The sky-shielding shadows are all over the plane of Lucky Beast, as if not even light can escape this space.

"Swiss beasts, surrender, there is still a glimmer of survival. Your ability plays an important role in the revival of my shadow race!"

The dim and magnificent sound transmission is like heavenly thunder Roll, press all around all around the Lucky Beast plane to shake the space!

Swiss beasts are desperate!

No wonder, no wonder they will be discovered!

"It is actually, the shadow clan!"

"The unique innate talent of the shadow clan Innate can shuttling through the void freely. It is the most flexible creature in the three-dimensional universe!"

"No wonder our plane is exposed...The Shadow Race is the only existence that can ignore our Formation shuttling through the void..."

The Shadow Race coming today are all powerhouses! At least the number is over 10,000!

With such a large-scale powerhouse of the shadow race, they have no chance to escape!

Between this Heaven and Earth, the creatures in the same level are rarely able to compete with the Shadow Clan in speed!

The old man with dragon beard frowned, and when he stared at the top of the sky, the old face shrugged and sighed with a low eyebrow.

"This day, after all, came. I waited for the family, and finally settled down for a period of time, do you want to become a slave of another race?"

next moment, dragon beard The old man's eyes burned with terrible anger!

"Everyone, although our ancestors are from different galaxies, they are settled here. This place has long been our home. Our beasts have long been fed up to be slaughtered for their slaves! Today only has a history of slaves! Standing dead, there is no beast living on knees!" The angry roar of the old man has awakened countless clansman's fighting spirit!

Old Ji Fuping, aspiring to a thousand miles.


A shadow-shaped, ink-like Darkness Tide distorts the human form, turning into a cold black robed man, evil said with a smile.

"Stubborn, act recklessly, come on! Get alive!"


A bunch of shadows descended on the void, like countless black ink flowing down from the sky, twisted into a void monster, quickly rushing towards the auspicious beasts!

The auspicious beasts have transformed, some of them are mysterious tortoises, exhaling vigorously, and their shells are like mountains and mountains.

Some resemble Qilin, wild posture, scaly and majestic.

Some are brave, top dragon horn, winged body, long spine and long tail, ten thousand zhang in the shape of the sky.

The forms of Rui beasts are different. Even if the battle strength is not as good as the Dragon Clan or the Orcs of the same level, they can obtain massive accumulation of resources for a long time, and the realm is not low.

Tens of thousands of beasts stood up and resisted desperately.

For a while, the shadow clan failed to suppress, but endless shadows continued to be culled down, and there was no way to see the specific number!

The black robe headed by the shadow laughed evilly; "No creatures who dare to rebel against the new shadow king will end well!"

It turned its eyes and fell to the last group of old people. On the weak and disabled Rui Beast, finally locked in a white and soft white dress.

black robed man smirked: "Come on, let Uncle check your body. I haven't tasted the taste of female beasts yet, it's time to expand my experience!"

A bunch of black shadows flashed, and the old beasts turned pale with fright!

Well, the Innate Shadow in the lead is coming to them!

The old man with dragon beard took a step forward, his face grim, "You didn't put me in your eyes."

Innate, the shadow chuckles; "old bastard, it's up to you." Climb for the Lord!"

Innate, the shadow stuck out a claw like lightning, and the black claw tore through the space, cut off all the connections with the outside world, and enveloped a crowd of old and weak beasts!

Bai Qianqian’s tears flickered, her red lips lightly opened, her face flushed, she shouted with all her strength--

"Master, if you don’t come again, I won’t help your little tree in the future. It has become a big tree!"


Time and space shake!

The dark claw of tore the void was unexpectedly stopped!

A golden light fist strength fell from the sky and crashed through the shadow claw!

Everyone can't help but stare blankly!

The Innate shadow, the cultivation base is equivalent to Saint King Peak, beyond the existence of Human Race Saint King, Demon Race, Demon Venerable, and even Dragon Clan!

His blow was so easily cracked?

The black robed man who was stopped in the void lost his voice in horror; "who are you! Dare to hinder the shadow race, believing or not tomorrow, let you thoroughly, steal your family bankrupt!"

The darkness melts away, and the sky shines with a golden brilliance bathing in the plane of the beast.

Bai Qianqian flew in a silver robe, and the young man stood up with a handsome back, giving all the beasts an inexplicable courage!

It seems that this is the only one who can support the Heaven and Earth universe!

Lin Chen turned around and stood in front of her, jokingly said with a smile: "Xiao Qianqian, there is progress. I have just arrived, and you dare to threaten me without fighting for three days. Wow."

Bai Qianqian leaped forward and slammed into Lin Chen's arms. Lin Chen's mind was swayed. The development speed of Little Lass has caught up with Shen Lingshuang.

Bai Qianqian was crying weeping beauty; "Smelly master, if you don’t come, Qianqian will be eaten by this bad guy!"

Lin Chen laughed: "Then you Aren't you afraid of being eaten by me?"

Bai Qianqian broke into a smile, made a mischievous face, and said with a smile slyly: "You dare not, the crimson elder sister said you have a color gun but no color Dare, slightly!"

Lin Chen pretended to be furious, "What? You doubt my guts! See how I will deal with you later!"

Fly, his cheeks are pink, "I don't believe it! hmph hmph hmph, I am your number one hero, so you can't bear it! Besides, you don't dare to ask for someone to send it to your door..."

White Qianqian's mother saw the relationship between the two, surprised and tentative.

"Are you the Lord Lin Chen mentioned by Xiaoqian?"

Lin Chen said with a smile, "Auntie sees out, I have a close relationship with Xiaoqian, you call me Lin Chen is fine."

The old man with long beard is quite prejudiced coldly snorted; "Human Race is not a good thing, Human Race Lin Chen, if you save us, don't you also worry about the ability of our beast? Don't you want to catch us back as a slave too?"

Lin Chen peaceful, with eyes as deep as Star River, he waved his hand while talking and laughing.

"Old Senior, I don’t care about your prejudices. This time I’m here just for Qianqian’s little girl. As for you, it’s just a way to save you. Whether you want to run away or commit suicide later, I'm not interested in understanding. Now I just need you to stay away, otherwise it will explode later, take responsibility for the consequences."

Lin Chen's attitude and temperament amazed the old man with Dragon Beard slightly, and his impression was greatly changed. !

He is also an old monster who has been alive for an unknown period of time. He is obsessed with Lin Chen. His size and temperament are by no means a treacherous and false one!

Zhong Rui Beast listened to the order and immediately backed away.

Lin Chen stands on the top of the mountain. After losing his hands, it is a sign that he is very expert.

His eyes are like swords looking at Innate in the sky. Dark Shadow glanced, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised √.

The black robed man was surprised and frowned: "Lin Chen? Is it the Human Race that the new king of shadow knows?"

He was extremely angry and laughed, "Human Race Lin Chen, do you want to fight with this seat? This seat is acting this time, but at the order of my new king, all the beasts must be brought back!"

Lin Chen patted the dust on his shoulders, serene Throw out a sentence.

"Don't the shadows pee, can you take a picture of yourself? Fight with me, you deserve it too?"

Lin Chen suddenly burst into a killing intent!

"Don't talk about you, even your new shadow king is here, and you are a younger brother in front of me!"


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