Time goes a little bit forward——

Lin Chen resists the tidal force brought about by ascending with a fleshy body! Forcibly come to the 4D God World!

Although the forcible resistance was completed, something very embarrassing happened!

The Divine Stone in the starry sky given to Lin by the woman in the star skirt was half shot and gone!

no no no, this cannot be blamed on the woman in the star skirt.

The teleportation destination of the Divine Stone itself is the Five Continents of the four-dimensional God World.

The last time you can reach Qitian continent, at least it is to send Lin Chen to a place as safe as possible.

However, because the Divine Stone in the starry sky is created using three-dimensional materials, there is a drawback that the user’s cultivation base determines the distance that the Divine Stone can move in the starry sky.

If Lin Chen uses this thing in the True God Realm world, he must arrive at Five Continents, or he can go directly to the site where Lin Family is responsible.

Although Lin Chen’s Holy Force is powerful enough to rival Human Race True God, he is still Saint Realm 7th Layer after all!

The star pupil girl simply did not expect that this guy will board the God World with the Saint Realm 7th Layer cultivation base!

Who the hell would have expected! Saint Realm 7th Layer is coming up? Like a ghost!

You have become a quasi-god anyway!

This was completely unexpected. As a result, the Divine Stone in the starry sky did not move for long with the Lin Chen Saint Realm 7th Layer's cultivation base, and just entered God World and shot it!

This allowed Lin Chen to fall into the most dangerous area of ​​God World, the God Desolate Star Domain!

Even if it's just a border, it's definitely not a place that Saint can go to.

God World’s God Desolate Star Domain, including Dragon Clan, Demon Race, Great Desolate, or Asura, is a super-powerful Star Domain, which is the most taboo dangerous area for Human Race!

Saint in this four-dimensional prehistoric Great Desolate level Star Domain is similar to a small ant, and it will be crushed to death with a single move.


A silver white light column descended, and Lin Chen's silhouette appeared.

At this moment, what appeared before his eyes was the brand new Heaven and Earth!

The curved world is like a hanging sky dome, with a dense jungle above his head, surrounded by towering trees, and there are even a few Saint King Level four-dimensional Sacred Beasts in the forest above him.

The hardness of the crystal wall in space makes Lin Chen slam a punch with 700 billion pure power, which is just a gust of wind that's all!

"God World's space is really hard! I punched out and put it in Shenhe Star Domain, which can sweep a small half of the galaxy, but it can only destroy a jungle here!"

Lin Chen took a breath and took in a sip of Spiritual Qi. He was radiant and exclaimed: "The Spiritual Qi of God World is so pure! Compared to the Holy Realm, the purity of Spiritual Qi is more than a thousand times higher! It's too enchanting, if it were here. Picking up the attribute, didn’t I take off?"

bang! Lin Chen slammed a punch again, the fist wind is not forward, from a visual point of view, it is actually going'up'!

"This is the four-dimensional world......"

Lin Chen was amazed!

The four-dimensional world, from the naked eye perspective, is like being inside a curved and rotating sphere!

Every time Lin Chen takes a step, the curved world will rotate and the scene will change.

Lin Chen wants to go to the forest overhead, instead of flying upwards, he should'go forward'!

Lin Chen punched forward. The attack seemed to fly upward in a curved arc, but it was actually forward.

This is just an analogy, and Lin Chen is in the four-dimensional world at this moment, and what Lin Chen perceives is far more complicated and magical than imagined!

However, at the next moment, Lin Chen’s expression is amazing!

"en? My Holy Force and flesh shell, even Primordial Spirit has begun to shrink!"

Lin Chen moved!

His cultivation base, pure power, Primordial Spirit, began to slowly dim.

The more the cultivation base shrinks, the clearer Lin Chen sees the four-dimensional world!

"This is what the old man Wuji said, when the body is familiar with 4D! The cultivation base will temporarily fall into a mostly unusable state."

Lin Chen is about to leave.

bang! bang! bang!

