Lin Chen opens the system and selects a [random orange-level top pill concocting handprint] that was pieced together from the Holy Realm!

This is a random handprint composed of pile concocting handprint fragments when Lin Chen is in the holy realm. After killing all the True Gods, he will drop a random handprint composed of pill concocting handprints. Just keep it till now.

[The host opens the synthesized random pill concocting handprint, and obtains the top orange level: "Eight Desolations Six Directions". 】

【Eight Desolations Six Directions Seal: With Primordial Spirit or Divine Soul Power cultivation eight kinds of gods and wild powers, with Liuhe Gathering Seals to condense pill concocting, once Primordial Spirit comes out, Eight Desolations Six Directions, who is with Struggle! 】

"system, cultivation "Eight Desolations Six Directions"!"

【System hint host, Eight Desolations Six Directions printing can only be done with the proficiency of cultivation Liuheyin, but not Cultivation produces any kind of cultivation power, and the host needs to cultivate eight kinds of cultivation powers on his own, so that the pill concocting mudra can be used to the extreme. Is the host sure of cultivation? 】

The prompt of system made Lin Chen stunned!

It deserves to be the top pill concocting handprint of the orange rank! It is not an exaggeration to call it a world-famous treasure. In God World, only the eternal giants of Peak and the top level of the Alchemy Association can get the bottom line!

Lin Chen’s previous cultivation's orange-level pill concocting handprints, the highest but the lower-level orange-level, are all based on the ability to enhance the function of expert printing.

【Necessary condition for condensing the power of the gods and wasteland, the host raises enough elemental attributes. 】

Lin Chen suddenly said: "so that's how it is!"

In this way, if you want to condense the power of the eight gods and wilds, you have to borrow the unique crystal or Get massive elemental attributes!

"Confirm the cultivation!"

[Consuming 13 million points of high-level cultivation technique essence, start to fuse cultivation memory...]

Take Lin Chen's The cultivation technique essence consumed one third! The complexity of the orange-level top pill concocting handprints surprised Lin Chen.

Release the Phantom Clone. The six Phantom Clones resemble the stars, sitting cross-legged around Lin Chen. The divine light rays of light of the Primordial Spirit burn on the center of the eyebrows. The body and the Avatar merge together with a new pill. concocting memory.

Even if it is still unable to use the full capabilities of the "Eight Desolations Six Directions", even if it is only part of it, it is far beyond Lin Chen's previous pile concocting handprints!

At this time, a stormy sea was completely set off inside and outside the city of Dan!

Pill Pagoda First Layer The alchemists who received the message quickly spread out!

The information about Lin Chen has been stripped away layer by layer!

At first, countless pharmacists ridiculed them, but within three days, Pill City ushered in another astonishing news, which caused a major earthquake!

"Holy Land Lin Chen, Bloodbathed Fox Mountain?"

"A dozen True Gods in the Blood Fox Mountain!"

"There are True God witnesses, At the beginning of the Divine Kingdom, all the high-level True Gods were destroyed in just one day? After the destruction of the Divine Kingdom capital, the Holy Land left the scene?"

"The two elders of the Yu Family were repelled and the sword was overwhelming."

Xiehe Dragon Array Heavenly God Season Dragon Sect escaped in a hurry?"

"Hs! Even the legendary ten flying swords Lin Zhen, the extremely short-term oracle god, was buried in the Divine Kingdom at the beginning, and completely fell. Destroy!"

There are so many ways for the Alchemist Guild to gather information. For the destruction of a Divine Kingdom, it does not take long to get the latest news!

Although there is no direct evidence to prove it, people with a discerning eye can see bits and pieces, and Divine Kingdom was ruined in the beginning!

The kingdom of Divine Kingdom has set off a war of gods. After the battle, there will be a holy realm in the center of the battlefield? how can that be!

How can Saint stand by in the death battle between True God? There is no such probability!

It is very possible that the person who destroyed the Divine Kingdom in the early days is Lin Chen!

If so, his ultimate move is too terrifying!

From the Blood Fox Mountain in the Northern Domain to the Divine Kingdom in the Southern Territory, if there is no special four-dimensional space-time channel, it will take at least one month. Even if there is, it is definitely not available for the Holy Land.

In other words...

It only took him a few days to move from the Blood Fox Mountain to the Divine Kingdom of the Beginning, and he also destroyed the Divine Kingdom?

