Destroy the entire large-scale Star Domain with one stroke. This formidable power killer can be accomplished. Perhaps only the power of all the True Gods that have appeared in the history of Human Race can be concentrated. It is possible!

The three heads of the emperor addicted to bloodfiend showed a lingering fear, and said, "Damn...Fortunately, this kid is only born now, and the gods of Human Race have been trapped by me. If not, the gods will join hands with him. Or he appeared a few times earlier, maybe the Nine Races of the year was the Human Race leading the coquettish..."

The Demon Emperor believes deeply. : "At a young age, it will cause no end of trouble!"

All the Demon Emperor powerhouses have sincerely felt the pressure on Lin Chen!

Even. Their killing intent is even worse!

Slaying the empress is no longer the first goal!

The first goal, this Human Race Lin Chen!

The female emperor’s gaze was surprised and complicated. When she stared at Lin Chen, she muttered to herself—"He actually has such a killer move..."

Such a powerful killer move, he actually Used to bury the emperor heavenly demon.

How will Lin Chen deal with her this generation Fiend empress later? The thoughts in my heart became more and more messy.

Lin Chen gasping for breath suspended in the air, the blood seemed to be still, the bones throbbed violently, the blood was drained, and the whole body trembled.

The power of the immortal Divine Spark is flowing into his Saint Physique, making up for his loss of vitality.

Compared with the last time that Divine Elephant · Divine Spark was launched, Lin Chen went into a coma. This time Lin Chen is much better.

The immortal Divine Spark can make up for the lost blood, but it cannot alleviate the feeling of weakness after using divine elephant · Divine Spark.

He looked pale and excitedly looking at the flattened Heaven Vault Star domain. As far as his eyes could be, it was all attribute light balls!

Heaven Vault Star Domain, known as the Star Domain that has never seen the whole picture, has many unexplored and uncultivated areas and galaxies.

Now, everything is reduced to nothingness.

Those Secret Realm with hidden chances, treasures with hidden romances, and small galaxies with hidden mysteries are all crushed into Lin Chen's attribute light balls!

The extremely dark void in the eyes of the Demon Emperors, in Lin Chen's eyes, is as bright and magnificent, dazzling!

All attribute light balls!

【divine elephant · Divine Spark start to end, consume top Heavenly Dao worth 40 billion points, cooling time: 210 days. 】

When the system light screen pops up, Lin Chen’s Heavenly Dao value consumes more than half!

Before Lin Chen could release the Dragon King to take away the attribute light orb, he stiffened and his eyes were stunned.

"No way..."

I saw, the gray-white demonic energy was twisted into a vortex shape, and the void slowly appeared.

Demonic energy wanders around, depositing this space and time in a strange way.

The four elders of the Fiend clan saw that the situation was far from good. When they were about to run away, their stature suddenly stiffened, and their pupils shrank in fear!

Buried heavenly demon The awe-inspiring smile of the emperor's evil spirit echoes the sky again!

"Lin Chen, this emperor would like to call you the strongest! Break the wreckage of the King Demon God dominated by the emperor. You win this round!"

Not yet and the others’ powerhouse is happy and excited, and the natural phenomenon changes suddenly! !


"The blood of the old man is going against the flow?"

"no! The cultivation base of this seat, the condensed one Demon blood!"

The four elders of Fiend burst out screams and screams!

Their bodies are like balloons that are constantly inflating, with blood bubbles all over!

Its demonic energy is surging and surging, making a violent low noise of'gu gu gu', as if something terrible is brewing in their bodies!

"Not good! The old Fiend bloodline has something else!"

The female emperor reacted very quickly, raising her hand with a magic knife to cut the blade glow of the bleeding moon, and cut down Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, blade glow flashes longitudinally, taking time for everything!

The closest to the four elders in the scarlet skirt flicks with the finger, Ten thousand fire Dragon Transformation, revolved and attacked, and the four Fiend elders burned away!

After all, it’s still a step too late!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four great elders exploded out of thin air, countless qi and blood bloomed like fireworks, bursting into the sky, and blood energy flying like a dragon!