The earth trembles, the breath of violent hurricane destroys the sky and the earth sweeps all around, and the breath of dragon that is blazing like a heat wave approaches Lin Chen when it comes in The low roar of a low, muffled voice echoes the sky!

"Where did the small and weak Human Race come from? How dare you get into this king's lair and die!"

Shi~! The cracking wind screamed, and a dragon claw burning with the majestic Divine flame was smashed all the way from the top of Lin Chen's head!

"Damn! God World meets Divine Dragon at the beginning? Good guy, I'm a good guy!"

Faced with the attack directly above, Lin Chen's shoulders shook sharply, urging him The only Holy Force left to move, a palm on the front of the backhand urged nine Burning Heavens Palm to shoot!

Shih~! boom!

The mountains and rivers trembled, and the situation changed suddenly! The air wave lifted a lot of vegetation, and the aftermath of the two sides burst out and burned into a fire sea!

"en? Can actually take the claw of the King of Blast Dragon, you kid, not an ordinary Human Race! Death! This king wants to swallow you and eat your secrets!"

A huge monster was born. The huge dragon body is huge and powerful. It is stronger than the Divine Dragon in the holy world, which is comparable to the size of a small galaxy!

"The other party is more familiar with Siwei than I am. If you escape, you must run away before the cultivation base. If you can't escape, you will die here. Instead of this, it's better to be completely suppressed in my cultivation base. Before, do it quickly, kill it!"

Lin Chen released the six Phantom Clones in one go, swarming them, and full firepower!


Xiangtianhe, the endless fighting power instantly started, attracting the second ridiculous Azure Dragon!

Lin Chen's eyes are fierce!

"Mother, you are really bullied by the three-dimensional universe, Divine Dragon!"

A dragon roar chants Heaven and Earth, and another Divine Dragon is born!


The gods stared, and under the mountain gorge, a silver robe silhouette stood in the blood bathed in blood.

The man's holy cave is gloomy, and the Holy Force is lost.

He stands like a gun, both hands crossed near chest, his posture is awe-inspiring, and his imposing manner is undiminished!

"hey hey hey... true or false, why is there a holy place in that place?"

"Blasting dragon mountain range, Samsara Sacred Beast rampant, why did he enter Here?"

Staring at Lin Chen who was unconscious, several True Gods said curiously.

"What a young three-dimensional Human Race!"

"Hey... his body refinement power is like Interesting, but it is suppressed to a very low level due to the exclusion of upgrading. I can't detect his specific power."

"No matter what, a Saint Realm 7th Layer can enter here is unimaginable."

When the two True Gods discussed, The two handsome Young Masters of Shangguan Family suddenly said.

"We can't perceive the breath of Dragon King and Azure Dragon too."

"Presumably, it should be violent death!"

"Very Strange, if it is killed, where did the ruthless character of Two Great Divine Beasts go? We came all the way, and there was no sign of the powerhouse leaving or the cultivation technique being used. Could it be that the boss who mastered the law took the shot?"

The gods looked at each other.

Fire Eyebrow True God · Chi Yu earnestly said: "First eliminate the first probability, the death of the Dragon King has nothing to do with him directly."

Chi Yu looked around, Seriously said: "Looking at his appearance, he should have just descended from the three-dimensional. It is estimated that there are one or more True Gods who are walking with him."

Yes, as long as True God has a normal brain, Will not think there is any connection between the Saint Seven Human Race and the Divine Dragon level of the Blast Dragon King.

What is the existence of Divine Beast, which can wipe out the existence of a large number of Saint King in one breath, a Saint Realm 7th Layer? It’s not enough to stuff your teeth!

According to their experience, the Saint Realm 7th Layer is impossible and can threaten a Divine Dragon!

The only probability is that when this young three-dimensional Human Race was upgraded, True God accompanied him, and then at this time, the fellow True God killed the Dragon King, and then some accidents happened. Can have time to take him away.

Thinking about it this way, everything makes sense.

If not, it is impossible to imagine how this child survived in the mountain range of Blast Dragon!

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