Ember: "Why did this kid stare at us first!"

Aftermath: "Grandma, this child doesn't play cards according to the routine!"

Ji Dragon Sect: "Yes, just hit them!"

Fang Xie: "Hit his mother, don't hit us!"

Get trapped When the two of Shenyin Formation were madly trying to break free, they suddenly seemed to perceive something, their faces were ecstatic!

chi! Tear~!

Several sharp sonic booms suddenly sounded from all directions at the same time, and the pitch-black God-induced Formation cracked!

The cobweb-like cracks spread all over the Formation instantly, and then burst open!

Boom! boom! boom!

The divine lead Formation collapsed and shattered, and the dark divine force was reduced to fragments in the sky!

These multiple forces that break Formation come from the outside world!

Almost at the same time, Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone guarded outside the Divine Lead Formation instantly killed four of them!

That’s right, it’s not a fight, but an instant kill!

Be aware that Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone can rival most of the gods’ 2nd layer Early-Stage.

Lin Chen’s Avatar was killed instantly without even reacting, which shows that the strength of the incoming person is suppressed in all aspects!

The last two who were fettered by the divine lead Formation were relieved and exuded the ecstasy of avoided a catastrophe!

Ji Dragon Sect shouted; "Your honor, you are finally here!"

Shangguan Yun's expression changed slightly; "This breath...no, there are several!"

"A powerhouse is coming again?" Lin Chen raised his brows, but the imposing manner of hunting down two Elders Hei and Bai remained unchanged, even faster!


The sword intent roars, Heaven and Earth flips!

A wisp of sword intent crosses Heaven and Earth like a dragon, slashing straight behind Lin Chen!

Lin Chen stepped and turned around in an instant, punched his backhand and blasted the sword intent!


The owner of the sword intent let out a bewilderment and exclamation, as if wondering why Lin Chen could break his sword intent so easily!

In the distant void, he opened a pair of sharp eyes and glanced at Lin Chen with interest.

"This formidable power is stronger than those two old bastards!"

Lin Chen perceives that the formidable power of this sword surpasses that of the God Realm 3rd-layer Late!

It is very likely that it is a higher realm!

And expert!

One punch smashed the sword intent, Lin Chen without the slightest hesitation, stepping and turning, with power like rivers and rivers, and his body was crushed and went straight to the two Elders Hei and Bai!

The embers and the extinguisher are forced to stop in midair, and use Yin Yang God's power to turn into a sharp scissors to kill!

Do you know that Lin Chen smashed the two offensively, making the two young old monsters look aghast!


Suddenly, a giant palm that covers the sky tears through the sky, and the two Elders Hei and Bai are separated by a few thousand zhang!

Lin Chen raised his brows; "Want to save people?"

At the same time, in the curved high sky, Ji Dragon Sect and Fang Xie's position, split a whirlpool, out of thin air Include the two!

It is the force behind the major True Gods!

The people who sent out a signal for help before finally arrived.

However, it seems that due to some reasons, they did not go out to face Lin Chen personally, instead they chose to save the True God under Sect.

Fang Xiejie's way of the younger generation; "Your honor, you are finally here! Take down this kid, his secret is no small thing!"

On the other side of the space vortex, There was a low and sharp voice; "Are you teaching this seat to do things?"

Fang Xie lose one's head out of fear; "No, I dare not go down!"

That low and sharp voice "Fang Xie, figure out your identity, don’t cross the border. If your sect and this seat are not lineage, your life is not enough for this seat to open up time and space. Come to save you personally. I have already made a sword before, which is considered to give you a great face. If you are unsatisfied, unable to tell good from bad, pay attention to your own official career."

Fang Xie has a cold sweat; "Yes! Fang Xie has crossed the boundary!"

Fang Xie and the others are already the True God power ceiling of Qian Ancient Sect.

There is only one possibility for existence stronger than them, eternal giant!

These powerhouses that came to help are the supreme powerhouses from the magnate Sect of the ages!

After that, Ji Dragon Sect and Fang Xie were included in the other end of the space channel and will be taken away soon.

