[The host opens the orange-level top innate talent · Divine Rebellion, with the number of divine enemies (including quasi-gods): 21. Consume 1.190 million top-level innate talent points, activate the innate talent, increase the host's power, and enter the state of innate talent. Cooldown: 210 days. 】

【Shen Ni innate talent state: During the host's innate talent state, if all attacks can hit the enemy's body, it will cause the true damage of hitting the enemy's attack. 】

God rebellious innate talent, can be aimed at creatures above God, especially True God, Demon Emperor. The higher the divinity, the stronger the formidable power!


On the top of Lin Chen's head, an orange burning talisman suddenly bloomed, depicting an ancient urn with the word'inverse'!

When the talisman burst open, it instantly melted into Lin Chen's body!

Lin Chen's cultivation base has skyrocketed again!

In the face of the heavenly demon emperor who came in a surprise attack, Lin Chen threw a punch like lightning!

This fist is unremarkable, without any skills and cultivation technique, but with the condensed Holy Force!

Shih~! boom!

The demonic energy burst, and the left arm of Emperor Heavenly Demon was shattered!

"Holy Force has exploded?"

The burial of heavenly demon shuddered, Lin Chen, this guy, has stepped toward a new level!

The red clouds are tumbling, the orange is circling, Lin Chen is shining with a hundred and fifty-eight six-pointed stars!

Every ray of stars seems to swallowing heaven devouring earth and accepting the universe.

Saint King Realm!

This time the blessing of [Shen Ni] innate talent has enabled Lin Chen to temporarily enter the Saint King Realm!

Total Holy Force can explode more than 500 million powers of lethality! Two grades stronger than before!

"Pu chi!"

The effect of extinction and rupture continues, and the heavenly demon emperor vomits blood, compelling him to vomit blood. The Demon Body will come and die, turning into a storm-like power to devour oneself.

Glass-colored rays of light passed the magic pupil, his Demon Body collapsed again, and then reborn and reborn again!

Injury transfer, Emperor Blood Avatar!

However, what surprised all the powerhouses this time is that the left arm of Emperor Heavenly Demon was bloodied, and the turning eye was blown by Lin Chen several times!

Emperor buried heavenly demon in horror—"The damage hasn't been completely transferred?"

[Shen Ni] innate talent, all hitting enemies in [Battle] will result in hitting the enemy The real damage of the attack!

The damage transfer of the Avatar of the Emperor’s Blood of the Heavenly Demon Burial, can be immune to [Extinction Rift], but cannot resist the state of God's rebellion!

"The history of Demon Race, it's time to end!"

Zheng~! Lin Chen drew the knife, still holding the knife in both hands, the domineering arrogance between the eyebrows, murderous aura rushing to the sky is dead!

Holy Force condensed knives, Lin Chen swept with two knives, and the blade light bloomed!

Blade Qi moving unhindered in the universe, the light and shadow are divided into two completely different Blade Techniques!

Left knife'waves rain and clouds smoke', Blade Qi winds with clouds and smoke, like a cloud and dragon spit out fog, endless, turning into raindrops.

The right knife'shen's tears', Blade Qi whirled away and exploded on the way, the formidable power rose sharply, and the heavenly blade qi fragments were endless, covering the universe!

The retreat to buried heavenly demon is instantly blocked!

A super-large Blade Qi tornado that is even more terrifying than a global storm, crisscrossing the Star Domain, and strangling to bury the heavenly demon in an instant!

"Myriad forms of burial!"

The burial of heavenly demon is irresistible. With hands together, the heavenly demon giant statue of the Three Heads Six Arms of ten thousand Three Heads Six Arms rises in the Star Domain, Weiwei chanted the magical sound of the demon song that belongs to Demon Race, pushed Three Thousand World horizontally, and crushed Blade Qi!

The broken jade-like Blade Qi fragments and raindrop-like blade light smashed into the sky, colliding with the endless demonic energy frenzy, and strangling out massive rays of light!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The demonic energy is like a tide, and the blade light covers the sky!

