Domineering, against the sky, invincible, sweeping!

Lin Chen played too early Divine Kingdom and the True Gods alone, and there was no way to fight back, and his mood was broken!

It's just like entering the world of no one, unstoppable!

"A Saint, what chance does he have to be so strong!"

"What foundation does he have to withstand such a powerful force against the sky! It's too unreasonable. It’s so fucking unfair!"

"If you let him become a god, don’t you have to go to heaven?"

The change of the battle situation focuses on imposing manner and fighting intent. Once fighting intent A breakdown is not a battle strength.

The gods don't care whether Lin Chen is bluffing or not, this guy obviously has the strength to crush them all!

Stay a little longer will increase the risk of death!

"I want to escape now, it's a bit late!"

Lin Chen spreads out his palms, and the dark divine force condenses into a pure cube!

Lin Chen suddenly slapped his palm to the void, and the dark divine force unfolded a boundless Formation, covering the palace of the Divine Kingdom in the early days!

[The host launches the energy Divine Spark · Divine Shards, which consumes 1 million high-level Saint Heavenly Dao points, and starts to consume continuously...]

Boom~! The infinite gravity that is so heavy is turned into the force of the gravitation that suppresses Ghost God, and it is suppressed heavily!

Boom! boom! boom!

The few Divine Kingdom Elders who were floating in the air fell one after another, and their faces were shocked!

Can’t be wrong, this weird force of gravity is the divine force that was used in the original Blood Fox Mountain to crush the severely injured True God 2nd layers!

Lin Chen clenched his five fingers, Shen Yin Formation further collapsed, as if to shrink this space and Heaven and Earth into one piece!

"Ahhh! Old man's blood tiger robes can't stop it!"

"This is totally different from what the information says!"

"Can't get out!"

The remaining five bosses, and the eight True Gods of Divine Kingdom from the beginning, were suppressed particularly tragically!

The strong cultivation base can support it for a while.

But some Elders from Divine Kingdom were just True God 2nd layer Early-Stage, let alone injured before!

Their Divine Physique burst, the divine blood shining with divine light continued to overflow in the wound, and the sound of bones pressed zhi zhi broke out all over the body, and the divine force was drained as if it covered Divine Physique and kept resisting. With this force of gravity, the situation is getting less optimistic!

When Lin Chen was in the Blood Fox Mountain, when using [Divine Spark Fragment], he could only trap around eight divine realm 2nd layers, and now there are five divine realm 3rd-layers, Yu Family Two Elders Hei and Bai are even in the late stage of the 3rd-layer of God Realm, and they are still suppressed to death!

It can be seen that the formidable power of a Divine Spark fragment has increased exponentially!

Divine Kingdom wounded Elder, even without Lin Chen's action, the gravity of the God-induced Formation crushed them to pieces, and finally turned into a ball of blood mist!

"These old monsters are not sure what hole cards are left, the speed has destroyed them!"

Lin Chen stepped on the sole of his foot, turning into a golden flash and rushing forward, fiercely Crashed into the Four Great Heavenly Kings of Divine Kingdom at the beginning!

At the beginning of Divine Kingdom's "Four Great Heavenly Kings" saw Lin Chen attack, divine force condensed into a knife, and wanted to raise his hand to fight back!

Lin Chen ran over with a shoulder, like a meteor falling by strikes, smashing an Elder's Divine Physique!

Wearing a Golden War God suit, Lin Chen raised his leg and swept across, whip and whistle like a dragon, his breath is lofty and domineering, like the sun and menstruation!

A whip leg was pulled over like a knife, and the divine splendor flashed, smashing their divine force and Divine Physique into scum!

Divine Kingdom Four Heavenly Kings, Fallen!

The embers and the afterlife of Yu Family Seeing this scene, the expression of the always profound mystery appeared a touch of horror!

In the beginning, Divine Kingdom was wiped out, and then it was their turn!

"Lin Chen!"

