Ye Family, a great Aristocratic Family of refining medicine, is placed in God World, and even Lin Chen can't find its information at Shangguan Mansion!

It's not that Shangguan Mansion is not good, but that the level of the'Ye Family' is too high to reach the level of Shangguan Mansion!

If there is no accident, perhaps Lin Chen's biological mother is still in the Ye Family at this time......

Lin Chen put away his thoughts and looked all around.

No matter how it is said, it is the 3rd-layer of God Realm. It is still a bit difficult to kill it completely.

They have a lot of involvement. Lin Chen can kill a Lin Zhen, a god of heaven today, plus a whole Divine Kingdom at the beginning, which is a terrible record!

After all, defeating a True God and killing a True God are always two concepts. Not to mention, it is a group of 3rd-layer bosses of the gods.

Primordial Spirit is like lightning that flashes by in an instant. When scanning the Divine Kingdom turned into ruins, the other True Gods have already been withdrawn!

The forces behind Ji Dragon Sect and Fang Xie took them safely away.

Lin Chen was so exhausted that he sat on the ground so tired that Scarlet Fairy left the Qi Luck Plant and supported him.

The faint sweet smell of jade and peach envelops Lin Chen’s nose, and the crimson Fairy supports him and said with concern; "Is it all right?"

Lin Chen pretended to be painful:" Damn, it hurts! I’m afraid it’s necessary to focus on treatment!"

Fairy Fairy worriedly said: "Which hurts, come, let elder sister see."

"Of course It hurts below!"

"Come on, let me take it off for you."

"Damn, you do it!"

"is it possible That is fake?"

"Didn't you say you like Diaochan?"

"My Diaochan is on the waist."

"Hey, it seems It really is!"

Between the two playing around, Shangguan Yun looked at the endless ruins, unable to calm down for a long time.

She actually witnessed the collapse of a Divine Kingdom with her own eyes!

To destroy a Divine Kingdom, how powerful the foundation is needed, even if the cultivation base is a powerful 4th layer, it is extremely difficult to complete!

To subvert Divine Kingdom, the price is too great!

In Lin Chen's eyes, it is so casually, even there are many gods 3rd-layer. In this case, the original Divine Kingdom is still destroyed!

Shangguan Yun rubbed the temple with a wry smile, "It's a shocking guy, if he grows up like this, he might be able to achieve the level of Divine Art's great achievement!"

A three-dimensional Human Race can achieve the'Divine Art feat'? Maybe I can't even think about it!

The evildoers who came out of the eternal giants were finally stopped at the gate leading to Peak, spending their entire lives unable to enter.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The clouds and the sky dance like blood light, and a lot of attribute light balls in the sky are taken away!

[Host gains 502 billion high-level Saint Essence points, high-level Saint rune energy 2 million points, intermediate suit essence 40 million points, high level enhancement points 1.5 million points, Saint Level innate talent points 1.1 million points …]

[The host consumes 3 million high-level Saint Heavenly Dao points, and the immortal Divine Spark recovers all injuries. 】

Lin Chen’s injury is cured, as long as he has the [Immortal Divine Spark] and Heavenly Dao attribute, he is as powerful as an immortal body!

While Phantom Clone was looting massive orbs of attribute light, Lin Chen opened several attribute chests dropped by True God 3rd-layer!

[Open the treasure chest of the god cultivation technique category, congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange rank top cultivation technique fragment (1/3). ]

[Open the treasure chest of the god cultivation technique category, congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange-level top cultivation technique fragment (2/3). ]

[Open the treasure chest of the god cultivation technique category, congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange-level top cultivation technique fragment (3/3). If the fusion is successful, the host can open it to get a random orange-level top cultivation technique "Ten Mustaches Every Day"]

Orange-level top cultivation technique! !

Lin Chen looked moved.

To be honest, he still lacks the cultivation technique.

