When the battle of the Foreign Domain battlefield is changing, shocking changes have also taken place in the Sacred Domain!

Qiyu, Fang Ling and the others defend the Qiyu, Lin Chen's few servants are fighting on the front line!

Jie Tower, Zixia King Valley, Danyu Elder Council, Rui Beasts, stick to the strange land, never give up!

Among them, with Lin Ping'an at the forefront, no Demon Venerable or King Fiend can easily break into the strange land!

The battle strength of the Fiend family and Demon Race was put in important areas such as the Sacred Domain, Battle Domain, and Sword Domain. On the contrary, due to the geographical location of the Sacred World, Qi Yu faced the Demon Race army. The Legion of the Fiend clan is neither strong nor weak, just forming a line of defense.

As a result, Qiyu has become one of the few areas that have not yet been flooded with wars, and most of the battles are fought in the border areas.

So, there are a lot of alchemists from the pill domain. The auspicious beasts show their talents and concentrate their air luck in the strange domain. The spirit plant grows wildly, and the pharmacists continue to make them. Sacred Pill, this has become the safest healing area in the Holy Realm, with countless powerhouses continuously influx!

Just as the battle result was at its best, the four demonic energy suddenly descended!

Lin Ping An, Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun, Jiang Taixu and the others suddenly became solemn!

This demonic energy close to Qiyu is at least the level of Heavenly Demon Emperor!

Heavenly demon emperor, equal to the saint realm of reincarnation! The followers of the Emperor Heavenly Demon!

Four reincarnation sacred realms, lost all the servants of Holy Artifact, it is difficult to resist one, four together, impossible to stop!

On the boundary of the strange domain, the servants are floating in the air.

Jiang Taixu pinched his finger to calculate immediately, and the complexion slightly changed, "The other party pointed at us directly, and it will be killed in less than 30 breaths, oh!"

Fei Wushuang worriedly said: "If you let them enter the strange realm, it will cause no end of trouble. There are still many powerhouses here to heal, and summon Dragon Clan!"

Fei Wushuang tone barely fell, Jiang Taixu crushed a space jade slip.

After a few breaths, the space jade slip did not respond.

Jiang Taixu complexion slightly changed.

Dragon Clan’s powerhouse, there is no time to support it!

After all, Human Race now has to resist the offensive of the Fiend and Demon Races, and Dragon Clan’s support cannot be taken away, let alone Peak’s powerhouse!

Fei Wushuang bit her silver teeth, "Dragon Clan’s powerhouse can’t support it, so I can only let the lord’s Avatar help!"

Lin Chen’s Avatar is the last resort. Once the four heavenly demon emperors enter the strange land, no one can stop them!

Xiao Ling'er tampered with jade hand tightly, "No, the lord also said that there is a lack of Holy Artifact, most of the holy world has been robbed, and all of the lord’s Avatars have already rushed out of the holy world. It’s on the powerhouse who participated in the battle of Foreign Domain. Now let the Lord’s Avatar come over. It’s too late..."

"Can’t call Lin Chen to come over."

At this time, Lin Ping’s petite and exquisite body Floating in the air, standing against the wind.

She didn't have the naughty and mischievous things she used to be, but instead she had a calm face, gently stroked her hair to her ears, and showed a quiet smile.

"Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun, you take everyone back to the strange land, do not come out, these four Demon Races, let me deal with them."

That said, the faces of all the servants changed in horror!

Although Lin Ping’an’s body is a disaster of pain, everyone has long regarded her as a close partner, and even more so, the servant’s stereotype of the disaster of pain has long since disappeared. Get bits and pieces.

If she is asked to deal with four heavenly demon emperors, there will only be one!

Jiang Taixu said solemnly: "Ping An younger sister, the old man promised that the lord would take you well and would not allow you to take such actions."

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun Quietly moved a step and stood in front of Lin Ping An.

They didn't allow Lin Ping An to do such a foolish thing.

Lin Ping'an smiled calmly: "Thank you everyone."

After speaking, her slender jade finger tapped her brow.

A dark crystal emerged, which was the calamity crystal nucleus she obtained from Demon Realm.

A series of air transport sacs appeared in the palm of his hand, and Lin Ping'an suddenly crushed it!

All the spirit plants that transfer disaster energy for her are all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!


The seal of the disaster of pain is completely lifted!

The faint black storm emerged out of thin air, revolving around Lin Ping An.


"Ping An younger sister, don't!"

Fei Wushuang and Xiao Linger screamed in fright, and their lovable bodies trembled slightly.

Her actions are in one go, and there is no response time for the servants!

Lin Ping’an smiled calmly, “Let’s go, everyone, I won’t protect you this time. Staying too long will be eroded by my breath.”

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun eyes shrank.

She has decided to leave.

Lin Pingan saw that everyone hesitated a little, and said calmly: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Long Jiushan and the others clenched the teeth, pulling the hesitant Fang Ling Two people!

Lin Ping'an automatically lifted the seal, let alone the Heavenly Demon Emperor who will be killed later, and continue to stay by her side. Without her voluntary protection, everyone would have to be eroded by the calamity energy.

"This is fine..." Before leaving, Lin Ping'an smiled and said to Jiang Taixu: "Thank you, you didn't stop me."

Jiang Taixu stopped talking. In the end it turned into a complicated sigh, a'take care', and leave!

The servants left, leaving Lin Ping An alone here.

