
Qin Family Old Ancestor stopped from the height of Yunshan Mansion, his old eyes were in disbelief!

His blow in the saint realm of reincarnation was intercepted by a hairless brat who was a smell of mother's milk not yet dried with one hand!

Lin Chen raised his head and raised the corner of his mouth. "Senior, if you have this strength, it is better to fight against the Fiend clan. Why should I embarrass me as an honest child?"

Qin Family Old Ancestor yelled: "Little bastard, you still want to be shameless!"

Lin Chen shrugged, "What are you angry with, are you not up to you? You see how much I suffer!"


Qin Family almost vomited blood out of anger!

Are you an honest child?

Sacked Qin Family's many treasure troves, is there such an honest person in the world? Still suffering?

Patriarch Qin couldn't help holding a knife and wanted to go up and fuck him.

Lin Chen solemnly said: "Yes, you Qin Family Secret Realm and the quasi Divine Item and Vulcan Formation left by Vulcan Qin Wanyan. I haven't touched it. I Let's make a big loss!"

Listen, is this human?

It's almost like, he robbed others of 500 million, but others still have 500 million, he didn't move, so he lost.

Logic ghost! The holy world has picked up a ghost!

It’s bully intolerably!

Just when Qin Family Old Ancestor urged the movement method to stop Lin Chen and wanted to fight to the death.

The rays of light flashed past the dark green space.

Lin Chen, disappeared.

The culprit who left Qin Family many powerhouses dumbfounded and ransacked the Qin Family mansion, just ran away?

Snowflakes are fluttering, and the north wind is bleak.

"Lin Chen!!!"

"My Qin Family is not at odds with you! I will always be an enemy!"

The killing intents soaring into the sky are full of bone-marrow-like killing intents. Hate and hostility, shake the entire flame field!


A scene similar to Yanyu Qin Family is still being performed!

In the name of Lin Chen, launch a'terrorist action' on all parts of the holy world!

Meanwhile, the Saint King domain.

After the meeting was held at the Promise Heavenly Palace, the Peak forces from all parties in the Holy Realm sent representatives to gather in the Saint King domain.

This time the representatives of all parties made the decision to choose the absolute mountain in the Saint King domain!

In the old days, the ritual to create the sacred talent list also started from this absolutely heavenly mountain, the Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, which did not reach the top.

A group of supreme powerhouses appeared in the Tianshan Mountains.

Today’s powerhouse, the lowest cultivation base is Saint King Realm!

All Legendary characters in each domain!

Every Saint King’s experience is a Legendary in the mortal world!

Apart from this, even the reincarnation sacred realm, which was extremely difficult to find in the past, has appeared in Juetian Mountain!

"The space channel of the Yan domain has been successfully opened."

"The yellow domain is also."

"The space channel of the blue domain has been connected to the Saint King domain. This time, there are 25 Grade 8 sects and four Grade 9 forces participating in the war!"

Representatives of each domain reported the number of powerhouses in 36 domains. When the report came out, horrible to see!

This is the majestic heritage after the creation of the Human Race Holy Realm!

Never mind those powerhouses that haven't been there yet.

The Saint King who arrived at Juetian Mountain today exceeded five hundred!

Five hundred Saint Kings gather in Tianshan!

This time, they chose to open a space channel from all walks of life to join forces!

At this time, the middle-aged man dressed in dragon robe stood up from his seat.

The group of saints of reincarnation next to him is a little surprised, this man, rarely express his opinions?

The dragon robe man’s eyes are like two rounds of the sun, slightly overflowing with power, overbearing, at a glance, suppressing the heroes, and making all Saint Kings look in awe.

This masterful powerhouse, the legendary generation that reigns over the apex of the Saint King domain, Long Tianqi!

One of the sages who participated in the creation of the Holy Realm, he has fought countless powerhouses in his life, and even the once-strong Asura expert has also killed!

