War God's gun throbs, and the spinning golden light spreads like ripples!

Lin Chen held the gun with both hands and pointed it at the location where the three Demon Emperors escaped. The divine force condensed his pupils. His eyes penetrated the void and captured the position of the attribute rays of light of the three old Demon Emperors. About to escape from the extreme south of the Shenhe galaxy!

"The Emperor Fiend Demon, the Demon Emperor of the disaster, and the emperor of bloodfiend, it's time to go on the road."

Lin Chen divine force condensed, and suddenly shot the gun!

The tip of the gun swung out the divine force that subverted the world, divine force splitting heaven and earth apart, turned into a streak of divine light, and swept away the vast and incomparable energy nebula!

Escape to three different positions on the edge of the Shenhe Galaxy, preparing to sighed in relief the three Great Demon Emperors——

When the divine light flashed, the three Demon Emperors were terrified. !

"This...this is Lin Chen's attack!"

"Is the Imperial Capital escaped here, can he still catch up? How could the Human Race be born that transcends the boundaries? powerhouse!"

"Demon Race, I lost to Human Race, this emperor is unwilling!"

The divine splendor flashed vertically, and the gun shadow was like a star ring. Destroyed a large number of nebulae and galaxies, such as the most terrifying energy storm in the universe, and annihilated the last three Demon Race Great Emperors!

Lin Chen is holding a gun again, and his killing intent skyrocketed!

"Human Race Sword God is a sword, Blade God has no edge. The history of Human Race, there will be no gods!"

Lin Chen stabbed two shots like lightning , A spiral golden brilliance storm swept through everything!

At the center of the storm, is a bunch of divine light-like gun shadows, running through the world, and divine light emerges out of thin air at the end of the world, transcending dimensions!

Outside the Shenhe galaxy, the sword and sword gods that urge Blade Intent and sword intent to advance at full speed, each fleeing one side.

Just as they entered other galaxies where the energy environment was extremely harsh and lifeless, they were slightly sighed in relief.

"Escape here, it is not the range where Lin Chen can intervene or pursue..."

Blade God ·None has not finished yet, take a photo of divine splendor, his sword The intent exploded instantly, telling him the arrival of death instinctively!

"What are you kidding me! You can kill here too!"

The Sword God on the other side. The eye socket of the sword is completely cracked. The divine force turns the sword and draws the sword. On the rise, angrily roared hysterical roar.

"Lin Chen, there are countless epochs in this seat, and even Divine Dragon Demon Emperor is not in your eyes! Human Race, the gods and sages are also losers! This seat is the last winner, and you will not be convinced by death. !"

"Throughout the ages, this seat is in charge of Human Race and commanding word dao, witnessing the era from the ancient to the ancient, how can you be a kid who is a smell of mother's milk not yet dried can subvert it!"


The sword is unyielding from life to death, turning around to fight, holding the sword and slashing across the air, sword intent is like the peerless edge of the Star River, Straight Clashing Nine Heavens, sword intent is vertical and horizontal, cutting all the heroes of the world!

Unyielding fighting spirit and divine force poured into a sword, Divine Physique burning through the sky and the earth violently burned, doing everything to cut Lin Chen's shot!


The galaxy sinks and the universe is destroyed. The sky-shaking sword like a white rainbow blasted towards Golden Changhong, but in an instant, the sword intent was broken and dissipated!

With the sword of azure clothes, countless broken awns exploded, Divine Physique collapsed, sword intent burst, and Divine Physique broke continuously from top to bottom!

At the moment before the sword intent broke, a will came from the sky.

"You shouldn't, look down upon mortals."

Sword Juesheng eyes shrank, burst into fragments, and then turned into powder, leaving a bright attribute rays of light, disappearing in Under the universe night sky.

The gods of swords and swords are completely destroyed!

The history of the gods of the holy world has since drawn the final chapter.

But the history of Human Race has just begun!

Lin Chen heavily relieved!

"Finally, it's over!"

Previously, it was precisely because of the characteristics of this [Subsidiary Armament] that the sixth piece of the War God set was fully charged, which was more than usual. The parts are several times more!

Lin Chen almost capsized this gutter! Fortunately, there are Lin Pingan and the old man Wuji!

Lin Ping’an, the little girl, bought the last time for everyone, and the old man Wuji stake all on one throw, betraying the reputation of being a traitor and collaborating with the enemy, collected the last batch of powerful Holy Artifacts for Lin Chen in the holy world. Gave it to him.

When I think of Lin Pingan, Lin Chen's heart tingles.

"This era should indeed be over."

Lin Chen looked into the distance.

The moment when the four gods completely fell.

In the Shenhe galaxy, all the galaxies that Human Race belongs to, the mortal world, and the mortal continent, are all flying'big snowflakes'!

Only those from Saint King Realm can see this spectacular scene of big snowflakes.

Yes, this is not real snow, it's luck!

It is the luck that is imprisoned by the gods!

It is the luck that should belong to the entire Human Race!

Lin Chen looks into the distance with a gun, standing on the sky.

He holds the sun and the moon in his hand, standing on the holy realm, watching the "Flying Snow of Fortune".

Fiend clan, Dragon Clan, Human Race, all the surviving Saint King Level powerhouse, can see his creatures as far as they can, their eyes are all concentrated on him.

How does the overlord of the new era deal with all races?

Is it like a tyrant, or a tyrant, or like the gods once, ruling the entire age, in charge of luck, captive mortals, and block the luck without returning it to Human Race?

Lin Chen uttered awe-inspiringly, and the divine sound roared, spreading to the heavens of Human Race!

"Human Race, since this day, there are no more gods!"

"Human Race belongs to luck. I, Lin Chen, stay away from the leaves, and give it back to Human Race!"

"From now on, the road of Human Race will only belong to you! After this time, I will be Lin Chen, and there will be no gods anymore! People of the new age will be lucky! Your opportunity, you The history of yours, your era, is yours to create!"

"I swear here in the name of War God, no one shall block the luck of all domains! Those who want to challenge this rule, even though Come find me Lin Chen! Regardless of ten eras, Baiji, Wanji, I will always accept the challenge!"

Lin Chen grabbed the gun and raised it, pointing straight to the center of the holy world’s luck, suddenly Swing a gun!

The tip of the gun opened a golden light, scrolling all the fortunes, and sweeping towards the Shenhe Galaxy, from the inside to the outside, the holy world, the mortal world, and the mortal continent!

In the Holy Realm, every Human Race that is still alive feels the extraordinary mutation!

It was an extremely mysterious and abstruse feeling, as if walking in the cold darkness, suddenly shining into a warm morning sun.

Very soft, very warm, but powerful enough to make them full of power!

It seems that some of the shackles have been completely untied!

On the other side;

The crimson Fairy stands in the sea of ​​clouds above the Dragon Palace of the Wonderland. When looking into the distance, the fairy posture is misty, and the eyes staring at the sky tremble slightly.

She muttered to herself: "Qingyun is completely liberated!"

Yes, Human Race's fortune is liberated!

She can perceive that the once strong and powerful luck of Human Race has spread to mortals again!

If you say that Lin Chen before is liberating the luck of Blade Dao and sword dao.

Now, all the luck that belonged to the Human Race in the Holy Realm has been liberated!

Two lines of clear tears crossed, Scarlet Fairy burst into tears, weeping with joy, and folded her hands in prayer.

The era of the reign of the gods is over!


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