In the divine force Formation of water and fire——

Blade Intent round cut, cut in the air!

The female emperor's black blade swept away, the dark abyss was vertical and horizontal, releasing the supergravity that squeezed the Star Domain, crushing the Blade Intent out of thin air, and the divine force exploded!

Wufeng clicking one's tongue in wonder, "It's really strong. If you are alone in this seat, I’m afraid you’ll have to fight up and down!" Li

Her magic knife seems to be good Make'time and space' compressed!

The dark magic knife is the true Fiend body of the empress!

The sword intent is twisted like a dragon, and the white sword light is horizontally and horizontally, cutting the female emperor horizontally!

She turned around and stepped on, unstoppable, climbing steadily, cutting the Heavenly Demon Blade with a stroke, the blood moon rays of light blooming, devouring everything, devouring the sword intent!

Tear and pull~! Blade Intent tore the void, fell on the top of the Empress’s head in the air.

The female emperor's double knives crossed the cross block, the blades collided, and the female emperor was dangerously and dangerously parrying this blade, and the snow-white wrist overflowed with blood!

Black blade demonic energy hurriedly, all around the space was constantly squeezed, and the ten thousand zhang space was instantly compressed to an inch, forcing Blade God to retreat again and again, and had to retreat from the edge of this blade!

At this moment, Jian Juesheng’s mouth was slightly sketched with a sneer, and when he drew the sword again, the long river of sword qi under his feet condensed into an unsheathed Divine Sword.

Sword God smiles!

Wufeng has a solemn expression. Whenever Jian Juesheng shows this familiar and unfamiliar smile, it is the time when he applies the strongest sword technique to kill the gods!

Zheng~! A dragon roar sings the Star River, Sword God draws the sword, the darkness in the world is cut off, and an ultimate white light is ushered in, the sword cuts the world!

The female emperor is absolutely not afraid, she double-knifes extremely fast to cut, the blood moon blade glow dances in the sky, where the blade light passes, takes everything away, time and space collapse, and the light is absorbed and eroded!

The female emperor is more powerful than a sword!

Boom! boom! boom!

The offensive pairs of the two sides are equally matched!

The water and fire Heaven Realm is trembling in the realm. This wave of offensive has affected the nearby battle circle, and the gods of water and fire are surprised.

With the Sword God and Blade God as opponents, did the female emperor still push them to this point? It really is the unprecedented Number One Person of the Fiend clan!

"The sword of no-self!"

Sword Juesheng never retreats, raises the sword and slashes in anger, single-handedly fights the sword against the female emperor’s offensive, and is not afraid of the female emperor’s black blade, Head-to-head melee!

His One Sword Breaks Ten-thousand Methods, with the tip of the sword piercing and spurring away the Heavenly Demon Blade of the Empress, so that when she uses the black blade to parry, the speed of Sword Breaks Ten-thousand Methods suddenly accelerates, aiming Thousands of swords were pierced from the heart, neck, and eyebrows of the empress!

chi! chi! chi!

The magic wings are broken, and the empress’s defenses are cut one after another. The black blade cannot completely block the Sword God’s speedy sword, and the sword intent invades into the body. , Strangling her life!

Zhu lip bleeding, the empress is absolutely not confused, the sword does not move back and advances, when the black blade is swiped, the super-gravity demonic energy is stronger!

Sword Juesheng splits a sword intent to resist the magic light of gravity, and the sword moves endlessly stabs out, said with a sneer-"You an arrow at the end of its flight body, I want to forcibly resist the sword technique of this seat, idiotic dreams. I want to see how long you can stop it!"

Sword God tone barely fell, blood light flashed, the empress actually kept up with Sword God’s sword technique When the black blade parried sword edge, she a killing blade flew towards his right shoulder, and the Jian Jusheng body unconsciously flew towards the Heavenly Demon Blade!

"Life in exchange for life?" Jian Jue was vivid.


At this time, a blade of Blade Intent penetrated her defense from behind the Empress, and she fell like a kite with a broken line!

It's Blade God without front!

He solemnly said: "Don't underestimate her, she is fighting against us with a mortal state of mind. If you underestimate the enemy, at least one of us will be dragged to death by her!"

The Empress is on the verge of collapse, but her consciousness has never been clearer.

"Lin Chen, this is my return to you..." The beautiful lady murmured to herself.

The female emperor's two magic knives were extremely reluctant. This was originally a forbidden move she didn't intend to use.

But when Lin Chen was injured, the moment she regained her memory, she didn't care about anything!

Even though the Demon Body is close to the limit, even though she suffers all kinds of pain, she does not have the slightest pain, but is more interested in it!

Compared with being tortured by the will of the ancestors, carrying the weight of the Fiend clan, fighting for the one you love is so easy, it seems that even facing death is an irrelevant thing. Up!

The injuries of the empress continue to accumulate, but the injuries of the sword gods continue to recover!

If it were their heyday, even one of them would not be able to deal with it!

Today's four human race gods, if the gods of water and fire are in their heyday, it is equivalent to having the battle strength of the empress!

The gods of swords and swords must go further! Their Blade Intent is fascinating, sword intent is fascinating, and can make divine force bring it up a level!

Bai Ruoyan is suppressed by Vulcan, and she becomes more and more worried about the situation of the Empress!

