Dozens of breaths ago, the Sacred Realm.

[All the essential attributes of the suit are fully charged, the Ultimate Helmet is charged to 100%, and the complete Gold Ultimate War God suit is integrated. ]

[The fusion is complete, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ultimate Golden War God set! ]


An undefeated divine might soared into the sky. Everyone was shocked, thinking that a new god was born and looked forward to all around!

Like an attribute ball of light, only Lin Chen can see a whole set of War God suits turned out, floating in front of him!

【Golden War God set charge: 1%. Minimum wearing requirement: 100 million powers. Suit type: extreme strength, extreme attack, extreme destruction suit, strongest attack suit. ]

[God outfit features: War God golden body, attached weapons. If the charge of the overall suit is increased to a higher level, new god equipment characteristics can be obtained. 】

【Extreme effect: power beyond boundaries. There is an upper limit for recharging, and the strength increase is only determined based on the host's body refinement base. The strongest can increase the host's pure strength by 999999999 times. 】

The minimum use requirement of 100 million powers, Lin Chen, who is in the effect of [Godslayer] innate talent, just meets the requirements!

The old man Wuji said with difficulty: "This inexplicable divine might, even the old man can't figure out where it came from, Lin Chen, little friend, are you...have you succeeded?"


The Wuji old man, who was once a four-dimensional creature, can't detect the current situation of three-dimensional creatures. There are things he can't see in the three-dimensional universe!

Sure enough, there is nothing he can understand about Lin Chen this child! Improper people every time!

He can only guess that some of Lin Chen's'plans' might have succeeded!

"Yes, it succeeded...everything should be over!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and the servants understood with all their heart, and instantly escaped into the void, away from Lin Chen!

Lin Chen’s [Godslayer] innate talent does not last long. The four gods have extracted most of the lives of Human Race who did not get enough luck. Human Race’s hostility to Lin Chen is no longer strong enough. Next is the time when every second counts!

The moment Lin Chen reached out and touched the Golden War God suit, it was almost a thoughts move, and Golden War God turned into a golden brilliance to wrap around him!

The Golden War God suit, like a light outfit, automatically fits Lin Chen, changes the appropriate size for him, and perfectly fits the attached Lin Chen!

Boom~! bang! bang! bang!

In an instant, the time and space of the holy realm vibrated violently!

With Lin Chen as the center, an invincible divine might blasting through All Heavens and Myriad Realms, covering Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, soars into the sky!

Everywhere the divine light is scattered, the hymn of War God echoes Heaven and Earth!

divine splendor, the person who bathes, witnesses the invincible pride born in the heart!

"What's that..."

"The old man has never seen such a divine might. It's so unique and amazing! It seems to be standing by his side, the world Invincible!"

"Divine might be undefeated, divine might be immortal. Like the eternal and undefeated War God......"

Countless servants and powerhouses exclaimed in shock, unprecedented in their hearts Excited!

In the strange domain, everyone witnessed the golden silhouette with their own eyes, and all the gloom in their hearts was wiped out!

When the divine splendor of dazzling is restrained, the powerhouses clearly see that a golden armor silhouette is floating in the sky.

Lin Chen is shining with divine splendor, and the golden light is dazzling. The helmet is cut into three dragon feather-like golden helmet horns, and is wearing golden armor. In the outline of the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable golden marks of its breastplate, a Torch Dragon face is carved, which is lifelike and shocking the world!

The left and right divine armor armguards are engraved with divine rune dancing, the shoulder armor is shaped like a dragon's teeth, and the right shoulder is hung with a cloak that dances with the wind, overflowing with a faint golden divine splendor, elegant and fierce!

A pair of leg armors are cast with gold lacquer, and transmit the eternal divine splendor. The knee armors are like dragon claw lying on the back, standing on the ground!

Lin Chen's faint eyes glow with golden divine light, and the world is majestic!

Lin Chen's pure power, unprecedented madness along the way! 500 million powers, 1 billion powers, 2 billion powers, not yet stopped!

How much realm level is breakthrough to a kind of realm level that he can't distinguish himself!

"This is the power of War God!"

Lin Chen's imposing manner was shocked, his eyes divine light looked through the void. Raise your hand and flex your five fingers, divine force is slightly urged, and a divine splendor tearing the world with one flick of your finger!

divine splendor penetrates the sky, through time and space, from east to north, through the high sky of the holy realm!

Om~! Boom~!

The golden divine splendor transforms into a bunch of divine light, across the sky, and instantly penetrates the height of the 35th domain of the Holy Realm. Heaven and Earth are reversed, and the sun and the moon are unbalanced.

All Dragon Clan, Human Race, and Fiend clan fell to the ground one after another.

divine splendor sweep away all demonic energy, all battles come to an abrupt end!

Thirty-five fields high in the sky, a clear sky, no trace of demonic energy.

When all Dragon Clan, Human Race and Fiend clan looked up, they were all dumbfounded!

I saw, the countless army of Demon Race grandiose, not even the dregs left!

The reinforcements of Dragon Clan, the powerhouses of Human Race, and the clansman of the Fiend clan were instantly astonished and lost their minds!