"It feels so good to be a human being, Lin Chen, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I still want to continue to help you, but this can only be the last time."

Lin Ping's memory and Lin Chen's all sorts of things appeared, and the corners of his lips swept over the corners of his lips with a satisfied smile.

bang! bang! bang!

Her calamity energy is constantly being brought back into the body, deeply hidden!

In less than a moment--

The billowing demonic energy covers the stars and covers the moon, and the magic dragon is raging.

"Qiyu, is this the Human Race territory that the Demon Emperor let us destroy?"

"en? This guy...not our Demon Race!"

This is the arrival of the heavenly demon emperor of the four wild demon races. They are all two-winged human bodies. They look like a 30-year-old man, except for the gray complexion and the turning magic eyes.

Lin Ping’an took a step and stopped in front of them, coldly said: "Demon Races, your opponent is me."

A heavenly demon emperor seems to hear that the sky is big The joke of "hahahaha! Just rely on you? The Demon Venerable under the emperor for a few days, you may not be the opponent, want to fight with the emperor? Call out the Human Race that has been entrenched just now, the emperor will kill one by one! "

Another heavenly demon emperor was surprised: "Her energy is like a disaster Demon Race?"

The four heavenly demon emperors of the wild demon race perceive Lin Lin With a peaceful atmosphere, they thought there was a disaster between Demon Race and Human Race.

Close to discovery, things are not that simple!

The third heavenly demon emperor suddenly realized, "This emperor remembered! This is the Spirit Physique that Human Race calls the disaster of pain!"

"The disaster of pain? hahaha Good thing, catch it to those Old Guys, you can exchange a lot of good things!"

The four heavenly demon emperors grinned and looked at Lin Ping An!

In the Demon Race, the race needs to absorb the breath and energy that belong to the disaster.

The disaster of pain will automatically absorb all the disasters of Human Race.

Regardless of whether she prefers or not, Human Race's "disaster" will focus on her! There is an essential difference between the two!

The Disaster of Pain is the favorite Spirit Physique of the Disaster Demon Race, but it is a pity that the Demon Emperors of the past have not been able to realize their dreams.

Today they actually met, and the four heavenly demon emperors looked towards Lin Ping’an, like thieves looked towards the glittering gold ingots!

"Come here to the emperor!"

The heavenly demon headed by the emperor showed its body, and the demonic energy condensed into a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and swallowed it safely to the forest , Like a bloody abyss!

Defeat Lin Ping An against them with no difficulty, but you have to be more serious if you want to capture them alive.

The other three heavenly demon emperors immediately flashed to the back of Lin Ping An, blocking her retreat.


Suddenly, Lin Ping’an's head is full of black wind!

She burst out with a faint catastrophe aura, vortex-like, and then shrouded the four heavenly demon emperors, bursting out instantly!


Four heavenly demon emperor turn pale with fright!

"Don't allow you to hurt my friends!!"

Lin Ping'an's consciousness screamed coldly for the last time.

The horrible calamity frenzy formed a turbulent flow, raging in the air on the border between the strange and profound realms, and the creatures of the two realms were clearly visible!

The four heavenly demon Huangru fell into the boundless swamp, unable to break free, and horrified.

Their Demon Body was quickly corroded, and everything was swept away by the disaster!

Too fast! They simply can't react!

The four heavenly demon emperors are too underestimating the enemy!

After they become heavenly demon emperors, they can be described as under one emperor and above ten thousand demons.

Even though the ordinary Human Race Saint King has been killed a lot, there is not much powerhouse in the eyes, let alone the four emperors facing at the same time. This lineup meets the human race quasi-god You can also retreat with a high probability.

If it is to fight a battle, even if Spirit Physique makes every effort to self-destruct, Lin Ping can replace them at most. The power of the disaster of pain lies in the extremely powerful energy that cannot be shaken off.

Once you are eroded and possessed, you can't get rid of it!

The weak little white rabbit that was originally thought to be very easy, didn't expect to be a ferocious tiger!

bang! bang! bang!

The terrifying calamity energy continues to rise, and the four heavenly demon emperors disappeared in the calamity wave, and they died without scum!

"What's that?"

"Sigh! Disaster frenzy, splitting heaven and earth apart! This is the omen of the outbreak of painful disaster!"

"It's going to explode. Fortunately! It didn't explode on our side!"

"It exploded well, if this bone burst to our side, die without a whole corpse! "

"I heard that the traitor Lin Chen was carrying a disaster of pain. Damn, this child is surrounded by dangerous species."

"The disaster of pain is gone, Human The race’s stain has temporarily disappeared."

Countless Human Race powerhouses cast all kinds of gazes towards the disaster frenzy that surged in the sky.

In the darkness, Spirit Physique's continuous disintegration of Lin Ping can feel it, and that gaze pierced like a cold sword.

After she was born with spiritual wisdom, she has endured such a look, too much.

But such an icy life has also been shining a short light.

"That's enough, I'll help him..."

In the dark vortex of disaster, Lin Ping'an held his cheeks in both hands and used Lin Chen for the first time Teach her the gestures when laughing and squeeze a smile.

Lin Ping An’s petite Spirit Physique, drifting away from the dark vortex.

As Spirit Physique gradually faded away, Lin Ping'an suddenly covered his lips in the darkness and trembled, trying not to let himself cry.

"Sure enough, I still don't want to die. I really want to live, but this won't help you..."


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