In the mysterious realm, the corpses of Demon Race and Human Race fighting everywhere are piled up like a mountain.

Even if it is a mortal, facing the Demon Race of the holy realm level, it also rises to resist without the slightest hesitation.

The country’s broken mountains and rivers are still here today, keep your loyalty and history!

The number of Demon Races is countless. There are energy forms of disaster Demon Race, which are invisible and formless, such as large-scale natural disasters that move.

Blood Demon Race, blood-thirsty and bloodthirsty. Demon Body is their natural strongest weapon.

Will use super-skilled Human Demon clan, wild demon race, demon blood divine ability is many and complicated, and cunning.

The Fiend Demon clan with scale feathers, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. The natural scale feathers and armor are harder than some Dragon Clan!

The army of the Demon Race, like entering a man's realm, is fighting everywhere in the profound realm, destroying the dead and harvesting lives!

Human Race is not only facing the Demon Race, the Fiend race is still raging in other domains, and some are in the same domain, they are more likely to kill each other, or each target Human Race, war Extremely cruel!

When the defense lines of each domain began to be broken one by one, a large number of Saints were unable to retreat in the battle, and they were even on the way to self-destruct!

High in the profound realm, a breath of pure red sun swept through a large number of Demon Race!

bang! bang! bang!

A dazzling dragon light broke the Heavenly Demon Qi, and the roaring dragon roared like blood in the chest cavity, which once again aroused the fighting spirit of countless Human Races !

"Immemorial Dragon clan, the dark sky dragon clan has arrived!"

"Immemorial Dragon clan, Wangu Azure Dragon has arrived!"

"Friends of Human Race , A little bit later, next is the time for our Dragon Clan to show our strength!"

"Demon Race this group of dog thieves, old dragons, I’ve longed for meeting! Human Race’s brother, and later A little bit, my old dragon is here too!"

The space channel is listed one by one, like an astrolabe spinning!

On the other side of the channel, Dragon's Might is mighty, and countless giant dragons are born!

The pure Dragon Qi dissipated the sky covered by demonic energy, a soaring fighting intent, targeting Fiend clan and Demon Race, inspiring and invincible!

When countless mortals and Saints looked up, they were ecstatic!

Ten thousand dragons cover the sky, and great deeds come.

Like a piece of dragon relics, the eternal history of Dragon Clan is unfolding in front of all Human Races!

"That's...Dragon Clan's reinforcements!"

"The Dragon Clan support that Wuji senior said!"

"Everyone, our allies are here ! Kill the enemy with Dragon Clan!"

"Back then, I had a fight with the Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan guys, didn't expect, today I turned out to be an ally."

The Saints sighed, and an Open Heaven powerhouse leading the Human Race turned his eyes to a man in black armor.

Opening the sky stares at the black armored man.

The two sides looked at each other, more than three breaths.

"Ao Wuchang!" The black-clad man let out a low growl.

"Dark Heaven South!" Open Heaven Realm coldly shouted.

The two sides shouted each other's name, and walked in front of each other.

Ao Wuchang of the Open Heaven Realm grinned: "After playing for so many years, this is the first time that I have seen you fucking so pleasing to the eye."

The black armored man Dark Tiannan said with a big smile: "If you haven't been fighting for many years, don't regress your boy's combat effectiveness!"

Ao Wuchang said with a smile boldly: "If you regress or not, you will know the battle!"

An Tiannan said with a big smile: "Okay! After this one, you and I are still alive, I will drink with you for three days and three nights! Fight for ten days and ten nights!"

The two looked at each other, shook hands tightly, everything was clear!

The grievances and grievances of this couple who have been in the human race for many years have disappeared!

Boom! boom!

Two explosions come, one man one dragon strikes out, and in cooperation with each other, it resembles nature itself, perfect!

Former opponent, today's partner. The best opponent is also the partner who knows himself best!

Similar scenes are constantly being staged in the 35th realm of the Holy Realm!

Chen Yu, Cang Yu, Sacred Domain, Sword Domain, Sword Domain, and every corner of the Sacred World are filled with the silhouette of Dragon Clan.

The arrival of Dragon Clan is not without rules. They form an orderly army. Once they appear, they immediately target the Fiend clan and Demon Race.

