Exterminate the three emperors in mind!

The empress froze in place.

This is her man.

It's so strong that it can be described by the gods...

The last three old Demon Emperors were scared witless in the true sense. After becoming the Demon Emperor, they went crazy for the first time. Flee the same.

Lin Chen ignored the other Demon Emperor, in a flash, his eyes fell on the Vulcan who imprisoned Bai Ruoyan!


Huangfuxuan have one's hair stand on end, his heart is throbbing, and the sense of crisis is as if an invisible hand grabbed his heart!

His divine force was throbbing, and Divine Physique felt like a needle pierced into flesh and blood, and there was a tingling pain.

Just being watched by those golden eyes, Vulcan Huangfu Xuan felt that he was not facing a god, but was an invincible overlord who rules All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

"Those who move me, die."

Golden divine splendor soars into the sky!

Lin Chen’s five fingers shattered the mighty power of Ghost God’s War God, and the silhouette destroyed the dimensions like a flash, descending on the head of Vulcan, and slammed it down with a palm!

Vulcan's face was full of horror, "Wait a minute, Lin Chen!"

He instinctively urged all the divine forces to turn into a group of scarlet red lotus, and the Divine flame fluttered and burned. On the tens of thousands of planes, the fire wave of the gods is condensed into a heavy Formation, almost the strongest defense for the god of fire to keep his life——

Shi~! Boom~!

The scarlet red lotus disappeared in an instant, and the time and space of the nearby Star Domain suddenly sank, collapsed and collapsed, and all the powerhouses were skewed!

There is no imposing manner of traversing the sky and the earth, no aftermath of shattering the universe, no heaven-shaking, earth-shattering natural phenomenon!

Some are just crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Vulcan’s Divine Physique From the moment scarlet red lotus disappeared, golden divine splendor flashed, its Divine Physique was crushed by Lin Chen’s palm and his top of the head, Divine Physique cracked!

Huangfuxuan's divine blood didn't even have a chance to escape, and was blasted into nothingness by Lin Chen's palm!

The five Divine Dragons stared at this scene blankly, dumbstruck.

Instant kill!

Without any pause or resistance, Huangfuxuan’s existence was obliterated into nothingness, and even Lin Chen’s palm could not be held!

Jian Juesheng and Wufeng eyes shrank; trembling all over, the coldness of death rushes from the soles of the feet to the top of the head!

Vulcan Huangfuxuan, the creator of the holy world, disappeared! !

"This...who the hell said Human Race is a weak ally?"

"This damn is called weak?"

Divine Dragons Shocked and horrified, they completely lost self-control as they witnessed the history!

The water god Zhuge's beautiful flower face paled in the early days. After becoming a god with water, this is the first time she has lost one's head out of fear!

Vulcan died violently, Bai Ruoyan and the shackles of the sky tower were untied——

Swipe~! xiu! xiu! xiu!

In the early days of Zhuge, as a Power of God, he turned into a dragon and escaped into the void, using all divine forces to escape!

"Why is this, why is a Lin Chen killed halfway through. I'm going crazy ahhhh! A bunch of rubbish mortals that's all, kill and kill. Why kill to the last one to me!"

Zhuge’s reckless Void Teleportation in the early days, the god of water shed tears on the starry sky, and because of fear, he dripped tears and turned into the last starlight of the starry sky.

Escape! Escape desperately!

After countless epochs, countless mortals were raised in captivity, committed to the Vulcan and proposed to join forces, annihilated many Human Race Spiritual Gods, and achieved Human Race Spiritual God, refining the remains of Divine Emperor, as a delicate woman. She finally became the ruler of the Shenhe galaxy, she would never be reconciled to die here!

With the two gods of sword and sword, they flee to different directions almost at the same time!

There is no hesitation at all!

This damn shit!

Lin Chen wearing a Golden War God suit has a divine splendor, watching the world, War God Might is invincible, and the magical fist shining with golden light suddenly slams at Zhuge Taichu!

