Behind her, the flowing light flashed, the empress spread out her wings, one purple and one black!

Her speed is even higher, the shadow tilts slightly, the magic wings flap, and she moves to the front of the Demon Emperor, holding the knife in the air and cutting diagonally, splitting the vacuum of nothingness, and pulling apart a dark abyss. The nihility of Heaven and Earth is like an extinction of Heaven and Earth and sinking into the nihility of the dark abyss!

The figures of the six Demon Emperors were actually sucked by the dark abyss of nothingness!

"Calamity Tribulation Wan'er tide!"

Boom! boom! boom!

Countless catastrophic energies rushed away like a beam of light, hitting the dark abyss head-on, and Heaven and Earth stirred!

The Demon Emperor of the Demon Race is colorless and invisible, like a cloud of smoke, and full of vortex-like disaster energy!

It's like a disaster!

It is a Demon Emperor, which is the greatest disaster between Heaven and Earth!

The six Demon Emperors each exhibited their division abilities, and the more terrifying is the Fiend Empress, by the strength of oneself, fighting against the six Demon Emperors without losing the wind!

With such battle strength, even the four great elders are discolored!

"Look at what my wife is doing, is it time for you to be surprised?"

Lin Chen raised his hand to record the "Nine Unique Burning Heavens Palm", the nine-headed Fire Dragon dancing in the sky , Blinking light and splitting shadows, a palm slammed the four great old elders into a violent retreat!

Tear and pull~!

Lin Chen Tearing Space, with his feet on the cloud shadow and body guard against the sky, the speed has surpassed the previous countless times!

The bloody cloud light flashed, and a leg swing that swept the Star River violently hit the face of Elder Silver Scorpion, hitting his teeth to flop and shatter, screaming, and the attribute ball of light rolled into the void!

With the power of Lin Chen's Holy Force and body refinement, the gods will tremble when this leg goes down!

"divine force Opening Heaven Sword!"

Holy Force condenses the sword, Lin Chen raises the sword and angers, the incandescent rays of light circulates the giant sword with a cross cut!

Shih~! Tear~!

One sword is divided into five, and the four great elders are retreated again and again!

Lin Chen stepped on the movement method and stretched out his hand like lightning to catch the devil's tail of the elder Dragon Snake!

Lin Chen pulled the Dragon Snake elders, ignoring her screams and smashed them like a whip, beating the other three elders violently, making them retreat steadily!

The pair of magic arms of the elder Chiyue turned into a pair of red arms sinking into the sun and the moon, both palms shattered Fiend’s demon song, the magic arms turned thousands of magic eyes, and both arms suddenly curled up. Smash to Lin Chen!

"Jiujue Burning Heaven!"

Lin Chen pushed horizontally with both hands, thousands of planes, the palm prints of the Jiujue Burning Dragon whistling, and ran across the old man Chiyue!

Boom~! boom!

The palm of the instant light splitting shadow was not activated, and he directly repelled the Elder Chiyue!

"Demon bite!"

At the moment when Lin Chen launched the offensive, Demon Venerable's six arms were imprinted, blasting out a vast venomous python-like demonic energy that enveloped Lin Chen !

"Eight Burning Dragon Heavenly Sounds!"

Primordial Spirit, the burning dragon emerges through the sky, a roar of the burning dragon, the terrifying dragon sound crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, destroying Countless stars, swept away, smash the world, Primordial Spirit dragon sound destroys the world, smashes the demonic energy poisonous python!

With Lin Chen’s current Primordial Spirit Realm, it’s true to touch True God!

Body Refinement Realm reaches the realm of God!

Primordial Spirit Realm transcends boundaries and is equivalent to True God battle strength!

The cultivation base of the holy cave is beyond the ordinary True God!

The true "Trinity"! Lin Chen now has no weak spot!

When taking on the offensive of the two elders, Lin Chen smashed his whip, smashed the billowing air, and suddenly collided with the silver scorpion tail in the sky attempting a sneak attack!


Holy Force turned into a battle gun. With Lin Chen’s current cultivation base, the condensed weapons of Holy Force are no less than the top grade Grade 9 Holy Artifact!

