At the top of Divine Dragon, Divine Dragon is hotly discussing.

A young man with azure light dragon horn and dragon robe above his head coldly said ——Human Race must have different hearts. If you want to join forces with them, it is nothing more than being used as a tool. It's better to let Human Race and Fiend race, Demon Race fight to death and death, we Dragon Clan sit and harvest ready-made. "

Ancient Azure Dragon! This is a humanoid posture transformed by a Divine Dragon. Even if it does not show the body, it still exudes the Divine Dragon Heavenly Might that stuns Wanlong!

Divine Dragon One The anger of Nine Heavens has changed, and the anger of the ancient Azure Dragon has even set off a storm of energy outside the dragon world!

The charming lady in the blue palace dress wears long sleeves, elegant and dignified, light as water— —"Azure Dragon, shouldn't you just choose to reject it in such a low-powered way because your Avatar didn't take him down. "

This beautiful woman is the Divine Dragon!

The ancient Azure Dragon, whose divine blood Avatar once had a battle with Lin Chen.

At that time, he was caught off guard by Lin Chen with a stroke of the Nine Tribulations Star. When he was about to suppress him, he was interrupted by the Avatar of Divine Dragon of the Hell Water.

Lin Chen was not taken down.

He was really angry at the time and made Divine Dragon's face lost!

The oldest and extremely senior golden robed man said calmly.

"Things are far from this. Simple, Four Great Demon Races is not what it used to be. There are more than one kind of trump cards in the clan. Four Great Demon Races probably still has a killing move. According to the battle of the nine races before the millennium, it seems that all races are tied. In fact, Demon Race is the biggest winner. "

"There are individual Demon Races, and a new Demon Emperor is born..."

The opening person is the Heavenly God Dragon!

Yu Tian Golden The Dragon clan has a great prejudice against Human Race, but Heavenly God dragons have different opinions on Human Race.

As soon as he speaks, your Divine Dragon expressions change slightly!

A new Demon Emperor is born!

A family of two emperors, Demon Emperor powerhouse, everyone is equal to the existence of the Divine Dragon!

The Royal Heavenly God Dragon looked down towards the mountain Below the top, on the mountainside, the elegant white clothed man with the snowy White Dragon horn on his head, and the indifferent red robe man, sighed.

"Even my dragon world could not After the Battle of the Nine Clans, another Divine Dragon was created. The two strongest juniors are now only half of the Divine Dragon realm. "

Yu Heavenly God Dragon Road: "In addition to the Fiend clan, the biggest variable now is the number of Demon Emperors that actually exist in the Demon Race. I'm afraid, there are more than four. It is conservatively estimated that it is just the top level of the Demon Race. Battle strength can be comparable to us! "

As soon as this statement came out, the other four Divine Dragons fell silent immediately.

Yu Heavenly God Dragon continued: "If Lin Chen this child can really improve our bloodline, help What's the matter with Human Race? The most important thing is that if his bloodline can improve the bloodline of the two most potential epigenetics of our race, it might be an opportunity for them to break through. "

"Secondly, if we help Human Race to win this crisis, Human Race loses the presence of the gods, their threat to our Dragon Clan will be the smallest of all races. . "

"To deal with this kind of battle, Human Race is more likely than impossible to retain too much. If you can help them survive, you will not only gain the benefits of my Dragon Clan, but also gain an ally with little threat, one move, two gains! "

After a little contemplation, the beautiful woman in the scarlet skirt created by Divine Dragon, hesitantly said: "But this move will make our Dragon Clan a target. "

Yu Heavenly God Dragon smiled indifferently, "Sooner or later. It's better to let it come a little earlier and a little bit easier. Whether it's Fiend winning or Demon Race being upright, if my Dragon Clan sits idly by, it will be the next Human Race. If you will be targeted sooner or later, it is better to break through it now! "

The scarlet skirt woman worriedly said: "But, where's the empress." Her existence is always the trickiest. Judging from the previous battle in the Holy Prison, she has the battle strength against many Spiritual Gods! To face her, at least three or even more gods battle strength! "

The beautiful woman in the blue palace dress covered her mouth lightly and said with a smile, "About this matter, leave it to Lin Chen from Human Race." According to the information brought back by the Dragon Kings, this little fellow also went to the Fiend clan and returned safely. It proves that the relationship between him and the Fiend Empress is extraordinary, if not, he would not be able to come back. "

green robe The old man took a sip from the pot, clicking one's tongue in wonder and said: "It seems that the final answer is still the same. "

You Divine Dragon glance at each other and make up your mind!

