black robed man became angry immediately!

What a big tone! This Human Race is so crazy!

Dare to humiliate their new shadow king, this guy, take him down first!

shua~ shua~ shua~ ~!

Three groups of shadows are twisted and transformed into human forms. They are three more Innate shadows that are not inferior to the black robed man!

One of them even has a very mysterious oppression.

Bai Qianqian’s mother's worried sound transmission reminds Lin Chen-"Little friend Lin Chen, be careful, the Innate shadow in the middle has already stepped into the position of the Innate Shadow Lord!"

Innate Shadow Lord, is equivalent to Human Race reincarnation holy realm, Fiend tribe High Priest level!

Three Saint King Peaks, one and a half step Shadow Lord.

This lineup, combined with the unpredictable innate talent of the Shadow Race, is more than enough to rob a few Grade 9 sects of Human Race!

black robed man looked towards the half-step monarch headed by, surprised; "My lord, why did you end up in person."

transformed into the young half-step monarch said with a sneer: "Stupid, look around."

black robed man noticed that the entire plane of beasts, in addition to their shadow army, also covered a heavy cyan dragon breath Heavenly Prison, the surface is even covered with a layer of silver-white space rays of light!

The blue waves are like tides, and the water dragons dance wildly. The surging river rolls the sky curtain, and the water turns into a prison to swallow the nine seas!

Heavenly Prison!

The unique shuttle space innate talent of the Shadow Race, you can't guard against it.

When Lin Chen arrived near the plane of auspicious beasts, he immediately arranged the Heavenly Prison to prevent the shadow army from escaping!

black robed man eyes shrank, "He actually...blocked our way out?"


Lin Chen raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The divine splendor appeared out of thin air, the golden brilliance divine light shimmering with red clouds shrouded all around, protecting every beast!

Lin Chen said indifferently: "I have never taught Lin Can to invade another race. If he did, I will teach him a lesson! But before that, all of you who committed the crime today Shadow Race, I, Lin Chen, will teach you a lesson first!"

The half-step monarch who looks like a sick boy said with a sneer: "Human Race Lin Chen, don’t talk about dreams here. Today, my shadow army is here. All of them are elite. There are only ten people who can compete with your Human Race Saint King. You alone want to beat us?"

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder; "Win You guys? Let’s not put gold on your faces. I can withstand the natural phenomenon of my breakthrough realm. I will let you go right away."


The holy light of Heaven and Earth universe, blooming from Lin Chen's body, gradually raised!

The entire plane began to tremble, and a Holy Force wave that shattered thousands of stars was ushered in, suppressing the ages!

All the shadow families feel horrible to see!

They sensed an unprecedented Holy Force fluctuation from Lin Chen's body!

Human Race in the past has no such level of Holy Force at all!

Mountains and rivers are dumped, and the earth's crust changes!

Astral body on the verge of collapse, the solid plane begins to become bleak!

Nine-color holy light vortex, which spins like a roulette wheel!

A group of Innate Shadows are in fear!

There seems to be a world-destroying energy brewing in the dark!

"Not good! All the speed is gathered, protection!"

The half-step monarch who looked like a teenager trembled and lost his voice, almost unable to maintain the posture of transformation, full of violent shadows. , Protect!

next moment ——

The fluctuations of the Holy Force centered on Lin Chen are rising steadily, and the mountains and seas are not comparable to one in ten thousand!

It seems like a billion absolutely volcanic eruption!

Just like a billion absolutely head giant dragon was born!

Lin Chen's whole body reflects the immortal Holy Force, all accumulated, all rushed to the 53rd and 54th holy caves!

"Continuously explode double holes, open for me!"

Lin Chen screamed Hah!

Boom~! boom! boom!

Lin Chen is shining with dazzling six-pointed stars, illuminating the entire plane!

Holy Force fluctuates like a global storm, erupting in an instant, sweeping away Sun, Moon and Stars!

Boom! boom! boom!

Nine-color holy light roulette, a series of crazy explosions!

Lin Chen's 53rd and 54th holy caves were rushed open at the same time!

All the shadow races were almost blown away by the aftermath of the explosion of the Holy Force frenzy!

All Swiss beasts have numb scalp and cold feet!

It turned out to be just a natural phenomenon brought by the breakthrough realm, enough to shake Saint King to death!

What kind of evildoer is this!

"It's not over yet! I have accumulated the attribute value that is not dropped by the real Divine Grade, and it can be more fierce!"

Lin Chen laughed, stunned, domineering, and opened his hands. When the situation changes again!

"The 55th and 56th holy caves, give Young Master, open!"

The nine-color holy light vortex trembled, and the monarch almost freaked out in half a step!

This damn thing is coming?

What kind of monster is this guy!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The horrible aftermath of energy is like one after another blasting into the sky, and the entire plane of auspicious beasts is completely shattered by Lin Chen!

All the treasures on the plane of the auspicious beasts are all turned into attributes and light balls fall into the void!

All Swiss beasts have lingering fears.

Fortunately, this Divine Light Body Protection, otherwise based on their cultivation base, can survive that natural phenomenon explosion, can be counted on one's fingers!

Lin Chen's 55th and 56th holy caves opened at the sound, the aurora-like six-pointed star shining under the stars!

In Lin Chen's Taiyi time and space, the corresponding'Taiyi Sacred Cave' appeared!

A total of one hundred and twelve holy caves, shining like stars, gleaming Lin Chen's whole body!

Lin Chen mobilizes the energy and blood power of the whole body, condensing the last high-level Saint Level essence of the Holy Force, in a spurt of energy pouring into the holy cave in the future!

Boom~! Bang~!

The shocking and raging explosions continued, and the Shadow Race could not hold on to the last moment, the undercurrent surged to break the defense, and they were all blown up!

A large number of shadows have faded, and the shadow clan is not good at defense. This wave of aftermath swept away, and the entire shadow army was hit hard!

Swiss beasts witnessed this moment, horrible to see, their backs were cold!

Too enchanting!

What is the origin of this Human Race!

If he alone pulls strongly against a crazy tide and kills all the shadow races, maybe they will marvel at the abnormality of his battle strength.

But this guy was able to severely damage the army of the Shadow Race because of the aftermath of a natural phenomenon caused by the breakthrough realm!

How could such a monster be born in the history of Human Race?

Bai Qianqian has a very proud chest. The girl is proud of one's success, and her beautiful eyes do not hide her longing and pride for Lin Chen.

The girl secretly thought proudly in her heart: Seeing that, my master of Baiqianqian is 10,000 times more powerful than you expected! Good vision, nothing to say!

The shadow tribe army wailed, and many people were seriously injured by the bombing.

If it is a group of Human Race Saint King or Dragon Clan with the same cultivation base, it will not end in such an embarrassing situation.

The advantage of Innate of the Shadow Race is not in the defense of the lifeform, which caused Lin Chen to explode this time and almost was shocked to death. This is still under the premise of a half-step Shadow King!

Lin Chen took a deep breath, breathing like a dragon, receiving Qi as a whirlpool.

When he brought all the Holy Force back to the holy cave, 116 holy caves flashed all over his body, shining, rays of light ten thousand zhang!

Lin Chen, arrived in the late Life and Death Realm!

Perfect ending!

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