"Ambilight·Dark thunderbolt gun!"

Lin Chen swiftly picked up the gun all the way, and the shadow of the gun advanced heavily, splitting the shadows in a flash, connecting the four great elders. Pick it up with a thorn and fly to the vast world, falling under the stars!

Lin Chen's offensive is so fierce that the four elders are shocked!

On the cultivation base, Lin Chen has surpassed any Fiend senior!

There are even more orange-level innate talents, and the fights are unambiguous. It's just a violent pounding!

Hold it!

Hold it all the way!

Four senior elders were broken one after another, triggering the'Extinction Rupture', and the injuries were difficult to recover completely!

Lin Chen’s top innate talent points are rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to naked eye!

Foreign Domain battlefield, this time is completely messed up!

"They are here, run!"

"It's crazy, my day!"

"Very awesome, this Lin Chen It's fiercer than the gods!"

"Is it time to fucking sigh! They hit our side!"

"One person singles out the Fiend family four Great old man, I would like to call him the strongest!"

The front lines of the Xuanyue galaxy, Human Race, Demon Race, and Fiend clan, were all forced to end all battles!

Lin Chen, the female emperor, six Demon Emperors, and four elders, all the way to the Foreign Domain battlefield!

Human Race evacuated to a safe area before the Five Elements divine force Formation was completely broken, with minimal loss.

When the Fiend clan realized that the elders had rebelled, they evacuated early, with little loss.

The worst is a group of reckless Demon Race, swept by the aftermath of the war, a large number of casualties!

Heaven Vault Star domain is shaking!

The Heaven Vault Star domain, known as the "unexplored full face", ushered in an unprecedented battle for the first time!

The stars are constantly collapsing and shattering, the light of Heaven and Earth is swallowed up and down, sinking everything in the galaxy!

Human Race all the strong, dumbfounded, trembling all over, witnessed the battle in disbelief!

Fiend Empress Luo Yaoer, singled out Demon Race Six Great Demon Emperors, and the wind has not fallen!

Human Race Godslayer · Lin Chen, singled out the four elders of the Fiend clan and beat them in one go!

In the true sense of "couple mixed doubles"!

Adding these two people together, they almost gave up all the Peak battle strengths of the Fiend clan and Demon Race!

The only thing that didn't act was to bury the emperor heavenly demon.

His eyes are dark and gloomy, staring at Empress Fiend and Lin Chen!

The emperor buried heavenly demon suddenly smiled, "It seems that she has not completely penetrated the 2nd layer of the gods! Lin Chen this child's power, but it is activated for a short time, and there is a time limit. In this way, priority To solve this woman, there is no fear!"

The demonic energy at the feet of the emperor was buried in heavenly demon, and the star-like human form heavenly demon was born!

The thousand-eyed magic pupil of his arm is constantly shining with magic light, and he points to it!

"Desolate Demon Burying Heaven Finger!"

A beam of gray-white aurora fell into the sky, illuminating the Foreign Domain battlefield, and pointed directly at the Empress!

The female emperor who played against Six Great Demon Emperors frowned slightly, and was about to fight back——

"Rainbow and cloud smoke!"

Blade Qi entangled in clouds and smoke like a sudden The rain pours, piercing through the finger of the heavenly demon!

Lin Chen stood with a knife, standing behind the empress, said with a sneer-"old lunatic, can you finally sit still."

Looking at the back of the young man, the empress The autumn eyes flicked through the momentary trance, as if they were reminiscing something, but the fighting instinct took priority over the memory, and the sword retreated Tianchi's Demon Emperor's blow!

Buried the heavenly demon emperor came out of the sky and said with a smile ——"Lin Chen, with the emperor as his opponent, but also wants to deal with the four elders of the Fiend clan at the same time, you think too much of yourself, right? !"

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He beat the four great elders all the way, and the four elders' counterattack also caused him a lot of harm!

But what about this?

Lin Chen slightly smiled very coquettish.

"How do you know that I am alone?"

The demons were taken aback!

This thought-provoking sentence...

This messy smile.

Could it be that?

Lin Chen shouting loudly!

"The dragon is coming!!"


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