
The rays of light in the silver white space are like the rotation of a disc, and many pharmacists who participated in the election descended on the dark continent.

The dark continent is like an endless star, reverberating from time to time with the low roar that tears through the sky of desire, the terrifying beast is as powerful as a dragon, and all around is a murderous aura!

Outside the Pill Pagoda, one after another light screens are listed, and each light screen reflected by the space represents the condition of a player.

This pre-selection is open to the public throughout the whole process, and there are more special referees to observe.

The bluestone square was full of guests from all walks of life, including a group of great characters who participated in the election this time!

The hair tips are like snow, the blue silk is soft, and the beauty's charming face is a bit surprised. When sitting in the audience with Erlang's legs up, his waist is slender like a beautiful snake, leaning on one side, surprised strangely said.

"Is this madman Gu Lingtian actually responsible for this pre-selection assessment."

Some old monsters looked towards the woman with admiration and awe. This Xiao Ruoyu is the famous Divine Grade Alchemist! It is one of the great characters who participated in the election this time!

In the passage, a thin old man with yellow eyebrows walked slowly, with his slightly frowned eyebrows.

"Why, the old man feels that this assessment location is a bit familiar..."

The countless observations of the powerhouse moved, and another great character, Ji Taizong!

Suddenly, a heat wave hits and everyone is forced to retreat. A white haired old man wearing a red robe like a fire wave appears, staring solemnly at the alchemists who have just entered the pre-selection of Secret Realm.

Another Divine Grade Alchemist, Old Man Canghuo! !

The old man Canghuo pondered for a moment and said; "I'm afraid, the candidates who can pass this preliminary election will not even reach 1%!"

As soon as this statement came out, A large number of powerhouses and forces in Bluestone Square were moved!

Someone hurriedly asked; "Dare to ask senior, why do you say that?"

No matter how difficult the previous qualifiers were, only about half of the people were eliminated, the hardest in history. It will be eliminated only 2/3/2021 in one session.

Like this one percent statement, it's unheard-of!

The old man Canghuo glanced at the questioner and said calmly.

"In that Secret Realm, the old man went to experience it once and almost died in it."

His! Everyone suck in a breath of cold air!

Where did a Divine Grade Alchemist almost die? What kind of purgatory it must be!

"This space is the Tianqi plane, which was created by a veteran of the Alchemist Guild. That plane suppressed hundreds of Qilin, Pai Yao, Black Tortoise, Yaohuang, and Qiongqi. The ancient Divine Beast!"

The ancient Divine Beast with hundreds of heads?

Everyone suddenly felt scalp numb, wouldn't it be equivalent to hundreds of True God starting? The pre-selection is actually looking for medicine ingredient in such a ghost place?

The old man Canghuo shook his head and laughed; “If it’s just a hundred Divine Beast, with the Alchemist’s excellent Primordial Spirit power perception, there may be a deal to deal with. However, it’s the biggest threat compared to the Tianqi plane. , Divine Beast with hundreds of heads is completely insignificant."

Everyone held their breath...

The eyes of Old Man Canghuo flashed fiercely.

"Inside the plane, there is an Asura King who is a genius in the history of the Asura clan is imprisoned! Even if he is seriously injured and unconscious, the remaining power is still there!"

At this moment, The audience is silent! !

There is an Asura King on the plane of Tianqi!

Asura clan, only the powerhouse is the king, the one who can be called the king, the world is creeping!

The old man Canghuo said solemnly, "If it weren't for the old man to see a few familiar faces, there might be a chance to escape from birth. Perhaps no one will pass the pre-selection this time!"

Xiao Ruoyu's expression tightened, "How can the guild give out such a ridiculous pre-selection assessment? This is obviously to annihilate the entire army!"

Everyone looked towards Gu Lingtian on the high platform.

, His azure clothes are picturesque, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his eyes are as cold as piercing the void, staring straight into the void in a certain direction.

"The humble creatures in the lower realms, expose all the ugliness! You are not qualified to get involved in the Ye Family woman!"

In the plane of Tianqi;

All the examiners flashed into a series of starlight above their heads, and fell in front of them, which was a gorgeous jade token with purple light.

