"Three-dimensional Human Race, Lin Chen?"

"Saint Seven Layers Perfection cultivation base, Tushen, dominates the blood fox mountain, crushes the Divine Sword, and has a Divine Dragon next to it. Body?"

"Primordial Spirit is suspected to be a perfection boundary? Body refinement is approaching True God?"

Only a few geniuses in the five major seats looked at each other.

The girl in the blue skirt said with great interest; "How, is this person eligible?"

Immediately, the four people in the five seats unanimously sneered.

"What do you think?"

"Any cat or dog, it's not worth it."

"No matter how strong a mortal is, it's just a mortal, even if you can What about breaking Divine Sword. Divine item's prestige depends on who uses it."

"It's just an extension of a mortal. In any case, it's impossible to reach our level."

"It's a nouveau riche that's all running up from the lower realms, with a little ability to show that's all."

"No matter how strong Saint is, it is Saint after all. Before there is no control rule, it is just a drop in the ocean."

Except for the "Peerless Demon Empress" who did not personally attend the five great talents, the four of them have a unified view.

The gods present are all super giants who have achieved the'Divine Art Great Achievement'!

Their background, cultivation base, experience, all stand at the top level in Xingzhou.

Even Yu Tianwei, who can be called a peak genius in Qian Ancient Sect, can only be a maid in front of them!

The difference is not a little bit, it is the difference between Heaven and Earth of the two worlds!

The genius within the giants of the ages, pick any one can suppress the ages sect.

Not to mention, the genius who achieved the'Divine Art Great Achievement' is a monster selected from thousands of sects!

Shocking and stunning genius, they have seen too much!

Similarly, the enchanting Genius who died in their hands are just as numerous!

No matter what the dark horse, it is not worth meeting them!

Saint kills the gods?

Even among them, someone did it back then!

How many so-called geniuses were blocked in front of Grand Dao Law after rising against the sky!

Three Thousand Great Dao, the law is the strongest.

How many shocking and stunning people are finally blocked in front of the door to the law of control!

Even if you have mastered the rules, you are still a million miles apart from completing the'Divine Art Feat'!

For the geniuses who have the'Divine Art feat', the rule of control is just the starting line for them!

The Young Master of Tsing Yi said, "This kind of rotten goods is not worth considering."

The girl in the blue skirt said regretfully; "Is it, I think it's pretty good." It's a pity~"

Young Master in Tsing Yi sneered; "The geniuses of Sinzhou are like crossing river carp. There are countless people who can't get this kind of rubbish..."

Boom~! boom!

Unfinished words, it exploded in an instant!

The air flow reverses, and the earth trembles. The ground is like a streak of divine light, golden brilliance, shining diagonally into the sky!

golden brilliance divine light instantly rushes to the Great God Pavilion, hitting the ceiling from below!

The beam in the lobby collapsed, and a big hole was blasted open from below, smashing into a silhouette!

I saw; the golden brilliance shone diagonally, and the old man’s silhouette was blasted to the ceiling of the Great God Pavilion lobby. The divine blood screamed and screamed again and again!

All the gods stared attentively, Tsing Yi Young Master'Thousand Ling' is even more divine light flashing, killing intent revealed!

This blasted True God is actually his retainer of thousands of families!

"Young...Young Master, the old slave didn’t intend to... disturb the Young Master’s meeting..."

The old servant tremblingly clutched his broken arm, beside him The second old Yu Family passed out and said with a trembling mouth.

"The old slave followed your orders to protect Yu Family, but Yu Family provoked a madman..."

The old servant fell into a coma before finishing his words.

Qian Ling got up from the throne, looked back suddenly, and almost coincidentally looked at the direction of the golden light along with all the gods of the'Divine Art Great Deeds'.

At this moment, the faces of the talents of Sinzhou are particularly wonderful!

I saw that a Space Crack extending far away was blasted open briefly.

At the end of the space channel, the huanghuang divine splendor is flying like a jade dragon, cast into a golden divine light, shining diagonally in the sky, and the universe is reversed!

Reflected in everyone’s eyes, is the Golden War God shining golden light, holding a War God gun, walking on air, divine might leaning over the sky, standing proudly on the other side of the void channel!

His gaze is fierce, staring directly at all the talents of Xingzhou, fighting intent soaring to the sky, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World, not showing a half of timidity!

God World Heavenly God Thousands, you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me!

Heavenly Tablet has done all the deeds of the gods, but I, War God, is invincible in the world!

God World God, Only I Am Supreme!

The distance is too far, the curved space channel only splits for a moment and closes quickly.

All the geniuses of Divine Art only had a glimpse of the'golden War God', how amazing and trembling, there was an inexplicable throbbing in my heart!

The expressions of all geniuses are particularly wonderful!

Qian Ling muttered solemnly; "Who is this person!"

"Too overbearing. For a moment, I looked at his eyes, and there was a kind of Feeling hairy all over!"

"Such a strong sense of crisis, I have not felt it in many years!"

"The guy just now, his whole body is killing intent!"


"What the hell did this Elder of the Thousand Family do to provoke these monsters."

The geniuses looked at each other. When did Xingzhou have such powerhouses? They didn't even know it!

Before that War God, the oppression given to them was at least the true biography of the eternal giants!


Perhaps, they are at the same level! Maybe even more!


At this time, the group of Divine Soul rays of light burst out with beautiful female laughter like silver bells.

"Finally here, we're going to make trouble again! How long hasn't been happy, I really look forward to it, handsome Lin is so hard."

That group of Divine Soul rays of light can't even wait. Disappeared and even withdrew from the meeting!

Everyone eyes shrank!

This guy is finally willing to speak?

The group of Divine Soul rays of light that I left earlier is exactly the'Peerless Demon Empress' who is absent today! It is also the most feared existence of all geniuses, not one of them!

Listening to her tone just now, do you know that War God just now?

Qian Ling's face sinks like water, "No matter what, as long as he dares to appear in front of us, he will be either a friend or an enemy. Welcome to friends and enemies..."

There was a dark flash between the eyebrows of his face.

"For the enemy, cut weeds and eliminate the roots!"


In the early days of Divine Kingdom, Lin Chen shot through the four dimensions with a War God gun The space channel, the True God that controls the law has also been abolished!

The moment the space channel was blasted open, Lin Chen saw a crowd of silhouettes. The aura of the cultivation base was like a deep sea, and all of them were particularly powerful, not to be underestimated!

"Those aloof and remote guys must be some geniuses of Sinzhou."

Lin Chen put away the War God gun and lost said with a smile: "Although I think I rushed over and fucked them, but my body was at its limit."


When the War God nest is turned into a golden light and disappears, Lin Chen removes the War God nest.

[Golden War God set is released, the remaining charge of the host: 0.2%. Not enough to turn on next time. 】

After dismissing the War God set, Lin Chen seemed to collapse all of a sudden, and his face was slightly pale!

He uses the War God suit this time, which is based on the strength of the body refinement, without the blessing of innate talent. The consumption of using the War God suit is really huge, and the shell strength is not enough, so you have to put it on. Break yourself down first!

However, Lin Chen also verified a problem!

That is, from now on, he no longer needs to rely on the temporary cultivation base brought by innate talent, and he can also start this move trump card! As long as there is enough essence of the suit!

"Clean up the battlefield first. It happens that there is a pharmacist guild near Divine Kingdom. It is said that Ye Family is the pharmacist Aristocratic Family. Maybe you will become a pharmacist of the pharmacy guild and have the opportunity to contact Ye Family!"


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