Outside the temple, Divine Kingdom Elder said: "Chairman Chen, please!" Pull up your posture.

A woman beside her, True God cultivation base, is actually a maid dress!

Slim waist and full grip, snowy legs like jade, skirt swaying like lotus flowers, the beauty of the skin is fat, beautiful and beautiful, faintly discernable exuding a snow lotus-like temperament, lonely and cold, But he followed the white clothed man very well and convincingly.

This scene has attracted many True Gods' attention!

True God maid? What a big show!

The maids are not uncommon, but the maids of the True God Realm level are definitely not affordable by ordinary forces!

Especially the maid with the 2nd layer cultivation base of the gods! This kind of talent is even more enchanting than the true genius of a thousand Ancient God Sect!

With such talent and background, can you be willing to be a maid for others?

To be able to use True God as a maid, one can imagine how terrifying the origins of this white Young Master!

The young man headed by him wore white clothes, his face was like a crown of jade, his starry eyes were brilliant, and he was handsome and handsome.

A pair of faint eyes seemed to attract all the attention of the old monster present, and mysterious everywhere.

In the face of so many old monster-level True God gazes, he calmly, peacefully, as if returning to his own territory, calm and composed must make the gods admire him!

This youngster, who can keep calm under their gaze, must have extraordinary experience, and the youngster who is still being cultivated among the forces behind them has as different as heaven and earth!

The most mysterious thing is his breath. All the True Gods present, including Yu Family Embers and the Second Elders of the Remnant, could not perceive his cultivation base.

There seems to be some mysterious treasure that obscures his breath.

When a certain True God was unable to detect his cultivation base, a sneer was provoked at the corner of his mouth, releasing a wave of Primordial Spirit!


When the Primordial Spirit waved close to the ten zhang range of the white clothed youth, it shattered quietly in an instant!


"A very powerful Primordial Spirit!"

"This child is also a Primordial Spirit Realm Perfection! Young, too young!"

"Although his life fluctuation was covered up, the old man could vaguely detect that this child might not even be five hundred years old!"

The two walked to the round table seats. Before Old Ancestor could speak, the white clothed youth immediately sat down, swinging his legs, and resting his legs on the table.

"en?" The old monster frowned, "So arrogant? Supercilious?"

Chen Lin waved his hand casually.

Swipe~! The light flashes like stars, and the brilliant Divine Jade with cyan ray twinkling, palm-size, is left on the round table!

Everyone shines!

The complete defective Divine Jade! There are still ten in one shot!

However, what makes the eyes of a few bosses even hotter is the exquisite treasure box in the center of Divine Jade.

There are sacred fires burning on the surface of the Linglong treasure box, like a dragon flying, this treasure box alone has carved a powerful seal, which is very valuable in itself, let alone the inside of the treasure box, the center is A jade with red veins beating!

It turned out to be a unique crystal of Fire Element!

Chen Lin looked cynical, with Erlang's legs upright, and the True God maid beside him bends his shoulders and pinches his neck.

Next, he lazily said: "This is a meeting gift given by Chen Mouren to Divine Kingdom at the beginning."


Everyone was shocked, and the expressions of Yu Family two Elders Hei and Bai condensed!

It's actually just a meeting ceremony? What family property is this!

With this desktop bargaining chip, compared to the reward they had to give Divine Kingdom in exchange for information, it was not far behind. It was just a meeting ceremony?

Top grade alien crystals are not precious to the gods.

But the superb different crystals are not trivial!

For these gods 3rd-layer bosses, the temptation is also not small.

Extremely different crystals have a vital effect, which can increase the probability of Spiritual God's Condensation Law!

Although the probability is small, this temptation is by no means comparable to an ordinary treasure!

The vastness of God World, just a star state is a crouching tiger hidden dragon, and there are countless great people in the hidden world. Maybe this is the birth of a certain master child.

"With such a precious gift as a meeting ceremony, who is this young president and why he has never heard of this Chamber of Commerce..."

In the beginning, Old Ancestor narrowed his eyes In a seam, he did not move anything on the table easily.

People grow old and become good, he knows that the precious things, the more they can get the same price.

However, this'heavy' meeting gift has been exchanged for the kindness of Old Ancestor from the beginning.

Old Ancestor faintly smiled and said; "Chairman Chen is young and promising, why have you never heard of the name of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Chen Lin said calmly:" Because my father is very hungry, he advised me to keep a low profile when traveling. This time I went out to experience, just to make money."

He patted his chest, "Chairman Chen, he bought it, and he bought the job to make money. Moreover, Chen Mouren doesn't like to earn money from the poor."

"oh?" At the beginning, Old Ancestor was surprised: "Then whose money do you want to earn."

Chen Lin smiled casually. ; "Whoever has money makes whoever."

Shijuefeidao·Lin Zhen smiled, "Who has the money?"

Chen Lin pointed at the crowd and said calmly : "You have money."

True Gods glanced at each other and laughed at each other.

Only two Elders Hei and Bai looked at Chen Lin with cold eyes.

At the beginning of the Old Ancestor faint smile, "Chairman Chen is polite, the exquisite crystal is a meeting ceremony, this is not ordinary."

Lin Zhen said calmly: "You want to be with us I’m afraid I don’t have the amount of money that President Chen wants."

Chen Lin carefreely smiled; "Divine Kingdom with Divine Kingdom is a good thing, isn’t it? Back then, there were 30 Northern Domain states, who wouldn’t I know, you were the boss of Divine Kingdom in the beginning."

In the beginning, Old Ancestor said with a smile: "Chairman Chen is humble, dare you to ask if Lin Chen and your Chamber of Commerce have any feast?"

Chen Lin narrowed his eyes, and the killing intent was revealed!

Everyone was surprised. Obviously, Lin Chen did not offend this hidden child.

Chen Lin showed a look of memories and slowly said; "He and I have no holidays in Chamber of Commerce, but he and I personally have holidays."

"oh?" Ancestor was astonished, "What do you say?"

Chen Lin said: "He stole my cultivation technique."

The imposing manner, the fierce Tyrant Sword·Fang Xie looked surprised. , "Chairman Chen’s family property is good, and there must be a lot of powerhouses in the clan? How could he steal your cultivation technique?"

Chen Lin said: "Because my cultivation technique is all picked up."

Everyone: "??"

Chen Lin said calmly: "My father has too many top-level cultivation techniques, piled up like a mountain, and many of them are used to cushion the corners of the table. I repaired them. The cultivation technique was picked from him."

Everyone's corner of mouth twitching, what is this talking about?

Chen Lin continued: "The two of us used to be friends. We met by chance. The president made a low-key trip to get to know him. We talked and talked very speculatively. He was more handsome than me, so I made friends with him. Invite him to take a look at the mansion, didn’t expect, this child has a thief!"

Speaking of this, Chen Lin’s killing intent is even worse, Make everyone more believe in three points.

He coldly said: "My two confided in the wine, who expected him to drug in the wine and put me down. One after another, he entered my house, went to my bed, fucked my girl, and stole My cultivation technique is very arrogant!"


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