Nine Provinces continent.

The master of the sky tower looks at the scenery in the distance today, and feels comfortable.

Suddenly, the sky tower shook!

"What's going on?"

The tower master was taken aback, when the spirit strength was released and went out, he instantly sucked in a breath of cold air!

I saw that the eternal sky tower disappeared on the Nine Provinces continent, cutting through the sky at an extremely fast speed!

The Sky Tower has taken off!

The Human Race with millions inside the Sky Tower!

The tower master shivered.

" this a major event going to happen. The Sky Tower actually took action on its own, and the sun came out from the west!"

Swipe~! A white glow across the sky, as if receiving a call, stood on the top of the sky tower and moved forward with the tower.

The beautiful shadow jade stands on the top of the tower, and the smile makes all sentient beings look pale.

"Lin Chen younger brother, waiting for me..."


Foreign Domain battlefield.

The nine-color starlight bloomed and became the most dazzling beam of light in the Star Domain, splitting heaven and earth apart.

Looking at the direction where the five nine-color beams of light are in full bloom, the Dragon of Heavenly God exclaimed: "What a fearsome youngster..."

Lin Chen’s battle strength, how Divine Dragons of Dragon Clan are amazed by the degree!

Since ancient times, the human race gods of the three-dimensional universe may never surpass Lin Chen's blow!

With Godslayer superimposed on the innate talent status, play the strongest "Nine Tribulations Stars" ever!

The unique'damage transfer' created by the emperor's blood Avatar of the buried heavenly demon is the most difficult.

Lin Chen races against time, the usual battle of attrition is in front of the buried heavenly demon emperor, he can't take advantage, and the shot must be a killer move! Give him the heaviest damage!

Divine Dragon even dismantled the dragon body transformation, turned back to the enchanting beautiful woman in the scarlet skirt, with wonderful eyes and blue waves, and sighed: "It seems that the victory or defeat is determined, even if I wait It’s hard to take that trick. To bury the heavenly demon emperor should..."


The old man Wuji suddenly shouted, "It's not that simple! Lin Chen, be careful!" "

The old man Wuji tone barely fell ——

Immediately, the beam of light slowly broke!


A dazzling glaze-colored demonic energy soared into the sky, shattering five nine-color beams of light!

"It's really at the crucial moment, Lin Chen, I didn't think you could push this emperor to this point..."

A Demon Body with a height of ten thousand zhang emerged. From the Divine Dragon ontology, it is completely incomparable.

However, the baleful aura sweeping the Star Domain makes every powerhouse tremble!

The Demon Body is like a giant ape, with four ferocious demon snakes emerging from behind, circling the breathtaking magic light, the head is shaped like a fierce crocodile, and the human form of the emperor heavenly demon is transferred to the lower abdomen.

The most eye-catching thing is its two heavenly demon arms, surging with glazed magic light. Thousands of demonic energy roars like a dragon, forming a cluster of starburst-like hurricanes around him. , One punch can tear the Star River, and one claw can open up the Star Domain!

The power it surging can even easily tear the defense of True God!

Order all Divine Dragon, Demon Emperor, and elders. For its discoloration!

The war once ended, the Empress and Six Great Demon Emperors each took possession of one side!

The female emperor suddenly realized, she whispered'so that's how it is'.

Seeing the gesture of burying the emperor heavenly demon, the old man Wuji was terrified at first, and then clenched the teeth fiercely.

"Long Tianqi, Your Excellency Qin Wudi, the old man has one last plan!"

The Wuji old man instantly sounded transmission, making everyone still fighting with Demon Race Peak powerhouse figure stopped .

After hearing the plan of the old man Wuji, Qin Wudi and Long Tianqi complexion slightly changed!

The time to stake all on one throw is here!

On the other side;

Lin Chen looks solemn!

He has felt this kind of demonic energy!

The wreckage of King Demon God!

The storm-like body of the Demon Emperor turned its two magic pupils, and roared deep-"No wonder he is walking in front of us until now..."

