[The host uses the Golden War God set, with a base strength of 120 million, consumes energy, and starts to increase the host’s current highest strength that can support the Golden War God set...]

The dazzling golden divine splendor is like splitting heaven and earth apart, a streak of divine light, which shines on his silhouette and shines in the eyes of Shangguan Yun.

Lin Chen's twin pupils divine splendor are shining, and the golden light is dazzling. The helmet is cut with three dragon feather horns, and the outline of the golden marks on the breastplate is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. In the outline, a Torch Dragon face is carved, lifelike and shocking the world!

The left and right god armor armguards are engraved with divine rune dancing, the shoulder armor is shaped like a dragon tooth row, and a cloak is hung on the right shoulder and dancing with the wind, overflowing with a faint golden divine splendor, a pair of leg armors are cast with golden lacquer Cheng, radiating the eternal divine splendor, the knee armor is like a dragon claw, lying on the sky!

bang! bang! bang!

between Heaven and Earth, there was a roar, like a respectful arrival of this invincibility!

Even though Shangguan Yun, who has experienced many catastrophes and baptism in the world, can’t help but stare blankly at this moment.

Wearing the Golden Battle Armor and the cloak rolled up, only this posture can hold Heaven and Earth!

"This is...his heyday..."

When Shangguan Yun muttered to herself.

In the eyes of everyone, the divine glow is beating, and everything about Lin Chen is clearly understood.

"Don't be afraid of this kid, he is just a brute force that's all!"

"Bluffing, I have to see how you can eat all of us today!"

"Don’t think the 3rd-layer of the gods is as simple as the 2nd layer of the gods, the old man will teach you this young man today!"

All the bosses here , Which is not the great character who has seen big winds and waves and rushed across the sea?

They did not immediately escape, leaving behind to the enemy is often the most dangerous, but they quickly adjusted the battle.

Simply crushing Old Ancestor to death with one move could not frighten them, but made their fighting intent even higher, and even reached the willingness to'join hands' for a while!

Fang Xie coldly shouted sound transmission: "Take him down and break his Primordial Spirit! Use sword intent and Blade Intent to break his Primordial Spirit defense!"

Qi Dragon Sect said "I besieged him with Formation, he has no element to crush us!"

Lin Zhen coldly said: "The Flying Knife Absolute Art in this seat is waiting for the opportunity. He has only pure power, and one person is impossible. Pulling strongly against a crazy tide, two old ghosts, you use Yin and Yang Absolute Art to seal him up!"

The handsome face of the god of heaven stared at Lin Chen’s golden armor, showing a trace of madness and greed." This child uses the sacred cultivation base to launch such a hole card impossible for too long, and it will be called immediately if it is dragged. This protracted battle is we won!"

The two of Yumie and Ember looked at each other. ,it is more than words!

Yes, they don’t have to kill Lin Chen here, as long as there are many ways or means to delay him, in terms of protracted war, they are absolutely impossible to lose to a Saint!

Furthermore, just call someone!

Youngster does not talk about martial arts, and engages in fishing and sneak attacks. Then they call for the help of various forces, and they can crush him to death by suppressing the number of people!

Boom~! Divine Kingdom shook, and four divine lights and a silhouette emerged from the south side!

"Where can the dog thief dare to offend my Divine Kingdom!"

tiger's roar dragon's cry-like roar spread all around!

Shangguan Yun cry out in surprise; "It is the four heavenly kings of Divine Kingdom!"

The four heavenly kings of Divine Kingdom in the early days, each of them has the cultivation base of the Old Ancestor in the early days, and the 2nd layer in the late stage of the Divine Kingdom In the past, they were all secluded cultivation, and they did not leave the customs easily. Today, Divine Kingdom is in trouble, they leave the customs strongly!

Four True Gods dressed in Purple Gold robes come from the sky with heavy moonlight on their feet.

There is also a person headed in front of the Four Heavenly Kings, dressed in a dragon robe, with five colors of Dragon Qi on his head, stepping out, with the big Dao Idol, there is the appearance of the emperor, at a glance, you can read all the ancient and modern times. The eyes are shining with the clearly understood divine light.