Suddenly, a great sound that made Heaven and Earth roar echoed with Heaven and Earth!

"youngster, you are very arrogant. When this seat comes, you still dare to move the Yu Family people!"

There is a terrifying divine might from the direction of the two elders of Yu Family, crooked Heaven and Earth suddenly changed, and the entire sky dimmed suddenly

Shangguan Yun’s pretty face changed terribly, "Lin Chen, run away... be careful!"

Behind the two elders of Yu Family Forces, such as Fang Xie and Ji Dragon Sect are even more terrifying!

This vocal master is even more terrifying. Shangguan Yun even felt the divine might of the law!

True God, which controls the law and that which does not control the law, is a true God of two levels!

Shangguan Yun still wants Lin Chen to escape, but because of his bad temper, he will run away, I am afraid he will do it to the end...

"youngster, you are angry Old man. I didn’t want to care about you juniors. Since you want to court death, the old man will do you!"

Hong Dao’s sound clip carries the anger of burning Heaven and Earth, and the giant palm takes it away. After the embers wiped out the two elders, with a sneer, the sky just above Divine Kingdom cracked!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sky burst into endless waves of fire, and the Heavenly Fire wave ignited the ruins of the entire Divine Kingdom at the beginning. The high temperature flooded everything and burned into the void violently and distorted.

This terrifying high temperature not only has Fire Element divine force, but also has a law of power that burns the world!

It's Law of Fire!


In the wave of Heavenly Fire, smashed a Qilin with a flame body, swaying the tail of the flame and rushing towards Lin Chen!

Wherever Fire Qilin has passed, smashed the river, Burning All Living Things, the ruins of Divine Kingdom turned into a fire sea, and everything is constantly melting!

This is a Qilin that is purely shaped by Fire Dao's law, formidable power destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

On the other end of the space channel, an absolute judgment came coldly shouted; "Dead!"

This move is several grades stronger than the previous sneak attack Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's foot is in the void, divine splendor is flowing, golden light dazzling, a pair of eyes reflect golden divine light.

"What about the eternal giants!"

Lin Chen raised his hand, the golden light in the palm of the palm was condensed, and a divine splendor broke through Heaven and Earth and gathered in the palm, finally transformed into a handle Golden gun!

【The host uses the Golden War God set of accessory weapons: War God gun, the charge consumption speed is increased, note: the host charge is about to be exhausted. 】

Wearing War God armor, Lin Chen has a shot in his hand, domineering wild!

War God's cloak moved with the wind, and Qilin, the law of horror, rolled over, and failed to shake him anymore. The fighting intent in his eyes became more and more high!

"You want me to die, how old are you?"

Holding a gun in both hands, pure power hurriedly, Lin Chen swept across the sky, the divine light of the tip of the gun skyrocketed, and a divine spear Shake the Tianhe!

Heaven and Earth gusts up, time and space are reversed, the law collapses, the tip of the gun divine light and the law Qilin collide!

Boom~! boom!

The golden divine splendor, curved like a moon, swept across the sky, like a storm in the world, as soon as it descended and destroyed everything. It was invincible and crushed the law of Qilin straightly and blasted it in half!


When an unbelievable sound came from the space channel, there was a bang, and the space channel exploded in an instant!

A shot of War God, while smashing the law alive, also blasted the other side of the space channel directly! !


The terrifying screams instantly echoed Heaven and Earth!

A blood splattered across one arm and flew out from the other side of the space channel. The attribute ball of light that falls into the sky falls, floating in the void.


All the powerhouses who witnessed this moment were all gasped!

That comes from the supreme powerhouse of the eternal giant, the Supreme Existence who controls the law, actually, even the arm was interrupted by Lin Chen!

At that moment, the scenery on the other side of the space channel emerged.

Lin Chen is wearing a Golden Battle Armor and holding a War God gun, standing tall, as if nothing can overwhelm his silhouette between Heaven and Earth!

Lin Chen stared at the moment when the space channel split, on the other side of the end.

On the space channel, a group of silhouettes emerged.

The group of silhouettes just look directly at this Golden War God holding a divine spear!


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