What’s more, there are Dragon Clan troops who are proficient in defense. They rush to the battlefield as soon as they appear, block in front of Human Race, resist a large number of attacks from Demon Race and Fiend clan, and fight for Human Race. The breathing time and space to win the battle is vital!

"Don’t be stingy with your divine ability, our best friend of Dragon Clan has upgraded the bloodline of all races, and now it’s time for us to repay our gratitude."

Luo Shuiyue stood in the army. Give orders, the hell water dragon clan, cast a lot of bloodline divine ability!

The water overflowed in the sky, forming a natural line of defense.

Dragon Transformation created by yin and yang soars in the sky, swallowing the yin and yang Dragon Qi flying in the shape of a dragon, shuttles through the battlefield, and heals a large number of Human Race injuries.

Yutian Golden Dragon, who hates Human Race, headed by Xingyue Princess, took the initiative to grab the main attack position of Tian Sacred Domain, and triumphant progress all the way.

"Dragon Clan...why does Dragon Clan help Human Race, the old man is unwilling!"

"The self-proclaimed Dragon Clan will join forces with Human Race? What an old boar The tree, the sky has passed."

"Don’t be afraid, follow the instructions of the elders, and kill all the enemies that are obstructing! It doesn’t matter whether it is the Demon Race or the Dragon Clan, our goal is to get rid of it. Human Race!"

The roar of the heavens shook the sky, such a vast sacred realm, as if not an inch of land is silent.

Slaying and killing are all over Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, blood dyed red earth, head thrown, and even the blood of Human Race and Fiend can't be distinguished.

Dragon Clan's support has completely given the entire holy world a booster, and the morale has been greatly boosted!

Facing the Fiend clan and the almost infinite Demon Race, the Human Race, struggling to parry, started the Danger Land counterattack for the first time!

This scene is coming too soon than the old man Wuji predicted!

The situation is completely chaotic!

Foreign Domain battlefield.

"Long come!"

Lin Chen shouting loudly, Primordial Spirit sound transmission shakes the sky!

All Human Race and Demon Race, Fiend clan, clearly hear this a dragon roar!

Foreign Domain battlefield, a little divine light is like a blazing sun, lighting up the endless darkness!

"Little friend Lin Chen, is this your body? It's not as famous as meeting!"

"With one block and four, it's really Heavenly God's posture!"

"Dragon Clan army, all the support arrives, my ancient Dragon clan is the best this time!"

Heaven Vault Star domain, five aurora like coming from the extreme east divine splendor, illuminates the boundless darkness!

The golden brilliance is entwined, the divine light is like a dragon, and the Heavenly God dragon who steps on the golden light divine splendor leads the four Divine Dragons to the center of the Foreign Domain battlefield!

The battle was forced to end.

The Demon Emperors and the four elders gloomy and uncertain stare at the five Divine Dragons!

The imperial Heavenly God dragon in human form, golden robe with blond hair, elegant and handsome, said with a smile indifferently-"Little friend Lin Chen, our support has begun to fully enter the holy world, hope our cooperation , It can end with a happy ending."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will end soon."

Divine, the hell water of the beautiful woman in the blue palace. Dragon, when staring at the young man’s profile, he sighed sincerely: "Even in the ruins of elder sister's long sleep, my eyes are still old."

Lin Chen's dragon king, shuttled through the Foreign Domain battlefield, specially for him Collect the attribute light balls dropped by the four great elders to make up for the cost of battle.

While talking and laughing, the ancient Azure Dragon, who once had friction with Lin Chen, looked at Lin Chen with fearful eyes for the first time!

How long hasn't this human brat seen before, it has battle strength that rivals True God!

Moreover, it surpassed most of the Spiritual God of Human Race!

The spirit of all things is admired only in powerhouse, and Divine Dragon is no exception.

If Lin Chen previously cooperated with Dragon Clan in the image of a "upstart", it would make Huanggu Azure Dragon a little bit disdainful.

The Lin Chen now is a real'supreme powerhouse'!

He has the power to surpass Divine Dragon, and he is qualified to be on the same level as the entire Dragon Clan!

Lin Chen said astonishingly, "My friends of Dragon Clan, the four crooked melons of the Fiend clan will be handed over to you, this burial of the heavenly demon emperor, let me deal with it. "

Divine Dragons are slightly surprised!

One-on-one, Lin Chen singles out to bury Heavenly Demon Emperor?


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