Emperor Divine Kingdom from the beginning! As Lord of a Country, he has the highest authority and the strongest strength. It is the number one genius of Divine Kingdom for thousands of years and the cultivation base of the 3rd-layer Early-Stage of Divine Kingdom!

It is because of him that Divine Kingdom was able to stand among the powerful in the beginning!


A streak of divine light passing by, it turned out to be the Primordial Spirit rays of light remaining in the Old Ancestor of the Beginning, and flew towards the Emperor of the Beginning.

It turned out that at the crucial moment, Old Ancestor hadn't completely died in the early days, so he used the Divine Item to protect his Primordial Spirit.

I saw that the illusory Primordial Spirit of the Old Ancestor floated in the void, grabbing a life-saving straw and rushing towards the Emperor of the early days.

"Jin'er, you must be a shame for the Divine Kingdom in the beginning! This child killed Wuer and destroyed the Divine Item of the Divine Kingdom in the beginning, and destroyed the old man I cultivation base. Once, if these extraordinary shame and humiliation are not reported, how can I stand for Divine Kingdom in the beginning!"

In the beginning, the Old Ancestor screamed, and his eyes were full of resentment and madness.


Do you know that Lin Chen's Phantom Clone called out the Emperor of the Beginning, jokingly said with a smile.

"You are the emperor of Divine Kingdom in the early days? Sure enough, you are a talent. I can tell at first glance. You are a man with a story. You are definitely not a person to wait. I, Lin, have a treasure. The dragon crown on your head is more suitable."

After that, Lin Chen Avatar took out a glowing green hat and threw it directly over, "Catch it, the emperor of Divine Kingdom in the beginning!"

"Green Hat?"

Four Great Heavenly Kings of Divine Kingdom and the Emperor's complexion sank!

In the beginning, Old Ancestor's face turned pale instantly!

The last time the Blood Fox Mountain was visited, the words of Fifth Prince before his death had been heard by several True Gods of Divine Kingdom in the early days. Among them were the emperor’s henchmen...

Lin Chen's Avatar cheered the emperor; "Strong, must be strong! If you want to wear a hat, you must bear the green! It can be seen that you Divine Kingdom Old Ancestor are not old, in your harem, the charge is divine might still Now, I, Lin, would like to call you the greenest!"

In the early days, the emperor's face was gloomy, and the wind and clouds above his head suddenly changed, and other emotions were brewing.

The Primordial Spirit of Old Ancestor in the early days passed the crazy killing intent, but he turned around and explained to the early emperor: "Jin'er, this is the plot of this child to split our Divine Kingdom. You must bear it. Stay and see the facts..."

"I will bear your motherfucker!"


The emperor of Taichu took it with a palm, and instantly crushed the last a wisp of Primordial Spirit of the Old Ancestor of Taichu!

Four Great Heavenly Kings did not understand, but they would not question the king's choice, only locked the enemy's position!

"Lin Chen, right, I was busy sorting out national affairs the day before yesterday. Since you dare to break into the Divine Kingdom of the early days, I will let you die in a rhythm."

The emperor Qingjin of the early days The exposed, angular handsome face is full of madness!

He coldly shouted; "Four Great Heavenly Kings, start the Great Heavenly Kings Formation of the Beginning, and kill the enemy together with me, and destroy this child!"

bang! bang!

Four Great Heavenly Kings are divided into four divine lights, and in the sky a large array of bright and bright moons suddenly rises, like the overlapping of thousands of bright moons, one after another Immemorial civilization's Great Desolate remains.

The space and ground in the palace of Divine Kingdom became invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, turned into a heavy formation and blocked Lin Chen's retreat!

"In the beginning, Divine Kingdom was going to fight with this child, just right."

"We follow Divine Kingdom in the beginning. When our support arrives, this child will die!"

When the six old monsters stood with Divine Kingdom from the beginning--

Shangguan Yun stared at his back. In the beginning, there were more than ten True Gods in the Divine Kingdom. And this great formation is Divine Kingdom's accumulated foundation for many years, enough to trap the middle or even late stage of the 3rd-layer of God Realm!

Plus these six 3rd-layer eternal True Gods, he alone, how can he deal with this Divine Kingdom in the beginning? Even if it is the 4th layer Early-Stage of the God Realm, it is impossible to do it!


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