Shangguan Yun didn't keep up with Lin Chen's thoughts.

Now is the best time to escape!

Stay in the green hills, no worries about no firewood! With Lin Chen's background, it is very suitable to go to the 9th layer Jiehai.

However, what way is he?

It’s not you who want to escape, it’s Divine Kingdom from the beginning?

big brother! Don't you run away and wait for death?

To win a group of gods 2nd layer, is it possible that you think you can win a group of gods 3rd-layer or even 4th layer?

The gap between the 2nd layer Early-Stage and the middle and late stages of the God Realm alone has been vividly and thoroughly demonstrated in the battle before!

The level gap after 3rd-layer will only be more abnormal!

Shangguan Yun's expression changed several times, she seemed to realize that she seemed to have just met him!

It seems that every time his actions are like getting to know him for the first time!

Never see through!

Why doesn't he play the cards according to the routine!

Lin Chen patted her shoulder, faint smile.

"Shangguanyun Eldest Miss, I have a new collaboration. Interested?"

Shangguanyun looked at him with a look like he wanted to make trouble, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

"What do you want to do?"

"So, so, so, and so."

"What? Do you want to do Divine Kingdom in the beginning? Impossible It’s not realistic at all, do you know the distance from Divine Kingdom to here in the early days? When you hit it, people will have gathered a large number of powerhouses!"

Shangguan Yun stared at Lin Chen like a lunatic!

This guy... actually wants to single out Divine Kingdom?

Don’t have any common sense? Winning Divine Kingdom Old Ancestor doesn’t mean that he can destroy Divine Kingdom!

A Divine Kingdom that can survive to this day must have a strong enough foundation.

No one knows what kind of killing move a Divine Kingdom will show if it is forced to a dead end!

The war between Divine Kingdom will only involve high-level wars and secret fights. It will never fight the war of subjugation. Whoever fights first may subjugate the country first!

Besides, at the beginning, Divine Kingdom was far away from the Blood Fox Mountain and there was no special four-dimensional channel. It would take more than a month for the normal True God to rush to the past, and when it had to arrive, people might have attracted countless powerhouses. Defeat him Lin Chen!

This is not called heads-up, it is called death!

Lin Chen laughed, "What is the distance? Next, you will lead the way, and I will take you off!"

[The host consumes 10 million points of the mid-level suit essence, and Wind God Wing charges Ability: 10%. 】


Two green feathers and rainbow lights are intertwined. Lin Chen has a pair of green rainbow wings spread out behind him! The wings of the gods are spread out, with sharp edges and corners, like one after another sapphire intertwined, revealing a sound wave of divine wind whistling!

The King of Speed ​​Component·Wind God Wing!

Wearing Wind God Wing, Lin Chen’s temperament has changed drastically. The wind is full of wind and the hair is flying, like the elegant wind god of all living beings. The side face is beautiful, the face is clear, and it is intoxicating, even Shangguan Yun also glanced at it slightly.

Lin Chen lifted up his hair and said with a smile: "Doesn't anyone really think that I want to use this King of Speed ​​suit parts to escape? I beat Divine Kingdom!"


Use the strongest speed for escape? What is waste, it is called waste!

"Let's go! Starting from Divine Kingdom at the beginning, they are just prey, I am the hunter!"

Grasp the hand of Shangguan Yun, Lin Chen shows Wind God Wing, two The silhouette of the person passed away in a flash!

At that moment, what Shangguan Yun felt was not'fast'.

It is the'shift' of four-dimensional space-time!


5 days later, the temple of the beginning.

Divine Kingdom great hall In the sky, a light of fire descends to the world!

True God, wearing a robe like a stream of fire, stepped out slowly, and when he stepped into the temple, the Old Ancestor in the temple was slightly smiled.

"Long time no see, blazing old ghost."

The flaming old man in Liuhuo robe glanced at him, neither salty nor indifferent.

"For so many years, in the late stage of the 2nd layer of God Realm, Old Guy, can you do it. Don't guard your Divine Kingdom all day long."

