In the high-speed moving Array Space, Lin Chen Godslayer status is released, War God is retracted, and sit cross-legged on the Holy Artifact'Silver Snow Treasure Gourd' in Xiao Linger's space.

Lin Chen urges Avatar to refining the massive attribute values ​​previously obtained.

His dry holy cave filled up quickly, and he returned to its heyday in a very short time, and rushed to the 53rd holy cave unstoppably!

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, "It is worthy of being the most powerful house of the Fiend clan, the four great elders. There is also the wreckage of King Demon God! Just the dropped attribute light ball can easily make up for it The consumption of the annihilation and starburst that I used has overflowed and I don't know how many times!"

Lin Chen felt that the opportunity to break the realm was approaching!

As long as he absorbs the attribute value dropped this time, he must continue to burst holes!

Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh once again, the Godslayer innate talent with the high level of the orange rank is indeed against the sky!

The innate talent has not only raised a level, but also made up for the shortcomings of the previous!

In the previous use of Godslayer innate talent, Lin Chen did not get any growth-type attribute light balls.

Now the shortcomings disappear, which means that every time Lin Chen uses Godslayer, the more realm battles and the more he defeats or injures a strong enemy, he will drop the equivalent growth attribute light ball!

Just ask, would Lin Chen use Godslayer's opponents, are they ordinary people?

This time Godslayer innate talent promotion will be a'snowball', and it will get bigger and bigger!

Zi Qianshou said worriedly: "Lord, the Fiend clan gathers forces to attack Human Race, the holy world will face an unprecedented catastrophe."

Xiao Linger's eyes flowed, When looking at Lin Chen, "Master, do we want to avoid sharpness this time? The scale of this war is too big. Let's leave the Shenhe Galaxy, right?"

Dive into the hell galaxy this time, the two I witnessed the Fiend clan’s plan with my own eyes, and felt an unprecedented oppression for the entire Fiend clan’s battle strength!

Yes, even if their lord is against the sky, this kind of genocide-level battle is definitely not a level where personal power can pull strongly against a crazy tide!

At least, it's not the time yet!

Even the gods of Human Race may not be able to influence the direction of this battle!

The war of extermination will affect the whole body.

The existing Demon Race and Dragon Clan will never stand on the sidelines easily!

It is even possible to join forces to deal with Human Race!

Zi Qianshou and Xiao Ling'er know well that their lord is still very young, but has a killer move comparable to True God battle strength! This kind of heritage is unprecedented in history!

I even have to say that Lin Chen may be the only probability that Human Race in the Holy Realm has comeback!

At least, if Lin Chen is willing to go to Saint King Realm before coming out of the mountain, then the Shenhe galaxy may be invincible again!

Lin Chen said in amazement: "What are you running? No matter what Fiend Demon Race he is, let's make one, and make a pair of two!"

Xiao Ling'er: "... …"

Zi Qianshou: "Just get used to it."

After several days, Xiao Ling'er and Zi Qianshou took Lin Chen across most of the galaxy and finally returned to In the Shenhe Galaxy——

Lin Chen spent several days absorbing the attribute value and was about to find a place to retreat.


Suddenly, a ring in Lin Chen's arms suddenly shattered!

Lin Chen was surprised and said: "Oh? This is Xiaoqianqian's message to give me the ring?"

The message to receive the ring, it means that the little girl Baiqianqian is in danger!

Baiqianqian, this little girl is just a lucky beast, and does not have much battle strength.

Since the last war of Genesis, she has received a family call and left Lin Chen to return to the unique space plane of the family.

Lin Chen threw the broken ring to Xiao Ling'er and immediately said: "Ling'er, go to the space plane marked by the ring!"

Xiao Ling'er After taking a look, there was a faint silver glow in the palm, nodded and said after a moment: "Okay, it seems that it is not very far from the holy world, and it will be there in two hours!"

Lin Chen knows Bai Qianqian although Unearthly, sly and cute, but she can tell the importance of things.

This little girl will inform herself in this way that there must be a major event!

In the far north of the Shenhe Galaxy, in a star vortex, the star sand is gorgeous, and the faint red sun is shrouded like a star ring, concealing a large amount of qi.

A huge star suspension shining with golden-yellow Ze, golden branches and jade leaves embellished with snow dew, the sea of ​​flowers holy light surging, Spirit Sea Yinchuan, clouds steaming Xiawei, air luck condenses like a huge funnel!

In this astral land, almost even a touch of loess shines with the luster of gold, like a holy land, giving birth to infinite vitality!

That endless spiritual spring, if a mortal takes it, it will prolong life, Cultivating Body Strengthening Essence, it will be nothing difficult to become a holy emperor!

The whole star is almost everywhere!

This kind of handwriting is unique in the world!

Here is the plane of Rui Beast alone!

Its luck is concealed, its aura disappears, almost seldom powerhouse can find it!

Prediction Master who is as strong as Jiang Taixu this level, wanting to perform this magnificent Good Fortune Celestial Grotto is like finding a needle in a haystack!

Rui Beast is one of the most special species between the Orcs and Dragon Clan.

They can affect and mobilize air transport, and they are the rarest lifeform between Heaven and Earth.

Except for the Swiss beast, no creature can conceive a star into such a Divine Vestige-like existence!

Just encountering a beast is enough to make countless creatures, but there are tens of thousands of beasts on this plane!

At this time, tens of thousands of beasts transformed into human forms gathered in the'cangmangshan', all of them facial expression graves.

Leading Senior sighed slightly with a cane and dragon beard on his face.

"Formation is about to be broken, but I didn't expect that we will usher in this day..."

The enemy who came this time was no small matter. Even their space channel on the plane of the beast is cut off!

This is not the handwriting of ordinary powerhouse!

"No!" The crisp, tender and sweet voice sounded, and among the beasts, a petite and exquisite white skirt girl stood out.

The girl has a pair of blue jade-like eyes with Spiritual Qi, her lips lightly open, her teeth bite, "Qianqian has notified the master, he will definitely come to save Qianqian!"

The girl is Bai Qianqian!

She stirred up waves!

"Looking forward to Human Race to save us? Bai Qianqian, your head was knocked stupid by Human Race, right?"

"You exposed our plane coordinates to Human Race?"

" "

"That is, have you forgotten the greed and inferiority of Human Race?"

"Human Race will come to save us? It is almost the same if he comes to enslave us!"

"We would rather die in battle than fall into the hands of Human Race!"

All Rui beasts reacted fiercely, and Bai Qianqian suddenly became the target of public criticism!

Baiqianqian's pretty face is pale, and I want to retreat. When I remember Lin Chen's appearance in my mind, a fearless courage rises in my heart, pursing his lips, and shouting with courage.

"Master Lin Chen would not do such a thing!"

tone barely fell ——

Bang! boom!

Black's hurricane drove and decayed, covering the sky and tearing the solid entrance to the plane!

All the beasts immediately stood by, swallowing a storm-like breath.

Even if you desperately, you have to blaze a trail.

However, when the sky full of shadows descended on the plane, all the beasts realized that their opponent was who are you!

A pair of pupils opened their eyes from the darkness of nothingness, enveloped the entire plane, and there were bursts of hoarse sound transmission!

"The beasts gathered here from all sides, if they surrender, this seat can protect your lives."

It turned out that the Shadow Race is coming! !


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