In the early days, the emperor was hoarse, raised his hand and took it out. Sun, Moon and Stars were all in his palm, the divine force broke out, and a virtual image of the emperor rose above his head!

His Divine Physique burns fiercely, the dragon robe rolls over, and one after another divine light burns into brilliance. Thousands of dragon-shaped fragments are formed, intertwined to form that Divine Idol, the emperor of the ninth Supreme. !

Azure Dragon, who is wearing a dragon robe and turning into fragments in his palm, steps on the storm vortex and overlooks the innumerable living beings!

The core method of Divine Kingdom in the early days; Divine Kingdom of all ages!

The emperor of the primordial emperor drove the emperor Divine Idol with a punch, and Azure Dragon danced, the omens burst out, and the storms turned into fists and winds, and they ran across the world!

The emperor in the early days did not hesitate to fight with his life, burning Divine Physique and all the divine forces to condense this strongest blow! Even the 3rd-layer of God Realm didn't dare to make a desperate move in the later stage!

Lin Chen walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, walking like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, and every time he stepped, he rolled up a terrifying wind.

Facing the emperor's desperate move to death, Lin Chen's shoulders shook, and the divine splendor was condensed, and without flinching, he threw a punch to the sky face to face!

"Trifling Divine Kingdom, how can I be undefeated War God!"

This might of a single fist is like a Great Desolate million Divine Dragon, like a four-dimensional cosmic storm burst out , Shaking the sun and the moon, overwhelming the earth, the four-dimensional space-time collapsed!

The two fists collided, and a cloud of dust was exploded in the center, the divine light bloomed, and the Azure Dragon shattered!

hong long! Bang! boom! boom!

The emperor Divine Idol was shattered, and the emperor of the early days was wiped out. The golden fist wind penetrated Divine Idol and shattered his body. Before being broken, the emperor of the early days still showed an incredible expression.

"My Divine Kingdom was destroyed by a hairless brat..."

The emperor of the early days, completely disappeared!

The fighting of both sides is not at the same level! Even True God 3rd-layer Early-Stage's mortal blow can't cause him any damage!

This scene made the five True Gods who just wanted to desperately exchange for a chance to escape like an ice pit, cold glow piercing!

They are deeply trapped in the suppression of Shen Yin Formation, and it is hard to escape if they want to escape. This is much stronger than Lin Chen Divine Dragon Heavenly Prison!

Between the electric light and the flint, Lin Chen turned around and turned into a golden flash, rushing to the oracle of the Northern Domain Song Family!

The god of heaven screamed in fright, "Don’t come here!"

Lin Chen got close, and the god of heaven wanted to fight back, Lin Chen suddenly aggravated the gods. Encourage Divine Spark's power to suppress him impossible to move even a little bit!

The god eyes shrank......

He watched Lin Chen raise his palm in the air, turning into a hand knife and violently slashing down!

Shih~! Tear~!

From the top of the head, the oracle was split open by Lin Chen with his bare hands, dropping massive attribute light balls and scarlet attribute treasure chests.

Another eternal True God died!

Lin Chen's eyes turned, and the remaining Fang Xie, Ji Dragon Sect, Yu Family two Elders Hei and Bai were frightened!

Shih~! Tear~!

At this time, Yu Family's two Elders Hei and Bai did not know what kind of weird cultivation technique they used to break through the super-gravity restraint of the God-inspired Formation!

"en? It turns out that Old Tortoise is dying, and the tortoise's life is really hard."

Lin Chen eyelids twitched, these two people are worthy of the late stage of the 3rd-layer of the gods, and they can Divine Spark's power is drawn to break free!

"Make these two old bastard first!"

As soon as the golden leg armor stepped on, Lin Chen instantly swept towards the two Elders Hei and Bai!

The two old monsters saw him suddenly and aggressively attacked and locked them, and the old face was pale and grim in fright in an instant.

The second old man said, "You can't let Senior live a life" expression on his face!


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