"hahaha, mouth It's still so poisonous, please inside."

The two are not smiling, and when they talk and laugh, there are many natural phenomena outside the temple!

"en? The green-faced ghost is here too."

"There is also the Overlord Sword Fangxie, the Ten Absolute Flying Sword Lin Zhen, the God of Heaven, the Dragon Sect of Ji. Good fellow , The old man news, has so many old monsters out of you."

The Old Ancestor in the temple exclaimed.

These old monsters are all the cultivation bases of the God Realm 3rd-layer!

However, Old Ancestor did not stand up to welcome him at the beginning. His attitude showed his position and attitude, and he was not afraid that these old monsters would besiege his Divine Kingdom.

The gods were seated, with different expressions, their eyes focused on Old Ancestor.

At the beginning, the old Ancestral God sank, "People are almost there. Regarding the surprise son who was born in the blood fox mountain recently..."

"Wait a minute."


A senile-like twilight voice echoed the temple.

The sound is not loud, but it vibrates like a giant bell ringing, echoing in the ears, making every True God look suddenly condensed!

The gate of the temple burned with a wisp of black and white smoke, slowly rising like a fire beacon.

Between the smoke, two black and white silhouettes emerge out of thin air.

The two boys look like young people, the Celestial Court is full, with sword eyebrows and stars, long hair shawl, but there is a smell of vicissitudes of life between the eyebrows.

The pupil on the left is faint and dark, and the pupil on the right is brilliant, like stars.

At the beginning, Old Ancestor raised his brows, and said strangely: "It turned out to be the two Elders Hei and Bai of Yu Family, the aftermath, the embers!"

All the True Gods present were revealed Solemn appearance.

These two bosses are extremely deep, such as the abyss is not bottomed, even the breath and the cultivation base are not even able to be noticed by them, and they are absolutely above the realm of everyone present!

The mid-term of the 3rd-layer of God Realm? No, maybe even more!

Body flashed, two Elders Hei and Bai, like teenagers, sat in the empty seats like ghost-like.

Lao Bai Yumie said indifferently: "This child hurts my Yu Family granddaughter Yu Tianwei, and has no power. It is always a price to pay."

Hei Lao Embers killing intent Now, "Regarding the remuneration, my Yu Family is twice as much as they were present. You have to share the information about Divine Kingdom from the beginning, and you also have to share a copy of my Yu Family."

Now the information about Divine Kingdom from the beginning is very important. Before the news reaches the great character on the'above', take down this child first!

In the beginning, Old Ancestor stroked his beard and smiled, "It's easy to talk, easy to talk. According to the agreement, if this child is captured, his secret, I also enjoyed a copy of Divine Kingdom in the beginning."

Yu Family nodded, "This is nature."

"Okay, then about your sincerity and the price of listening to information..."

In the beginning, Old Ancestor hasn't finished talking yet, the temple Suddenly there was a sound transmission from outside, and it entered the temple.

"Old Ancestor, the newly promoted stand-alone Chamber of Commerce chairman of the Divine Kingdom next door, Chen Lin, please see me. He said he had a significant reward to negotiate with Old Ancestor and said that he knew about Lin Chen. Road and trump cards, I would like to share with my Divine Kingdom!"

The gods present were taken aback.

Who is this guy who popped up?

Single-machine Chamber of Commerce? Never heard of it!

In the beginning, Old Ancestor's eyes were even more exciting. Who is this person who knows the origin of Lin Chen? Know his hole cards?

To be honest, Old Ancestor and Lin Chen played against each other once, so they were cautious!

This youngster is full of secrets. It is hard to guarantee that the previous battle was his full strength. Only know yourself and know your enemy can emerge victorious in every battle. They don’t know anything about him. If they can predict him in advance With other abilities, the probability of being captured alive will be greatly improved!

In the beginning, Old Ancestor looking thoughtful, "en. Interesting, invite this president in!"


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