This is too terrifying!

Lin Chen's record undoubtedly gave everyone who participated in the preliminaries a blow and shocked them!

However, for the higher level, it depends on these...

The top layer of Pill Pagoda——

The flower pond is swaying, the fragrant soup is rising, and the sheep jade fat The white and delicate slender jade legs were lifted out of the water, Miss Qin jade hand on her cheek, holding the new space jade slip, carefully reading the contents inside.

Miaomu flowed out of surprise, and said calmly.

"Interesting, really interesting, everyone is underestimating you, Lin Chen..."

"However, this is not enough."

In Miss Qin's eyes, there is a strong Divine Soul brilliance, and the stars, the sun and the moon merge into it, giving an insight into the distance of the void.

"Miss." The maid's voice came from outside the door.

"Let's talk." Miss Qin lifted up the wet blue silk, misty, like Heavenly Immortal.

"Gu Elder, he modified all the pre-selection assessment content midway, and even selected Secret Realm for the assessment, Tianqi plane!"

Miss Qin's eyes flickered," On the Tianqi plane, I remember that there is a brutal and violent...hehe, so let him go, and it’s OK to modify it."

It just so happened that the difficulty of the assessment was doubled and the starting point was to test the length of the man!

If he can't even pass this level, the election will be brushed down sooner or later

ten days later.

The first floor of Pill Pagoda, Bluestone Square.

More than a thousand people gathered, all of these young talents who participated in the preliminary selection, all geniuses from all fields!

The lowest of them is also Grade 9 Saint Level Alchemist! It can also be unique in Qian Ancient Sect, and its status is respected.

Lin Chen and Xue Jianming, Ji Lan stand together, calm and composed, with cynical jokes on their faces.

Ji Lan raised his innocent face and asked curiously about Lin Chen; "Lin Chen big brother, how confident are you in this preselection."

Lin Chen Seriously: "I have complete assurance for this election."

The alchemists around heard this and almost couldn't hold back and beat him up.

What's so special about you...The pre-selection hasn't started yet, you are fast forwarding to the formal selection? Are you still choosing complete assurance?

Arrogance must also talk about the basic law, right?

Ji Lan looked at Lin Chen with bright eyes, and even took out a small notebook to write down Lin Chen's words.


At this time, the ancient bell sound from Pill Pagoda, majestic and majestic, spread thousands of miles.

In the bluestone square, the azure clothed man with a cold face and a strong temperament walked up to the high platform slowly and said loudly.

"Gu Lingtian, this seat, is your Head Examiner for this preselection. This preselection is divided into two stages. One is to enter the Secret Realm trial to obtain the medicine ingredient on your designated list. The mist in the Secret Realm will block your Primordial Spirit perception. You need to find the medicine ingredient within a limited time."

"Second, the medicine ingredient you found needs to be used in the 2nd stage. , Refining a Grade 9 holy pill, and those who succeed in refining will become a member of the Alchemist Guild through preselection."

Hearing this preselected content, everyone sighed in relief and refined the Grade 9 holy pill. Dan, thankfully it's not very difficult!

After that, Gu Lingtian's gaze swept away like a knife, and it happened to fall on Lin Chen and the others!

"oh?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, "You can pass through the refining of Grade 9 holy pill? It seems that there is a lot of tricky here..."

Besides, the other person’s eyes, It seems to mean to come at him Lin Chen!

"At this point, the assessment time for each stage is ten days, and you will lose if you exceed it."

Gu Lingtian swept his sleeves, and the three gates on the first floor of Pill Pagoda opened, rotating the space vortex.

Various candidates rushed into the gate!

On the top floor of Pill Pagoda, Miss Qin and Ye Qingwu met face to face and sat down.

Ms. Qin said; "You know that the content of the assessment has been specially modified, and you don't express your opinion?"

Ye Qingwu stretched lazily, with a undulating arc. The person is beautiful, his eyebrows are narrowed, faint smile; "I will send you the original words. Don’t you know it, don’t you say it."

Miss Qin said calmly: "I just want to test him The length of the show."

Ye Qingwu smiled like a flower: "I just want to see how he shows off."

Miss Qin slightly startled, show?

Ye Qingwu smiled beautifully.

"Yes, how outrageous it came from. You set him more obstacles, and he will fight back more outrageously and powerfully!"


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