"hahaha, the elder sister of Ping An unexpectedly returned, everyone, drink stubbornly tonight, not drunk or return!"

"Sure enough, things related to the lord, Not once is normal!"

"Why is she so beautiful!"

Everyone cheered into a ball!

Suddenly, Lin Chen raised his hand.

Everyone is quiet, Lin Chen declared.

"Everyone, the next holy world will be handed over to you."

Lin Chen spreads out his palms, it is the spiritual imprint of Zhou Tian's Life and Death Seal!

Next moment, Lin Chen erased everyone’s spiritual imprint. All the servants trembled and trembled all over. The feeling of being vaguely controlled and being watched disappeared!

Fang Ling said in shock: "Lord, you..."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "I am about to leave the Holy Realm. There is nothing for you, so I will give you one. Freedom in form."

The servants quietly burst into tears, the lord is such a measure, this is not a formality...

"I am waiting to follow. Lord, this fate belongs to, Angelica Lin Chen!"

All the servants knelt down and shouted in unison.

Lin Ping’an looked towards Lin Chen and said anxiously: "Are you going? Take me with you!"

Lin Chen helplessly said: "You little girl, It’s not easy to come back and still be so playful this time. Stay here with peace of mind, who will not bully you when you are here in the future."

Lin Ping’an was slightly lost, and immediately waved. Make a fan fist, cheer for yourself, "hmph! If you don't take me, you won't take me, who is rare, then I will try my best to cultivation and surpass you in the future! Let you beg me to take you to fly!"

The old man Wuji seemed to have expected: "Little friend Lin Chen, after the three-dimensional creatures enter God World, they will not be able to adapt to the four-dimensional and will be limited by their strength. Please do everything in a low-key manner."

Lin Chen said with a big smile: "Don't worry, I must be low-key."

Lin Chen will be low-key, um, I really believe it.

Lin Chen said: "After I leave, I will leave a separate Phantom Clone and sit in the Holy Realm."


Lin Chen stepped into the air, and the beauties of many enchanting females were eager to see through, countless words came to their lips, and in the end there was only one "remember to come back".

"Big brother, I will give you a ride!"

A group of dark shadows emerged, and Lin Can's silhouette appeared in the sky.

"Shadow King, take off."

Lin Chen laughed, patted Lin Can, and Shadow Dragon Transformation, leading him into the void and out of the Shenhe Galaxy!

Stepping into the shadow king of the quasi-god’s cultivation base, shuttling through the void is one point faster than Lin Chen.

The two God World women Lin Chen met, the star pupil woman once gave Lin Chen a starry Divine Stone refining with three-dimensional materials, which can also be used by three-dimensional creatures.

Normal three-dimensional creatures go to the four-dimensional universe and need to find the boundary of the universe. There are many entrances to the four-dimensional universe.

However, the universe that Lin Chen lives in is constantly expanding, and the boundaries of the universe have been continuously expanding outwards. Normal methods are used to find them. It takes epochs of time to get started!


Twelve years ago, one day when Lin Chen was in a coma, it was on the boundary of the odd domain.

The two women meet on the cliff outside the wood house.

Bai Ruoyan lost her voice in consternation: "Are you going to save the lives of those human races who have passed away?"

Luo Yaoer nodded, "I feel the eternal flame of your body, once I have arrived at the Heavenly Tablet in Samsara. If it were you, I should be able to understand what I said."

Bai Ruoyan shook his head; "I don’t understand. If you do this, it will only be purely life-killing. Don’t forget. The reason for him to participate in this war lies with you."

A happy smile appeared on Luo Yaoer's pale cheeks, "It is precisely because of what I started that I want to end it all. I promised my mother not to fall into the hatred of the Fiend clan, but to understand the weight of life and open up a new path for the Fiend clan."

"I failed my mother’s wishes and I was deeply loved by the Fiend clan. Driven by hatred, if I didn’t meet him, I wouldn’t even recall these things."

Luo Yaoer looked at Bai Ruoyan: "Please take care of him for me."

Bai Ruoyan pondered for a long time, and solemnly said: "If you have decided, please promise me an agreement."

Luo Yaoer stroked her hair slightly and said softly: "Please speak. "

Bai Ruoyan has only one word.

"Don't die."

Reincarnation Heavenly Tablet.

In front of the huge Heavenly Tablet, the silhouette remains unchanging and quiet here.

Outside the Formation, Bai Ruoyan, bathed in the eternal flame, whispered a sound transmission.

"He has set off for God World."

The beautiful figure in front of the Heavenly Tablet is slightly trembled.

Bai Ruoyan outside Formation is faintly sighed: "You want to complete the agreement of your deceased mother. I hope you will not forget the agreement between you and me."


"Big brother, be careful!"

After leaving the Shenhe Galaxy, Lin Can and Lin Chen solemnly bid farewell.

brother two people embrace each other, Lin Can’s cultivation base is not enough to go to God World, Lin Can’s spatial innate talent is strong, but the energy tide baptism he has to face ascends is equivalent to the calamity of descending dimensionality. Generally, hard power is needed to resist, Lin Can is not strong enough, and can only stay in the holy realm.