Looking at it from a distance, it is as if two clusters of nebulae collide and produce a vast explosion, turning into a dazzling firework in full bloom under the stars!

The aftermath tore the void, and countless cracks filled the Star Domain!

Millions of stars in the Heaven Vault Star domain were involved, and they shattered one after another. The fragmented stars rolled up new storms, such as a meteor shower falling into the long river of the universe, and the entire Star Domain It turned the sky completely!


"My God..."

"Is this really the power that Human Race can control..."

Long Tianqi who was fighting against Demon Race and the others trembled a few times when they sensed the boundless energy aftermath!

Lin Chen this move is to face the release of the Fiend tribe army, if there is no female emperor to parry, the four great elders will have to drastically reduce the number of the army by half! !

A way to destroy the clan!

Next moment, the dragon body of Divine Dragon suddenly stiffened, as if perceiving certain world-destroying energy fluctuations, the dragon's pupils trembled with fear.

She and Yu Heavenly God Dragon made a low growl sound transmission at the same time!

"Run away!"

Divine Dragons know it, without the slightest hesitation's withdrawal and the battle of the four great elders!


Lin Chen stepped on the shadow of the clouds and protected himself from the sky. He was able to withstand all the aftermath of the offensive. He held his gun in succession and entered the center of the explosion!

In his palm, the nine-color starlight is spinning, and it spins like a roulette, overflowing with an aura of destruction!

When the burial of heavenly demon Di Kan retreated from Lin Chen’s two lore swords, a burst of radiance appeared directly above his head, and the clouds and sky appeared. Lin Chen descended to bury the heavenly demon of the emperor. Head space!

The experienced burial heavenly demon emperor instantly reacted and lost his voice in horror--"Pretend to attack? Large-scale attacks restrict the emperor’s actions, are the killer moves a second hand!"

The time in the state of God's rebellion is extremely limited, Lin Chen raised his hand threw away his'Nine Tribulations Stars' without saying anything!

A nine-color aurora fell on the Star River, piercing the starry sky!

The nine-color aurora is majestic and majestic, without the mighty power, but there is a silent imposing manner, penetrating multiple spaces, blasting towards the burial at a superb speed exceeding a thousand times the speed of light. heavenly demon emperor!

At this distance, there is no possibility for Emperor Heavenly Demon to retreat!

At this moment, except for the battle between the Empress and Six Great Demon Emperors, all the battles came to an abrupt end and they retreated madly!

The heavenly demon emperor’s shoulders shook sharply, and his hoarse roar echoed in the starry sky, his arms transformed into a section of glaze-colored demonic energy.

The stars of the Nine Tribulations trembled and divided into five o'clock. The scalp of the heavenly demon emperor exploded in an instant!

Boom~! ka! ka! ka!

In the Star Domain, countless stars that were previously broken into fragments quickly shattered into powder, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

The five pillars of light with nine colors propped up the world, slowly rotating, overflowing with unprecedented destruction aura!

The corners of the four elders' mouths trembled, and even retreated in their hearts!

This child has such a terrifying battle strength?

If he had such a shot when he was in the Fiend clan before, the four of them would have survived, I am afraid that none of them!

The five Divine Dragons witnessed this scene, and their hearts were cold!

Especially Azure Dragon who used to have a feast with Lin Chen, the bit of resentment in my heart witnessed this moment, it has long been disappeared!

The center of the beam of light has formidable power enough to'kill the gods'!

The ancient Azure Dragon asks himself, if he encounters this blow head-on, even the Divine Dragon body will not be able to withstand it!

Even if it is one of the five Divine Dragons, it has to pay a painful price to withstand that wave of offensive!

Really overwhelmingly powerful!

This proves that Lin Chen has the killing move to crush opponents in the same level!

In the previous Human Race True God, few can reach this point!


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