The four veteran Demon Emperors of Four Great Demon Races were all the Demon Emperor realm who absorbed the refining of the Demon God King’s wreckage and entered the Demon Emperor realm, thus unifying the Demon Realm later and opening up new races.

And the burial heavenly demon is not the emperor!

What he absorbed was not the fragments of King Demon God, but the wreckage!

Even, the Emperor Blood Avatar this move Heaven Defying Divine Ability is also understood from the wreckage part!

The Demon God of King Demon God has both arms, all in his hands, and he is refining into the body!

Even though the Demon God King was in a wounded state when he was in the lower realm, he was forcibly exploded by God World messengers such as the ancient gods. The energy is far less than the peak period, and may not even have a one-hundredthousandth. For the Demon Emperor in the lower realm, it is still the highest divine object!

Speaking of which is also the way of luck. The Demon God king exiled from the upper realm is somewhat similar to the Demon Race to which the heavenly demon emperor belongs.

Back then, after the ancient gods and other emissaries fought to the death and the Demon God king, the two sides fought to the dimensionality reduction, and the relics around them could even be found in the three-dimensional universe. In the end, even the will of the ancient gods was beaten to a cripple.

And buried Heavenly Demon Emperor, is the only Demon Race that can clearly perceive the remains of the Demon God King!

Because of this, he was able to impress the four elders of the Fiend clan for his use!

Buying the heavenly demon emperor said with a malicious smile: "Lin Chen, force the emperor to this point, even if you die, you will be famous for eternal life!"

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, take my Nine Tribulations Stars, you don't retreat all over, your body feels bad, right?"

Divine Dragon fixed your eyes At first glance, as expected, the arms of the Demon God who buried the heavenly demon emperor were filled with demon blood, and the surface of the demon arm was filled with a large number of tiny cracks, causing it to slowly crack open.

【Shen Ni】The innate talent state is so strong that it is against the sky!

Even if the emperor buried heavenly demon destroyed the stars of the Nine Tribulations, the cost was still a lot of real damage to the opponent, and the heavy damage that the emperor's blood Avatar could not transfer!

Buried heavenly demon emperor said with a malicious smile, "What about the wounded, there is more than enough to deal with the next you!"

He has been fighting all directions without fear of all powerful enemies The Divine Dragons also showed fear for the first time!

This is the power of a higher dimension, simply not a grade!

The four great elders stared at this scene, screaming frantically, almost climaxing!

"This is the Supreme Realm that I am waiting for. It's so wonderful!"

"It's just like the realm of the realm of God!"

"The power of King Demon God, I'll wait for you to get it!!"

The four elders stared at Emperor Heavenly Demon enthusiastically, like devout believers who saw Savior!

"Whether it is the past or the future, this Imperial Capital is the most powerful house in the Shenhe galaxy, hahahaha!"

When the heavenly demon is buried, the magic pupil becomes jade-like. Glazed.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed two Demon God arms!

This catch contains the power of God, the destructive ghost, crushes the void, and a large number of Demon God afterimages emerge, reversing the hundreds of millions of Star River!

All the creatures below the god realm suddenly turned upside down at this moment!

Whether it is Demon Race, Fiend Race, Human Race, they are all heads down and feet up to the sky at this moment!

The creatures under the quasi-god are dumbfounded!

'world' turned upside down in an instant!

The Dragon of Heavenly God lost his voice in horror: "The boundary of the dimension has been broken, and the time and space of the Heaven Vault Star domain has been turned upside down!"

Divine Dragon trembled : "Lin Chen is in danger!"

Tear~! boom! boom! boom!

A blow that shakes the sky and destroys the world rolls to Lin Chen!

The world began to'bend', Lin Chen couldn't retreat!

No! It should be said that Lin Chen has no plans to retire at all!

He has been brewing!

The corner of his mouth picks out a crazy curve!

As if the cerebral cortex is heating up!

"You have a killer move, so does Young Master!"

Lin Chen held up his hands, divine splendor appeared out of thin air, a piece of snow-white ivory appeared!

Lin Chen is coldly shouted!

"divine elephant · Divine Spark!"

An elephant roar, running through the Heaven Vault Star domain, turned out!


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