The decision was made. At the beginning of the Old Ancestor's sleeves, the Divine Item'Sky Star Exquisite Whisk' changed into a series of star flashes, and then appeared again!

Old Ancestor holds the whisk in his hand, and with a wave of it, moonlight appears!

The dust and silver filaments danced, a lot of moonlight poured down, and the moonlight cast a Heavenly Cycle Star bitmap. Each star position represented a region under the star continent!

At the beginning, Old Ancestor bit his tongue, blood essence was like an arrow, sprinkled on the moonlight star chart!

I saw that a little red moonlight began to appear in the moonlight star chart!

The old folks from all walks of life stare intently, where will this kid be?

Just as everyone looked intently, they were first confused, then dumbfounded, and finally shocked!

Especially the people of Divine Kingdom in the beginning, instantly struck by lightning!

The position of the red moonlight is exactly the position of Divine Kingdom in the beginning!

Furthermore, it is right and wrong, it happens to be the location of the temple in Divine Kingdom!

What's the situation?

What the hell is this!

Lin Chen's location, it turns out that it was in the early Divine Kingdom?

What kind of way is this!

is it possible that is something wrong with the secret technique of the seal of the moon?

At the beginning, Old Ancestor muttered to himself with shock; "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I am the seal of the moon of Divine Kingdom at the beginning, unless it is a powerhouse that surpasses the two great realms of the ancestors of the year, otherwise it is absolutely impossible It's right to be relieved or abnormal..."

There is another possibility, that is Lin Chen dare to come to his Divine Kingdom?

But, impossible!

In the beginning, Divine Kingdom was so far away from the Blood Fox Mountain. In the beginning, Old Ancestor still relied on the Space Secret Technique to return in a few days!

This Lin Chen, can he still follow him?

next moment!


red moonlight turned into a stream of moon-like rays of light and shot out, further locking the target——

I saw, the faint red moon light pointed directly at the man with his legs up, President Chen, who was drinking slowly, finally stayed on top of his head, condensed but not scattered, red light swaying.

All the old monsters stared at Chen Lin for a moment!

Fang Xie’s voice was cold, but he said in disbelief: "Chairman Chen, could it be that you..."

In the beginning, Old Ancestor stood up abruptly and stared at him firmly. Shocked and muttered to himself.

"You, No way..."

Ember eyes shrank of Yu Family, "Chairman Chen...Chen Lin...Lin Chen...Chen Lin, Lin Chen "

Chen Lin, Lin Chen? Isn't this the reverse, the names are exactly the same?

But, this is too incredible!

If the two are one person, does this fucker have the operation of selling himself?

In the beginning, Divine Kingdom Elder was even more like a ghost!

If Chen Lin is really Lin Chen, in five days, this child sneaked into their Divine Kingdom and completely disguised his identity...

Then he actually arrived a few days ago. !

This is too fast! It's a speed beyond recognition!

Everyone did not immediately act, and they could not be sure what the situation is now. From the background and methods shown by President Chen, it’s not like Lin Chen...

"Are you Lin Chen?"

In the beginning, Old Ancestor stood up with a beat. eyes wide staring angrily, the situation changes suddenly, divine might roll over!

"What a brave old man, no matter if you are Chen Lin or Lin Chen today, your hole cards have been exposed. With you and your Avatar battle strength, how can you deal with the many present? True God!"

"Heaven Has a Way, you don’t run away, hell is doorless yet you charged to it!"

I saw'Chen Lin' raised his head and laughed; "hahahaha ! Expose the trump cards? I did take the initiative to reveal the trump cards I used, but..."

He smiled awe-inspiringly, "How do you know that I only have so many?"

Everyone Sluggish!

I saw that he stood up calm and composed, rolled up his sleeves, and revealed his fist with golden light!

He is slightly smiled and coquettish.

"Have you tasted the golden fist?"


All True Gods only feel the golden light divine splendor in front of them! The four-dimensional curved space-time exploded in an instant, the sky collapsed, and the entire temple exploded into fragments of the sky!

An unprecedented divine force hits head-on, crushing Heaven and Earth, invincible, and contains an unmatched imposing manner!

"Pu chi!"