Cultivation technique formidable power, he relies entirely on the auxiliary cultivation technique'Ambilight' and the system to enhance the formidable power of the increase, forcibly uplifting the formidable power of the orange-level high level cultivation technique.

His only orange-level top-level cultivation technique is "Annihilation·Starburst". Although the formidable power is not bad, it costs a lot to consume once. This is still used on the Avatar and on the body. Unless it's the moment of decisive victory, it must not be used lightly.

Furthermore, as the top orange-level cultivation technique, Lin Chen’s "Annihilation·Starburst" can only be used once, which is really inferior.

Comparing God World's cultivation technique at the same level, God World’s cultivation technique must be better.

It's just that Lin Chen has raised the formidable power of Annihilation·Starburst by several grades that's all by virtue of the strengthening effect and the innate talent effect.

"One shot every day, the ultimate single attack battle skill. With an absolute imposing manner that penetrates the enemy, it can condense the enemy day by day when it is displayed, and the enemy marked by the day by day stamp will be mastered every day. The formidable power of Sanjue Gun will increase by leaps and bounds..."

"This "Ten Mustaches in the Day" is actually Spear Art, and one shot is better than one shot!"

Lin Chen has a rough look, the new orange-level top Spear Art, when used on the same target, the formidable power can be increased geometrically!

But the premise is that the first shot must hit the opponent. This is a type of superposition, which is different from Lin Chen's other cultivation techniques!

"Find a quiet place and re-cultivation, let me take it away now!"

When Lin Chen put away "Ten Mustaches", the last one was left in front of him. The treasure chest of divine light!

He couldn't help holding his breath...

This attribute treasure chest, smashed the True God of Qilin of that law, the attribute treasure chest that fell after the broken arm!

The True God 4th layer is already a top-notch existence, and Lin Chen has determined that that protects the True God of the Yu Family, or the True God 4th layer controls the existence of the law!

Lin Chen almost crossed the seventh rank and interrupted someone else's arm at the start, or he could not drop it. Since he dropped the attribute treasure box, it is definitely not bad!

Lin Chen opens the unfamiliar and familiar azure treasure chest——

[Host opens the suit treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining: King of Speed·Extreme Fengshen Set Components-Fengshen Armguards . Charge: 0%. 】

You azure's arm armor has Divine Phoenix illusory shadow flowing, and two light wings are opened at the elbow, like a pair of elegant and light light armor!

Here it comes! Fengshen Vambraces!

Lin Chen bad said with a smile: "Before, I used to get in trouble! If there is something War God can't solve with a punch, then give it another punch! Now it is solved with one punch. No, come again!"

The arm armor of the King of Speed, Lin Chen believes that if he wears it, he will experience what the fastest attack speed is! The fastest fist!

What is the experience of becoming the fastest and most durable man? Invincible is really lonely.

Shih~! boom!

Next, Lin Chen's Phantom Clone smashed all the Divine Items left by everyone! !

He can't decompose the Divine Item with the'recognizing Master' and the'divine', he can only destroy it forcibly and obtain the attribute of the essence of the suit.

Lin Chen points to the young girl transformed by the pair of exquisite luck spirit plant'Yin-Yang God Tree', slightly smiled; "Two kids, you are so cute~"


The two little fellows tremble and hug each other.

The snow skirt girl mustered up the courage and said timidly--"Then...Big Brother, for our loveliness, can you let us go..."

Lin Chen smiled innocently: "No. You are so cute, you should be able to cry for a long time with a punch?"

The two are shiver coldly.

Lin Chen is very interested; "Should you cry for a thousand years, or ten thousand years, Aiya, one hundred thousand years."

Lin Chen pointed at him The group of Avatars, "Have you seen it, there are six others as fierce as I am."

He pretended to be bad said with a smile: "One punch, one punch, until next year? One man and one kick, until the end of time?"


Spirit Physique, transformed by the two spirit plants, was scared and cried on the spot!


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