If something happens to the female emperor, the Lin Chen younger brother may be heading for irreversible changes!


At this time, the four gods of Human Race, headed by Sword God, released the brilliant divine might, gazing at the heavens, and arrogant to the world!

Demon Emperors and Divine Dragons feel the cold glow piercing!


Their injuries have taken more than half of the lives of the Holy Realm Human Race and recovered more than 90% of the momentum, which is almost at its heyday!

Once the Empress falls, it is the beginning of their Dragon Clan and Demon Race's demise!

Jian Juesheng is about to make another sword, but he can't help but move slightly.

The blood-stained robe, the blue silk is like a waterfall, flying slightly, the magnificent and mysterious bloody magic light lingers all over the body, the female emperor is like a fairy lotus in full bloom in the world, even Sword God and Blade God are also watching!

Can let this and the others fall in love, the geometry of the world.

Meiruo Ziyu's eyes were bleeding and tears fell along the moles of tears.

"Mother, I met the person you said, and now it's my turn to protect him..."

Heavenly Immortal-like charm is filled with thoughts and determination belief.

Her eyebrows are full of affection for him.

"I used to be so old. When I met you, I was flourishing."

The female emperor threw the black magic knife in the air, and the black blade bloomed infinitely black light, Heaven The time and space of and Earth is constantly collapsing and squeezing!

The two gods of swords and swords are squeezed and affected by the supergravity!

Amidst all the magic power poured into Heavenly Demon Blade, the female emperor flashed the knife, saving a round of central blood moon!

Where the blood moon passes, everything in the world is emptied, dripping, everything is annihilated, and the vacuum of nothingness is completely'cut'!

The dimension is cut by this blade, and time and space are collapsing and shrinking!

Sword God and Blade God did not act, but they are getting closer and closer to the blood moon blade glow!

Sword incomparably lifted his palm, the divine force skyrocketed, and the sword in his hand straddled the sky, blooming with a sword intent of divine light.

The overbearing and violent Blade Intent blasted over, like an angry dragon was born, and the snow-white fangs of the magic knife slashed in the air, the strongest blow to shake the empress from the front!

bang! bang! bang!

The Formation field formed by the Heaven Realm is constantly trembling!

The terrifying power overthrew the Divine Dragon and the Demon Emperor, and stepped aside.

Bai Ruoyan wanted to urge the sky tower to protect herself, and a large hand of flame shot out like a fire snake, suddenly cutting her connection with the eternal flame!


Bai Ruoyan was captured by Vulcan, and even the Sky Tower was temporarily sealed!

"hahahaha! The eternal sacred fire and the Divine Item of the Sky Tower are my Huangfu Xuan's!"

Vulcan laughed wildly, looking down towards Bai Ruoyan bound by the ring of fire , Revealing a humanized lewd smile.

"This god will pamper you well, the lucky one who holds the eternal flame!"

Bai Ruoyan clenched his fists, beautiful eyes stared at the god of fire, without fear !

At the beginning, Zhuge, the god of water, sent more divine force into the divine force to maintain the Formation!

Only the Demon Emperors, suddenly the complexion greatly changed!

Six Great Demon Emperors unanimously felt that the Demon Race army they sent to attack the Holy Realm were all dead!

What's the situation?

In the end, when everything died, a black robe fell, and the magic knife in his hand was dim.

With the strongest blow from the two magic knives, it was smashed by the sword gods!

Fiend Empress, lost!

The empress drooped her eyebrows, revealing a withered smile.

Sword Juesheng never despise, point a sword casually, sword intent glows, white rainbow-like sword qi vertical and horizontal, point directly at the empress, kill her to the last one!

"It's over, Fiend Empress!"

Human Race Four Divine Heart smiles tacitly.

Divine Dragons cold glow stab their backs!

They seem to have seen the history of Dragon Clan's imminent extinction!

At this moment, all powerhouses know that it will be the last turning point in history!

However, what is beyond everyone's expectations is——

Crack~! boom!

What catches the eyes of all powerhouses is the divine force Formation of water and fire, bursting with cracks in the sky!

A fist of shining golden light penetrated the Formation and suddenly crushed the divine force of water and fire!

this fist, the heavens are invincible, look at the world!

this fist, shattered the history of the gods, contains endless anger and fighting intent!

With the divine fist as the center for a few light years, time and space collapsed, bending and twisting rapidly!

The entire universe, crushed by this fist, shakes hundreds of millions of Star River!

The golden light's divine fist ran through the void, destroying the water and fire divine force formation with one punch, and blasting the sword intent of Sword God!


The gods are horrified!

bang! bang! bang!

The anthem of War God reverberates in the world, and the golden divine splendor fills the sky.

divine light illuminates the entire Shenhe galaxy, spreading the invincible divine might of War God!

A ray of golden light shone next to the empress, and the golden armor silhouette bathed in divine splendor broke into the circle of the gods and caught the approaching unconscious empress.

golden armor silhouette, back to the sword god!

Facing back to the two strongest Spiritual Gods in the world, it seems that the two gods are not in sight at all!

At that moment, looking up at his back, Divine Heart trembles with both swords and swords.

It was an insurmountable mountain, and an unprecedented oppression struck in an instant!

The first time the two gods saw him, there was only one word that could summarize his posture and spirit.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Only I Am Supreme!


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