Although he has not yet become a god in his life, he has ascended the Peak of the Holy Realm with the quasi-god cultivation base!

In the past, he supervised the Heaven Vault Star domain and was rarely born. But ask about the worldly things in the holy world.

Long Tianqi has a serious face, "In this battle, all the existing quasi-gods of my Human Race will be born. As the old man Wuji said, we need to wait for the time. The most important thing is the high-level internal The question is, no one can back down once he joins the war!"

He swept his gaze, not angered, and seemed to have a warning, and the Saint Kings were nodded in awe.

A Saint King opened the mouth and said, "Your Excellency Long Tianqi, you said that all the quasi-gods of our clan were born. Does this mean that the two of the saints will also return?"


As soon as this statement came out, many Saint King's eyes were on the top of the Tianshan Mountain!

On the top of the mountain, the holy fog is entwined, and the aura is ethereal.

Hiddenly, there is a throne cut from ten jade stone, unleashing the glorious and everlasting holy power, standing between Heaven and Earth!

There is the most peak of the holy world!

Ten thrones, specially created for ten people!

Only the ten kings in the top ten of the sacred talent list are qualified to sit!

As long as you sit in that position, you are a peerless proud man who leads an era! The pillar of Human Race history!

Today, there are only four people left on the Divine Talent List. The first three, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, have little news so far!

Long Tianqi nodded and said: "Yes, the first three sages will be there."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of Saint King's expressions eased a little!

A Saint King suddenly surprised.

"Huh? There seems to be someone on it!"

The Saint King looked forward to seeing the clouds on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, and there was a silhouette walking in the sea of ​​clouds!

A young man with a silver robe like snow, with a jade belt around his waist, shining brightly. He wandered above the sea of ​​clouds, step by step to the highest ten thrones.

Finally, in full view, he was peacefully seated on the highest throne of the mountain!

The return of No. 1 on the Saint Talent List?


That's not the number one on the sage list! Too young!

Long Tianqi's eyes narrowed. Although he didn't pay attention to it, there were people in front of one's eyes who could get in through the Formation. This child has extraordinary strength!

"I remember, this guy is...Lin Chen?"

There is a shock of Saint King!

The word stirred up a thousand waves!

Lin Chen? Could it be to kill the Genesis Alliance and destroy the top ten evildoers of the six sages?

The Saint Kings stood up and stared at the top of the mountain.

Lin Chen sits high on the first throne, the scenery of Saint King domain is in sight, luck is like a rainbow, East-Rising Purple Qi.

A said with a smile by Lin Chen peaceful.

"The first position of the sacred talent list is not so fragrant."

The five saints of reincarnation step into the air and levitate, eyes wide staring angrily, murderous aura awe-inspiring. coldly shouted.

"Lin Chen, what are you doing!"

"Kill me the six peerless sages of Human Race, do you still want to tarnish the honor of the sage list!"

" p>

These saints of reincarnation have a lot to do with the saints who were killed.

Lin Chen shrugged, jokingly said with a smile: "Don’t rush to get angry, your home has been stolen."

The five saints of reincarnation who stood up and expressed their views were taken aback. , Lin Chen has almost just finished speaking, and the urgent information of their family or sect will be communicated to them!

When the second Qin Family Old Ancestor of Yanyu received the family sound transmission, he immediately became angry!

"Lin Chen, the old man wants you to die!"

"Do you dare to move my Shadow God Pavilion? Lin Chen, you are courting death!"

When the five saints of reincarnation are furious, Long Tianqi observes his words and colors, and watches the changes.

Before the five people took action, a young and deep voice echoed Heaven and Earth.

"Everyone, leave this child to me to deal with."

The five saints of reincarnation were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed ecstasy!

"Could it be...that adult?"

"It is Invincible, Invincible is back!"

"Lin Chen is over!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Is it number one on the sacred talent list? Finally, there is something that can be played a little!"


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