It's decided!


Divine Dragon mountain, bitter The waiting dragon kings are very suffering.

Most of the dragon kings are still standing on Lin Chen's side after many considerations.

I saw the dragon patriarch and the dragon king after the bloodline promotion. Our realm triumphant progress all the way, um, immediately'let go of prejudice' and stand together on the same front.

Those Dragon Clan who once loathed Human Race and resisted this kind of battle and alliance, wanted to shout loudly— —

But Lin Chen gave too much.

So, at the Dragon King level, regardless of grievances and grievances, all the Dragon Kings stood in line!

But the final decision I still have to hand it over to the Divine Dragons!

Finally, after the Divine Dragons’ discussion, the five silhouettes on the mountain have moved.

A piece of dazzling golden light from Nine Heavens From above to shining down, the Heavenly God dragon stepped on the divine splendor and slowly walked down the golden light avenue, and said loudly.

"After discussion, I waited for a unanimous decision to support Human Race! "

"Long kings listen to orders! Coordinating the battle strength of all races, Dragon Clan, who participated in the battle this time, and below the Ancient Dragon clan, all dispatched and set off from the Dragon Realm at the fastest speed, bypassing the Heaven Vault Star domain, and directly reaching the Holy Realm of Human Race! "

"In the Wild Ancient Dragon clan, the strength of a thousand Sacred Dragon lineages is responsible for directing the battles of all clan groups, and immediately give orders, must not be missed! "

One thousand Sacred Dragon veins is one thousand powers. The Dragon Clan who participated in the battle this time can rival the Saint 9th layer at the start, and in the middle of the Open Heaven Realm!

Finally, Yu Heavenly God, the dragon shook Hah!

"Next is the original words of the Divine Dragon of the various races: Regardless of the various races’ grievances against Human Race, this time concentrate on the enemy, who has two minds, family rules Disposal! "

With the word of Divine Dragon, the world has changed suddenly!

The whole dragon world is boiling over!

The storm of great decisive battle has already begun! !

This time, it will be after the Battle of the Nine Races, from Human Race, Dragon Clan, Demon Race, Fiend Race. The biggest war!


Holy Realm, Flame Domain.

Today, the ancient aristocratic family of the Flame Domain, the Vulcan Aristocratic Family, a family of hidden Grade 9 forces, have suffered a'catastrophe'!

Qin Family Mansion.

"Lin Chen! My Qin Family has always been neutral and never offended you. You fucking ransack my Qin Family? ”

The Patriarch Qin eye socket is cracked, and the eyes are spitting fire. The azure Holy Force swept through the sky like a mad dragon roar!

In the Yunshan mansion, silver Robe silhouette stepped into the patriarch position, playing with the luck of the hand and planting the bag, jokingly said with a smile.

"You have a lot of Qin Family babies, don't poke the needles, Lin Chen wants it! "

Countless Qin Family powerhouses are so angry that they want to become a siege and fight Lin Chen to the death.

"Would you like you! Huang Mao boy, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth! "

The void broke open, and a giant hand with a broken vacuum holy light ran down towards Lin Chen!

"Old Ancestor! "

Qin Family everyone shouts with excitement, and new hope bursts out of anger!

Qin Family Old Ancestor, is the strongest holy land beyond the Yue Shengwang category, since ancient times Saint King The Legendary who entered the saint realm of Samsara is one of the best in Realm. It is one of the Two Great Powerhouses of the Qin Family besides the Vulcan Qin Wanyan!

With him, he will surely suppress Lin...


A loud noise, time and space trembled!

You know, Lin Chen peaceful, with his five fingers squeezed across the air, restrained the palm of Qin Family Old Ancestor!

Everyone in Qin Family almost fell to the ground with staring eyes!

Qin Family Old Ancestor's strongest blow was stopped by him with one hand!!

How strong is this Lin Chen!


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