"Buried heavenly demon, you old thief..."

"Old yin than...You really never intended to abide by the agreement I waited for!"

"A beast, a beast!"

Before the four great elders died, they burst into a miserable, sharp low roar!

The blood of the elders twisted a picture. The face of fuzzy gave out a terrible smile of'gā gā gā', and even the Demon Emperors felt inexplicable heart palpitations!


If blood energy has spirituality, it will be divided into countless streamers, and the empress wants to cut again, but the action of burying the heavenly demon is faster!

His demonic energy is twisted into a vortex shape, swallowing all the vitality and blood of Venerable Fiend!

When the demonic energy gathers again——


A glazed demonic energy sinks into Heaven and Earth rays of light, cannibalize all the breath of living beings, swallows the four great elders, soars into the sky, shakes the world, and the Star Domain shakes!

I saw that the silhouette of the buried heavenly demon reappeared again. Its Demon Body riddled with scars still has a strong life force, all derived from the huge dark tail behind it!

The devil's tail is full of cracks, beating like a heart, the emerald-like brilliance stitches the cracks of the devil's tail, and the glaze-colored Monster Qi billows out!

It is another part of the remains of the Demon God King left in the Fiend clan!

Lin Chen asked in surprise: "Is the Demon God King's wreck I blasted?"

The bloodfiend emperor in the distance saw this scene, and said dumbfounded--"Buried Heaven, You can’t fucking die like this?"

Buried heavenly demon grinned with a cold smile, weird said with a smile——"This has to be many thanks to these idiots, take the wreckage of King Demon God I brought it here, and everyone brought part of it. It’s really stupid. It is destined that the emperor should not die here, hahahaha!"

Actually, taking away another part of the Demon God King’s remains, Purely buried heavenly demon's expectation!

Just now, when he wanted to split the blood of the emperor and escape forcibly, even when the cultivation base fell and wanted to escape the battlefield, he realized that he had an unexpected joy!

If it is so easy to capture the third piece of the remains of the Demon God King, he does not need to spend a lot of time to "pretend to cooperate" with the Fiend clan.

Buried the heavenly demon emperor flourishing period, even if he controlled the remains of two Demon God kings, he did not dare to go straight to the Fiend clan to grab the remains of the third Demon God king.

If he robs, at least the 4th layer will hinder him.

One of the four old men in their heyday.

Secondly, the Demon Emperor of the same clan will be worried about revealing his hole cards in advance.

The third is that the Fiend Empress sits in the Fiend clan, and it is unrealistic to rob her.

Fourth, there is also the obstacle of Taizhou Ancient Dragon seal.

To sum up, the heavenly demon's flourishing period also had to choose to cooperate with the four Fiend elders.

At the same time, Lin Chen, the number one in the holy world, broke into the hell galaxy of the Fiend clan, released the wreckage of King Demon God, and even blasted it to pieces!

The four great elders themselves are on guard against each other. No one can trust the fragments of the Demon God King to give it to anyone, and choose to carry a part of each.

The fragments of the wreckage of King Demon God were stored in the bodies of four Fiend elders.

This is not enough!

If it is just like this, it cannot be taken by force.

However, these four elders, Lin Chen, who has been turned on the [Godslayer] innate talent, fought wildly, fighting for his life, and continued to trigger the [Extinction Slash], causing irreversible injuries!

After that, the four elders were attacked by Divine Dragon again, and the injuries were even more serious!

Following the worsening circumstances, the burial of heavenly demon has a chance!

When he was on the verge of death, he used the secret technique to make the debris of the Demon God King absorb the blood of the four elders of Fiend, and then incorporated it into the body!

Re-borrow Fiend's demon blood and cultivation base, and use Demon God's third wreck fragment as a medium to completely transfer his body and forcibly return to his destiny!

The rebellion of the buried heavenly demon emperor brought back to life, making the battle scene change again!

Lin Chen frowned, "It's really difficult, the brown candy that is dipped in it is not so difficult. It bursts into dregs and can't die?"


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