.

The seven Phantom Clones use instant light splitting, which is thirty-five strokes of annihilation·starburst! The formidable power is far beyond the past, and even the saint realm of reincarnation has to lose a few layers of skin!

There is no doubt that this is simply not the power of the Holy Land!

It is the one-hundredth moment of this pause!

"Dragon King, Taizhou dragon claw!"

Lin Chen released the Dragon King in an instant, and the majestic dragon body turned out!

The dragon Wang Chaotian roared in rage, his power urged his left claw, the faint azure divine splendor flowed on the dragon claw, and shook away the skeleton golem fiercely!

Lin Chen, as soon as he met him, he used the strongest trump card he just won, the claw of Taizhou Ancient Dragon!

Shih~! Tear~! boom! boom! boom!

The golem suddenly burst open and continued to explode. The demonic energy collapsed and exploded.

Outside the gold stream, thousands of stars collapsed and burst!

The bloody magic pupil flicked across the different light, seeming to be surprised why Lin Chen could take this blow.

Next, its bloodthirsty and murderous meaning is even more three-pointed!

ka! ka! ka!

At this time, Lin Chen's dragon king's dragon body suddenly changed, the skin and flesh under the dragon scales cracked, and python-like cracks spread all over the dragon body. Blood rush!

Lin Chen was swept away by the aftermath and retreated violently. When he urged his defense, Holy Force quickly dried up and his ears and nose were bleeding!

"The blood is dry, bad, this thing is too much load!"

Between the electric light and flint, Lin Chen clenched the teeth, and the dragon king took possession of him for a moment.

Lin Chen opened his eyes again, the yin and yang dragon pupils reflected the azure divine light, staring at the majestic demonic energy!

The scenery between Heaven and Earth has changed again and turned into endless blue silk threads!


The black giant tail swept over, crushing countless celestial fragments along the way, and the large area was vacuumed into chaos and nothingness. The space was completely shattered, and the space above moved towards Lin Chen was smashed!

Immediately, Lin Chen clapped his hands together and patted suddenly, with the faint rays of light surging in the center of his eyebrows, it was released at once and enveloped the heavens!

At this moment, time and space seem to be still, and the dark giant tail suddenly stops!

"The universe is flashing!"

The endless blue threads of the heavens converge into a straight line, and Lin Chen's body flashes along the straight line, disappearing without a trace!

Boom! boom!

The black giant tail hit the sky, and the burst of power divided the starry sky into two, sinking into the Sun and Moon Star River, annihilating everything in the world, like a global storm raging past!



Blood continent, in the Supreme Demon Hall.

"The things you are worried about are completely unnecessary."

When Luo Yaoer alone frightened the four great elders, they gradually dispelled their worries.

"As I said earlier, the army to which the emperor belongs will lead the first forward, and will only select the Saint King domain, which is difficult to fight in the Human Race, to initiate the first attack."

"In addition, for your four teams, as long as you do not violate the agreement, this emperor will not interfere. The command is all in your hands, but..."

Luo Yao'er’s cold eyes flashed over the cold glow, "If the emperor hits the Saint King domain and wants you to launch an offensive in the various domains of the Human Race, when fighting together on behalf of the Fiend clan, if you have any other changes, don’t blame the emperor. The magic knife treats you equally with that Human Race!"

Luo Yaoer's concessions and threats caused the four great elders to slightly change their expressions.

However, before the four elders could answer, a special and sharp roar penetrated time and space!

"Dragon Clan...dead!"

The long howling made the whole blood continent tremble, and many Fiend Kings felt a lingering fear of fear.

It seems that some irreversible supreme beings have awakened!

Hearing the long roar, the faces of the four elders changed in horror!

"Damn it, how did this thing wake up!"

"Isn't that a forbidden place? Even King Fiend can't get in,"

The expressions of the four elders changed several times.

Luo Yaoer's eyes on one side changed abruptly.

She raised her eyebrows coldly, and her voice was cold and solemn, "What is this. The Fiend clan has this kind of Demon Race, you have not disclosed it?"

The old expressions are different, Luo Yaoer coldly said: "You don't want to say, this emperor has a chance for you to say it."


Luo Yaoer disappeared and immediately swept to the location of Liujin Zone!

"Don't let her touch that thing!"

"Why, save it first!"

The four great elders followed Action——

On the other side, Lin Chen casts "One Flash of the Universe" and shuttles to a star outside the blood continent.

The Dragon Vein of the Dragon King is 90% empty. In addition to pure power, the current Dragon King’s battle strength has been reduced a lot.

One is that the load is injured, and the other is that the Dragon Vein consumes violently. Only pure power is left, and only possessing Lin Chen is the best choice.

Xiao Ling'er had a lingering heart, and said hurriedly—"Master, it's too fast. Let's escape into the special space before!"

Xiao Linger's place The special space of language is Lin Chen's "time and space plane"!

Do you know that Lin Chen's mouth is picking up, full of madness.

"Flee? Run away! Those who are beaten and can't fight back, Young Master is also a dark horse organization of farting!"

Lin Chen looked towards the bright red of the vast and majestic shore in the distance continent, bad said with a smile.

"I don’t know, if I declare war on the Fiend clan, it will be so sour!"

Zi Qianshou: "?"

Xiao Linger: "??"

Lin Chen: "Life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don't accept it!"


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