Boss gathered here They vomited blood and retreated violently. Even though they instinctively urged their defenses, the punch just now seemed like a god-breaking, the heavens are invincible, and War God is alive!

Invincible, dominate the world!

Boom! boom! boom!

The temple exploded, the earth collapsed and the palace collapsed, the veins of the earth split one after another, the wind and clouds rolled, and the roar of the gale wind was like the wailing and roar of Heaven and Earth.

The python-like cracks spread all the way, bursting into the sky, the fire beacon billowing, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World's fist winds smoothed all the worlds, and it ran through ten thousand zhang outside, and penetrated a large number of Divine Kingdom in the early days. palace!

Even if it is not facing the very center of the fist, everyone is blown away by the fist wind!

And this moment is the moment when True God maid "Shangguanyun" and Phantom Clone "show their skills"!

When the Phantom Clone came, with a flash of speed, it intercepted the treasure previously presented by everyone——

"Six Seals·Seven Star Seals!"

The eight-finger seal of Shangguan Yun is like seven stars in a row, and the Six Paths Seal is superimposed one after another, constraining all Divine Item, spirit plant, top grade treasure, etc. at once.

This sudden scene hit everyone completely unprepared!

When the fire beacon rolled away, the hurricane was raging, everyone looked intently and couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air!

At the beginning, Old Ancestor was covered with blood and burst into pieces, corpses everywhere across the field, and the Divine Item'Sky Star Exquisite Whisk' was shattered alive!

One trick!

Just a trick! It destroyed the Old Ancestor of Divine Kingdom at the beginning!

Even if his realm is not as good as the bosses here, you can hold Divine Item in your hand and want to take him down. Divine Realm 3rd-layer will not be able to defeat him in a short time, let alone an instant kill. !

This kid...what the hell did you do!

The gods are like falling ice cellars, their scalp is numb.

When they once again looked towards the direction of the temple, the white clothed youth had already put on a silver robe and removed the disguise, with one hundred and sixty holy caves shining all over the body, shining like stars.

"Just now I heard someone said that I was just a little Lin Chen, do you want to do me?"

Lin Chen's cynical smile made their hearts tremble.

The old monsters finally know what kind of monster they provoke!

Is it true, I hit him directly!

Who does this kind of thing happen to normal people! Why do you want to "betray yourself"?

In the beginning, the Elders of Divine Kingdom were even more dumbfounded and dumbfounded after being bombarded by the aftermath!

Lin Chen, who they spent a lot of money trying to pursue, appeared in front of them so grandly!

Even just before, he was still chatting and laughing with the many hidden monsters who wanted to encircle him!

This youngster is too terrifying!

Shangguan Yun, floating in the air, holds multiple trembling light groups, and seals the Divine Item, said solemnly; "Their Divine Item is too powerful. I just suppressed it and tried my best. This battle Only you can deal with it yourself, be careful..."

"It's okay." Lin Chen raised his hand and said with a smile at will: "You don't want to see my heyday, just let you drive now Eye-opening."

Shangguan Yun startled, and she felt more and more that Lin Chen had an invincible spirit of invincibility!

Many old monsters gnashing teeth, this guy is good at'fishing', and all the best treasures they have on hand are in his hands!

Lin Zhen fly into a rage out of humiliation, "a trifling yellow-haired boy, I don’t believe that I can’t kill you! You can use that trick just now!"


Lin Zhen’s imposing manner was shocked. Hundreds of butterfly shadows danced like streamers and knife shadows around him. The divine might be mighty, and a pair of divine eyes burst into dazzling divine light!

Two Elders Hei and Bai have Yin Yang God all over the body, and it turns into a hole, so hostile!

Heavenly Oracle holds the Symboless Heavenly Book in his hand, opens all sorts of ancient great arrays, uses the fingers to bloom divine light, and points to the ground to form an array!

Fang Xie raised his hand in the air, and the sword intent led Nine Heavens, sharp and sharp, loudly shouted!

"The sword is coming!"

bang! bang! bang!

Wandao sword light came from Skyrim, fell into his palm, and became Divine Sword !

Lin Chen sneered.

"Do you think you will? What kind of big-tailed wolf!"

Lin Chen waved his hand, and the golden light divine splendor flashed in the sky!

"Come on!"


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