Open your palms, and the blue starry sky Divine Stone flickers.

This object is made of materials from the Shenhe galaxy. The three-dimensional Human Race can also be used. The woman in the star skirt is reserved for Lin Chen’s teleportation to God World.

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed. "When I first arrived in the Holy Realm, the cultivation base was Battle Sovereign Seventh Layer. Now I am going to God World, which also happens to be the 7th Layer of Saint Realm. How does it feel to be arranged perfectly clear? ."

ka! Bang!

Lin Chen squeezed the Star Fragmentation empty Divine Stone, the sky suddenly rose up with a curved bunch of silver white radiance connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, shattering nearby stars, and Lin Chen was taken in !

Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit perception disappeared instantly and was cut off. A strange force was pulling Lin Chen.

"This is the tidal force that will be faced when ascending..."

Lin Chen instantly activated the Holy Force defense, staring into the distance, and disappeared after being included in the silver white beam of light !


After one month.

Four-dimensional God World, becoming a god is only the beginning.

Three Thousand Great Dao, the truth of the law lies in it, and the True God that controls the law is the well-known figure of God!

The curved vast universe, infinite galaxies, Star Domain, nebulae, arranged in a row.

one after another The French Open is everywhere, and the three thousand Grand Dao Rule hangs in the sky like the French Open!

Star Domain is composed of galaxies. Among the large number of Star Domains in God World, the star domain is the most expansive.

There is a continent on the border of the Gods and Wilderness Star Domain. Today, two handsome Young Masters belonging to the Shangguan Aristocratic Family of the Qitian continent, together with a number of True Gods, are going to perform the'Aristocratic Family Mission'.

In the sky, a team sprints like a meteor, and a robust man with fiery eyebrows jokingly said with a smile: "When did you two look so handsome in Shangguan Family? Yingjie, why have you never seen it? Is it the expert of Shangguan Family Snow Store?"

The Young Master of Xuepao in the team said calmly: "Your Excellency Chi Yu, we can prove that it is sufficient for Shangguan Family. I don't need to worry about anything else, or do you want to experience the Shangguan Family cultivation technique with your body?"

"Cut..." The fiery True God curled his lips.

The strong attitude of the two made him eat a cold shoulder.

When the team passed a mountain range, the terrifying roar of desire torn the sky rang out all over the sky!

"roar! roar! roar!"

The sound and waves are rolling in, True God moves!

"This is... the nearby mountain range of the blasting dragon, the roar of the blasting dragon king!"

The seven True Gods looked at each other, tacitly!

Go check it out!

In the curved space, each True God unfolds the movement method, the natural phenomenon emerges, shuttling through the void!

The clouds are filled with smoke, and in the undulating gorge, there is a mess, the ground is cracked and the mountains collapsed.

This terrifying destructive power makes the five True God expressions solemn.

"Good guy, which fierce person actually took the shot to suppress the mountain range of the blasted dragon! In addition to a blasted dragon king, there is also an Azure Dragon! Two Divine Dragons are fierce by nature, besides me and many other True God groups The team, generally no one will provoke it."

"It is said that the nearby Dahuangqiongqi is eyeing the mountain range of the blaster dragon. Could it be that they did it?"

" Why, the capital of the corpse is gone..."

"No! There are people under the gorge!"

When the seven True God discuss spiritedly, True God cried out in surprise .

The gods stared, and under the mountain gorge, a silver robe silhouette was standing in the blood bathed in blood, and the holy cave was covered in darkness.

He stands like a gun, both hands crossed near chest, his posture is awe-inspiring, and his imposing manner is undiminished!


The gods suck in a breath of cold air!

It’s really real!

Saint Realm 7th Layer? Where is the Divine Immortal!

Blasting dragon mountain range, Sacred Beast rampant, Saint King Level Sacred Beast abounds, Samsara Sacred Beast even more.

A Saint Boundary sevenfold, not enough for a Saint King beast to stuff its teeth!

Dare to enter here? Skeleton doesn't exist before being swallowed up to the periphery!

The two handsome Young Masters of Shangguan Family stared at that silhouette, and the Xuepao Young Master suddenly said.

"He doesn't seem to be conscious anymore."

Five True God body flashed and approached after confirming that there is no danger.

When he landed and took a closer look, Xuepao Young Master even had eyes shrank!

"He actually fainted while standing..."

The other beautiful and beautiful Young Master of Shangguan Family lost his voice and was shocked.

"The reason for his coma is... it was the rejection of the ascension!"

True Gods was stunned and his expression gradually outrageous as he was struck by lightning!

Upgrading rejection?

This is even more of him!

What is this concept?

Meaning that this kid turned out to be a new three-dimensional Human Race?

A 3D Human Race of Saint Realm 7th Layer, dare to enter the mountain range of Blast Dragon? Survived?

There is a huge gap between the Holy Land and True God! Both cannot mention on equal terms at all!

The most powerful genius, with the cultivation base of Saint Realm 7th Layer, is also impossible!

Those who do not dare to write like this!

You must pay attention to the basic law for nonsense! This is so up to the sky!


God World chapter, start!

A new journey, soaring all the way! !

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