Lin Chen's heart trembles, and he can't stop excitedly.

"In the late stage of Life and Death Realm, 58 holy caves. Fiend clan elders were injured and dropped attribute light balls, and a wreck of Demon God king. After a battle, it helped me break five in a row. Holy cave!"

In the beginning, Lin Chen had fifty-two main holy caves. If he hadn't infiltrated the Fiend clan, he could only break through to fifty-three main holy caves.

The holy cave is broken, and a holy cave is opened in the Life and Death Realm. The increased Holy Force and the magnitude seem to be the same, but the difficulty of opening the cave is much higher than the previous one!

The higher the foundation, the more vigorous accumulation is needed!

But with the attribute light ball picked up in that battle, Lin Chen has made a qualitative leap!

It is conceivable that if Lin Chen can kill a real Divine Grade opponent in time, I am afraid it will be a continuous breakthrough in the true sense!

Lin Chen clenched his fist, tsk tsk exclaimed: "Life and Death Realm, every time two holy caves are opened, the total basic Holy Force is doubled, and my Holy Force is comparable to the 100 Ten thousand powers, open two to double, including the core method increase and innate talent, two holy caves can get the Holy Force equivalent to five million powers!"

Lin Chen In the Life and Death Realm, for every two holy caves opened, the Holy Force, which is equal to five million powers, is obtained!

Because this is not a holy cave for temporary breakthroughs in the innate talent state, but a practical cultivation base, gaining "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" and the increase in the possession of the extremely god!

Lin Chen's breakthrough this time, a total of six sacred caves, obtained a Holy Force comparable to 15 million powers!

In addition to the original foundation, Lin Chen's cultivation base alone can explode more than 20 million powers of lethality!

Life and Death Realm battle strength transcends the saint realm of reincarnation! Directly rushed to the quasi-god Early-Stage level!

Since ancient times, in the three-dimensional universe, only Lin Chen, the monster, can make such a perverted leap!

"With the high-level Saint Level blood obtained from the Demon God King’s wreckage, the Dragon King’s Sacred Dragon pulse just rushed to the 19.99 million mark, and the body refinement power of the body was also upgraded to 400 Wan Zunli, fighting against other opponents in Divine Grade, really has a soaring battle strength across the board!"

Lin Chen sighed slightly, and in a blink of an eye he withdrew his mind.

He rolled his eyes and scanned the shadow races.

Lin Chen floated in the air and said with a smile to the first few shadow races with a smile.

"How about, I didn't kill you. Are you moved?"

The trembling half-step monarch squatted his head quickly.

"Moved, moved..."

Lin Chen: "What? Dare to move?"

Half-step monarch: "no no no! Don't dare to move , Don't dare to move!"

Lin Chen: "en? Not moved? Brother, you are not right!"

Half-step monarch: "...I was wrong, brother! "

Lin Chen smiled like a rose, "Well, depending on your sincere eyes and the offering of ordination, I will consider forgiving you."

The shadow tribe has a lot of background. They traveled all walks of life, and the treasures they searched far exceeded the powerhouse of the same level. Therefore, Lin received it'full of kindness'.

Finally, Lin Chen used the "Heavenly Prison" to imprison the entire army of shadows, and his life or death was at his disposal!

Lin Chen looked towards Rui Beasts, "The crisis is settled, you want to go, you can go anytime."

Lin Chen's eyes swept away and relieved them of the divine entanglement. light.

The Swiss beasts looked at Lin Chen incredulously, and even had a dreamlike trance

They were also facing the crisis of extermination before. Is this settled?

The old man with dragon beard looked at Lin Chen in astonishment, "Human Race Lin Chen, you..."

Lin Chen waved his hand impatiently, "Don’t be forced to rely on it. , I’m not interested in you."

"By the way, the Fiends are about to attack Human Race. Even if you want to run, don’t get close to the Human Race holy area now, otherwise I won’t be interested next time. It’s very expensive for me to save you."

The beasts looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with disbelief!

This is the first time they have seen the Human Race that they do not covet them!

A beast can double the level of a Grade 8 sect in Human Race!

The Rui beasts present now have gathered the accumulation of inheritance of the Shenhe galaxy in multiple eras, and the number is tens of thousands!

With the means of this child, you can completely suppress their enslavement!

The old man with long beard still said in disbelief: "Your Excellency Lin Chen, do you really plan to let us go like this?"

Lin Chen glanced at him, "Otherwise? The world is about to be in chaos right now, I am not interested in taking you oil bottles, how far and how far away."

Lin Chen is not interested in Rui Beast? That's not the case, on the contrary, he knows their value very well.

But now he is wanted by the Demon Emperor in front of him, and the entire Demon Realm glare like a tiger watching his prey. Later, the Fiend clan is about to kill the army. How can he have time to deal with these guys!

Bai Qianqian stood proudly beside Lin Chen, patted her chest, rippling waves, and said proudly: "Look at what I said, Master Lin Chen will not enslaved our Rui Beast clan! "

When the beasts looked at each other one after another--

Lin Chen didn't care.

"Xiaoqian, I don’t have time to talk nonsense with them. You follow the same route. You know the route of the Xianxia Ancient Ruins. Take your family to take refuge there."

Bai Qianqian gave a happy "um", and called mother together.

Staring at the Heavenly Prison floating in the sky, Lin Chen's eyes flashed across a fighting intent.

"I want to visit the Shadow Race myself!"

According to Lin Chen's understanding of Lin Can, if he becomes the new king of the Shadow Race, he must be impossible to order the Shadow Race to invade The auspicious beast plane.

Lin Can, the little shadow, was mixed with Lin Chen. No one knows his character better than Lin Chen.

And Lin Chen confirmed with the Shadow Lord that half a step, that it was indeed an order from Lin Can!

Then, in this case, the Shadow Race must have a shocking change!

He must go, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

After Avatar took away the attribute light ball from the plane of Lucky Beast, Xiao Linger flew up from the sky and saw so many Lucky Beasts. After a little exclamation, she said solemnly.

"Lord, I have found out that the route the Shadow Race is coming to can leave at any time."

Lin Chen waved his hand, "Let’s go!"

"Enter the Shadow Race!"


The distorted space directly below the Shenhe Galaxy is dark and endless, as if it can't perceive the end at all.

This place is like the boundary of space and universe, covered by a cloud of shadows.

The other side of the distorted space is a paradise like a paradise!

The spirit plant stands like a forest, the shadows are like tidal waves, and countless treasures are piled up here.

This place is one of the hidden base camp planes of the Shadow Race!

Innate Shadow Altar;

The young and handsome'Lin Can' sits high on the altar, refining countless rare treasures rare treasure, incorporates the vortex-like shadow body, and finally devours everything Into nothingness!

The pupils are filled with blood light, and Lin Can is full of intoxicated words.

"This young body and bloodline are really unstoppable. It is indeed the ultimate product of this seat. It has all the aptitude of the ultimate shadow, and holds the fastest growth path between Heaven and Earth. Combining the advantages of Demon Race, Shadow Race, and Dragon Clan!"

Lin Can sat high on the altar, stood up, opened his arms, and laughed wildly.

"hahahaha! You can’t think of it, you can’t even dream of it, this step can be counted as this step, the ultimate shadow of the fourteenth period, the ultimate shadow of the fifteenth period, you are all the footsteps of this seat Stone!"

"Become the only king of this shadow race. Next, the Shenhe galaxy will come into the hands of this constellation!"

"Human Race Holy Realm, My God, Back!"

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