"Alchemists, this is your space jade token. If you are in danger at the critical moment, you can choose to drop blood into the jade token. It will automatically take you away from the Secret Realm. It also means Lost the right to stand for election."

Gu Lingtian's indifferent sound transmission echoed in the void, and everyone accepted the jade token.

Do you know--

Bang! With an explosion, someone crushed the jade token!

Everyone took a closer look, it was Lin Chen!

"He... is he crazy?"

"Crushing the jade token, if it means losing the chance to return! Only by pre-selecting this path can your life be saved Ah!"

"The holy realm is the holy realm, and my mind is not normal!"

Some quasi-god geniuses backed away cursingly.

Xue Jianming and Ji Lan stared at Lin Chen's back, waiting for his action.

Do you know, Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly.

"Retreat? To me the moment Lin Chen stepped onto God World, there was no such option."

Lin Chen stared at the sky diagonally opposite, slowly erecting The root middle finger, said with a sneer.

"Head Examiner, if you want to target me, just say, why bother with these bells and whistles."


It was almost Lin Chen tone barely fell, the sound of sonic boom swept across the sky, swooping from high altitude into flashing lights, like a blade light slashing diagonally, slashing towards the candidates in a flash!

A fiendish aura originating from the prehistoric Great Desolate turned into a scream, rushing violently, like a raging fire and thunder, rushing to everyone!

Lin Chen turned around abruptly, stepping on the shadow of the clouds, body like a dragon, guarding against the sky, and walking to the rear like a crescent moon!

The six-pointed star burst in the palm of the Holy Force, covering the stars and covering the moon, whistling with the howling flames of the Fire Dragon, Lin Chen rushed down with the palm of the "Nine Unique Burning Heavens Palm", five fingers suddenly grip!

bang! bang! bang! bang!

A huge monster was knocked on the head with one hand by Lin Chen and completely fell from the sky!

The purple flame demon phoenix the size of a hill flaps the huge demon phoenix wings, curls up the flame storm that covers the stars and covers the moon, burning all over the sea, forcing many candidates to release the Strength of Primordial Spirit Protect yourself!

It was actually an ancient Divine Beast, the Purple Flame Demon Phoenix!

Some cultivation bases still stay in the quasi-god refining medicine. Talents can’t help but suck in a cold breath.

This purple flame demon phoenix, with battle strength, is chasing True God in the middle of the first heavy! It was actually suppressed by Lin Chen with the cultivation base of the holy realm with one hand!

Is this guy really a human?

Boom! Lin Chen swept across the air and threw the Purple Flame Demon Phoenix into the sky alive!

"Opening Heaven Sword style!"

Holy Force Huajian, Lin Chen lifts the sword and slashes, casts instant light and split shadow, a vertical split!

Shih~! Tear~!

Sword edge was cut from the top of the head, blood raging, and the brutal purple flame demon phoenix was cut into several pieces by Lin Chen on the spot!

Lin Chen is enough to match the Holy Force of True God 2nd layer Early-Stage, fully revealing at this moment, watching the audience!

A lot of refining medicine Heaven's Chosen stays in place!

The rumors and what you saw with your own eyes are always two kinds of feelings. When Lin Chen suppressed Divine Beast with his own eyes, how shocking the impact was!

Lin Chen took away the beast core of the demon phoenix god, and when he took away the attribute light ball, he jokingly said with a smile: "Dear boys, I have no merit in Lin, except for being handsome, but very honest . I advise you to withdraw from the election, take advantage of it now."

Lin Chen pointed to their space jade token and joked—"Your space jade token is what provokes these Divine Beasts. Bait, as long as you take them, these big guys will follow you wherever."

roar! roar! roar!

Lin Chen just finished talking, one after another almost pierced The sound waves of the eardrums turned into sound waves, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, straight through the sky, roaring mountains and rivers trembling, and the earth shaking!

More and more Divine Beast breath began to emerge from all directions!


"What a fuck!"

Many candidates yelled; there is no way out if they want to escape!

Only Lin Chen is slightly smiled very coquettish.

"Targeting? I, Lin, is the least afraid of targeting! Gu Lingtian, Gu Lingtian, I don’t know how to spare my life when I’m young, and I’m Lin Chen to make you cry!"


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