The shock of their hearts turning upside down is indescribable one ten thousandth of this moment!

The six True God Avatars stared in the direction of Qiyu, their mouths trembled.

Demon Race, has been annihilated!

One move, the vast sacred world, the sacred world that would take years to travel at the speed of light, only took a moment to cross this distance and annihilated all the Demon Race army!

One finger for extermination!

The servants of Qiyu fell into unprecedented ecstasy, cheering with excitement and excitement!

"My lord first under the heavens!"

"Do you see it! One move, one point! One move to destroy the Demon Race, one move through the holy world! One move for the holy Jie combed the score!"

"The lord is so strong that there is no reason! Hahahaha! What kind of shit Demon Emperor, gods, all rubbish, there is no one who can fight!"


"I set it up!"


True God Avatars in each domain are trembling, since ancient times, there is not a True God, but one The force of the move covers the entire holy world!

Not to mention, accurate and unmistakable, only kill Demon Race, never hurt a Human Race and Dragon Clan!

With this kind of accurate power control, Human Race has never had such a precedent, this is the Peak that has never been reached by the gods of the past!

The old man Wuji stared at Lin Chen's back leaning against the sky and the earth, as if to prop up the world, if there is an insurmountable height!


At this time, there is another bunch of golden divine light, mixed with the vast divine force, through the void, through all the True God Avatars!

Pu chi!

Six True God Avatars vomit blood.

The pupils trembled with fear, and some True God reluctantly showed a bitter smile before dying.

"A new era in the holy world, is it coming..."

"We are the complete loser!"

Boom~! Six True God Avatars, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, no more Human World!

next moment, time and space vibrate, and vast divine sounds are mixed and transmitted through Space-Time Force.

"All Fiend clan hears: I order you, to withdraw!"

Withdraw! Shenyin shakes the world and covers the world!


The vast divine might blasted over, sweeping across the holy world, and when the vast divine voice came, the earth rang loudly!

Boom! boom! boom!

All Fiend tribes, if they are hit hard, they knelt down instantly! The earth shook, the mountains shook!

The rescued creatures of Human Race and Dragon Clan looked at this incredible scene in a daze.

In one word, all the Fiend clan fell to their knees!

There is no other reason, just because they can't bear this divine might that is invincible to All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

Xingyue Princess jade hand covers her peach lips lightly, beautiful eyes trembling lightly, looking into the direction of the strange land.

"Lin Chen...You are so powerful..."

Odd domain.

When one sentence made the Fiend clan acknowledge allegiance, Lin Chen stared into the void, looking through the distant battles of time and space.

With the sole of foot, Lin Chen turned into a streak of divine light and rose into the sky, heading straight to the Foreign Domain battlefield!

The previous genocide was only the Small Scale Chopper. He had no time to experience the formidable power of the Golden War God set. Every second counts!

Lin Chen's divine force penetrated the dimension, galloping fast.

In an instant, a divine force Formation of water and fire slammed in front of Lin Chen!

When witnessing the battle in Formation, Lin Chen's anger broke out instantly!


Lin Chen slammed his fist for an instant, and the divine fist mingled with majestic anger hit the periphery of the divine force formation!

Boom! ka! ka!

The golden fist instantly smashed the proud divine force Formation of the gods of water and fire, and the fist and wind smashed the sword intent that the sword pierced the empress, and the gods were shocked!


The wind swept through, and Lin Chen came to the person he loved in an instant.

Holding the empress, he apologized.

"I'm late."

The empress is slightly startled, like the first awakening of love girl, muttering to herself: "Is this a dream after death... …"

Lin Chen said distressedly: "It's not a dream, we are all alive."

The empress's eyes were in a trance, she stroked his face, and her smile was full of beauty.

This feeling of being protected by him is really good.

Lin Chen used a Phantom Clone to protect the empress from retreating quickly.

Jian Juesheng was incredibly horrified: "You won the sword intent of this seat, you didn't die!"

Lin Chen glanced at him, killing intent overflowing heaven!

Jian Juesheng was frightened, if it weren't for the sword intent body protection, I'm afraid it would instantly collapse!


At this time, all the Great Demon Emperors ran away and retreated one after another!

Lin Chen's gaze instantly turned, and his divine light swept away!


War God’s golden divine splendor shines on the world instantly, sweeping away the universe!

Tianchi Demon Emperor, mad bloodfiend emperor, and evil fight Demon Emperor, the three newly promoted Demon Emperor suddenly stiffened.

They hummed twice, and the Demon Body began to fall apart.

Golden's divine splendor blooms from the inside of their Demon Body, tearing their defenses, leaving the Demon Body with cracks all over!

With a few bangs, their huge Demon Body exploded in an instant, completely wiped out!


"What happened?"

"Is this seat in the illusion?"

"? ?"

Human Race gods and Divine Dragon have a heartbreak!

When I looked towards Lin Chen, I was trembling and sweating, and I almost fainted!

Damn, one look in his eyes killed three Demon Emperors!

There is no doubt that at this moment, Lin Chen is the strongest existence in the three-dimensional universe!

No, one!


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