"Don't!" Zhuge lost his voice in horror at the beginning, and used divine force to penetrate the dimension sound transmission to Lin Chen-"Lin Chen, I would like to be your servant! A servant of God can do You solve many things, I would like to call you Lord, serve eternally, don't kill..."


Yangyang’s dazzling golden light revolves into a divine splendor fist wind, which runs through the world like a spiral, across dimensions, and does not know how many times the speed of light is surpassed, right behind the water god Zhuge Taichu!

Zhuge Taichu’s Divine Physique is fragmented, divine force scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, golden War God shines, destroying her last bloody tears, annihilated in the vast sky.

Water god, perish!

It's still a punch that doesn't even have divine blood left!

Overlord the world, a punch from the heavens!

The top five Divine Dragons were trembling and trembling, for fear that Lin Chen would give them a punch too!

The golden light punch came, and the five Divine Dragons of them were not enough to stuff their teeth!

People cannot guess, after all, they have seen too many examples of backwaters on the spot.

No matter how strong the previous Lin Chen is, he has never exceeded the scope of their resistance. As long as the two sides are still at the same level, Dragon Clan will always be able to calm down.

But not anymore! Lin Chen's strength is absolutely crushed! Even if the number of Divine Dragon doubles, it is not qualified to compare with him!

Lin Chen has absolute power over all races. They dare not bargain with Lin Chen with their previous status!

Lin Chen wearing the Golden War God armor turned his gaze and looked at the Divine Dragons, unprecedented with a smile.

"Senior Divine Dragon, my promise to Dragon Clan is still valid. We will continue to be allies in the future."

Lin Chen’s words gave Dragon Clan an instant reassurance. general!

The five Divine Dragons are relieved, sighed in relief, admiration for Lin Chen, bring it up a level.

Ask yourself, if their Divine Dragon controls Lin Chen's level of strength. The five of them may not be able to keep crooked minds.

Everyone has selfishness, and Divine Dragon is inevitable.

Bai Ruoyan came from the wind, fluttering like an immortal, Xuedi was full of worries, and even hugged Lin Chen, and asked with concern-"Lin Chen younger brother, are you really okay? "

According to what she knows about Lin Chen, some of his killing moves are often accompanied by a huge price!

She was afraid that the price Lin Chen paid after the war was enough for Ling to explain his life. If so, Bai Ruoyan didn't want to live anymore.

Divine light introverted, Lin Chen stroked her hair tip, said with a smile: "I won't die without you having a dark horse football team."

Bai Ruoyanxueli was covered with a faint blush, "When is it not serious!"

A beautiful woman in a blue palace dress stepped out into the air, and the Divine Dragon of the hell water was amazed. "Although let them escape, but the future Shenhe galaxy will have Lin Chen sitting here, safe and secure!"

Lin Chen’s divine light flashed in his eyes, and he can see Divine. Dragon's heart was throbbing, and his heart trembled.

He smiled sternly, "They can't escape."

Divine Dragons were taken aback.

The three veteran Demon Emperors and the Sword Gods have escaped from different directions. If he escapes from the Shenhe galaxy and sneaks into some extremely remote Star Domains, it is even easier to find them. point.

Lin Chen raised his hand high, and infinite light-grained golden divine splendor gathered in his palm, converging continuously, extending and stretching!

[The host opens the War God set of accessory weapons, which should be tailored to the host: War God gun. 】

Om! Hum! Hum!

A golden brilliance entangled golden divine spear, two zhang long, a triangular spear tip, two blades, was born, and was held by Lin Chen!

The divine spear is in hand, and the cloak is rolled. Dazzling's divine splendor shines on the world's domineering figure, and everyone has really seen the true face of Golden War God!

"They will have nowhere to escape."

Lin Chen holds the War God spear in his hand, steps on the divine light, pointed finger towards the vast world, with absolute confidence, Declared.

"My attack range is the entire universe."


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