The space trembles, and the abyss vibrates violently, as if Heaven and Earth are creeping, wailing!

The gray murderous aura turned into substance is like a stormy sea, slapping endlessly towards Lin Chen!

Lin Chen feels an unprecedented oppression, the holy cave at the Sacred Heart runs at full strength, Heavenly Art, and resists the oppression of the opponent!

"The really strong murderous aura is stronger than any Spiritual God I have encountered so far!"

Lin Chen's eyes were squinted, and what caught his eyes was a A majestic silhouette!

'He' is five feet tall, tall, calm as water and high as a moutain, and his gray skin is as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable as black iron, vigorous and powerful, and each arm is like a barbarian dragon Waving, each arm is holding a battle halberd, a long spear, a great axe, a hammer, and a long knife. There are four arms!

His face looks sinister, ferocious-looking, although he has humanoid features, he has a pair of blade-like fangs, and his angry eyes burning with open flames overlook Lin Chen.

"Since such a long time, this king has attacked countless Spiritual Gods. You are the first Saint who stands in front of this king alive."

'He' slowly Speaking, the sound is like Hongzhong.

"Human Race, come and announce your name! Your life is qualified to be the honor of this king!"

Lin Chen stands proudly, not afraid of the other party, just tells A word.

"Human Race Lin Chen!"

"Asura King · Sauron."

zheng! Asura King waved his first arm, worn and heavy The three-zhang long knife pointed finger towards Lin Chen.

"It’s been a thousand years, and there has not been a Human Race here for a thousand years. The hateful Human Race made a sneak attack and severely injured the king and his wife and children. Although the king hates the Human Race, he respects the powerhouse. Saint Lin Chen, the king officially challenged you in the name of Asura King!"

Asura King Sauron’s eyes broke out in the murderous aura sinking into the mountains and rivers, and the curved Heaven and Earth kept trembling. As if to crack.

Lin Chen said with a smile; “It’s better to say than to blow, who sneak attacked me just now?”

A Asura King said in awe; “That’s nothing but the king A breath of self-defense that's all."

Lin Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, ah, a casual breath actually wiped out his six Phantom Clone? Force him to use too divine light to defend?

Lin Chen took a step calmly.

His goal is the attribute beam of light in the abyss behind the Asura King!

His Holy Force, at most equal to True God 2nd layer Early-Stage, and True God 2nd layer mid-term opponent one-on-one is Lin Chen's limit at this stage.

Go up, you have to take out Divine Spark's trump card!

"Very well..." Asura King had a deep gaze, "Your fighting intent is useless for fear. You are the most brave and powerful Saint this king has ever seen."

Boom~! Ah Asura King suddenly released a monstrous murderous aura!

Beyond the cliff, Xue Jianming eyes shrank!

"This...this turned out to be the Asura clan, or an Asura King!"

Xue Jianming dignified Sword God, sword intent, almost murderous aura that was crushed by the face Give back!

He hurriedly shouted: "Brother Lin Chen, Asura King has battle strength equivalent to the control law of Human Race. The battle strength is at least True God 5th layer or higher. You can't fight him! Run away!"

Outside the Pill Pagoda square, in hundreds of light screens, everyone is staring at Lin Chen. This weird picture is suffocating! !

The first time the younger generation saw the Asura clan, it was the Asura King, who was shocked by its murderous aura and was shocked by cold sweat, and was terribly scared by a plane far away.

The older generation of powerhouses, even though they have rich experience, have rarely seen Asura King, their faces are dignified!

"His body is like the King of Ming, with arms like Demon God, swallowing the world with qi, and murderous aura rushing into the sky. There is no doubt that it is the real Asura King!"

"Asura clan He is one of the Eight Great Races of the God Realm. Every Asura is far above the same level creature, let alone the legendary Asura King!"

"It is said, Asura The race does not enter Six Paths and does not enter reincarnation. It is a creature outside Six Paths. It has the battle strength of the holy and the gods, but does not have the divinity of the gods. There is the power of the beast, but there is no bloodline of the animal, and the cruelty of the devil. The baleful aura without magic!"

"The Asura clan... really is a non-god, non-human, non-beast monster!"

"It is the incarnation of Ghost God!"

"Which Asura King has not buried countless Spiritual Gods, but this Lin Chen..."

"It's so weird, a holy realm, dare to challenge Asura King "

"Crazy! It must be crazy! He thought that Asura King and Divine Kingdom were of the same level?"

Countless pharmacists exclaimed in shock, one Asura King, can hit ten Divine Kingdoms from the beginning to the ancestral coffin board and fly!

A Saint dare to challenge Asura King? This is not called arrogance, this is called death!

Long life!

Pill Pagoda senior; Miss Qin stared at the silhouette standing proudly in front of Asura King.

Ye Qingwu is not too big, her eyes light up, her red lips light up, and she mutters; "Hit him, hit him!!"

In the plane of Tianqi.

A, Asura King slammed his foot, and the murderous aura surging like a raging wave swept away in substance!

"Human Race, let this king see your strength!"

The terrifying murderous aura is like a huge black wave, one weight is higher than the other, thousands zhang high, scrolling Yuntian, disturb the situation!

Xue Jianming and Ji Lan, who are backed by the cover of Divine Dragon, eyes shrank!

The imposing manner alone is enough to smash the 3rd-layer Early-Stage of God Realm! Even though he was seriously injured, the divine might of Asura King is still there!

"Wind God Wing!"

Almost instantly, the divine light of azure suddenly unfolded, light feathers fluttered, divine light drifted away, and a pair of azure light bloomed!

Lin Chen's silhouette, pulls away an aurora flash to the abyss!

The four-dimensional curved time and space, passing by a dazzling azure divine light!

At this moment, many powerhouse complexion in the top of Pill Pagoda slightly changed!

What a fast speed! With their cultivation base and god body, they can't be caught by naked eye!

The divine light flashes vertically, surpassing the concept of fast. It is a movement of time and space. It crosses the curved line of the fourth dimension, and rushes into the abyss in a flash, almost only in the electric light flint, bypassing it. Asura King's overflowing heaven murderous aura!

"en? Saint has such a speed?"

Asura King was shocked, and immediately felt something. His anger was soaring, almost relying on instinct, the fourth arm turned out. Swing, the long knife cuts out endless murderous aura, the sky falls in disorder, like a heavy net!

Lin Chen, who had just approached the abyss, faced the sharp murderous aura intertwined vertically and horizontally, and had one's hair stand on end!

"No! Forcibly grabbing the attribute light ball will be shredded!"

Perceiving the violent murderous aura, Wind God Wing took a volley and Lin Chen flashed back. Aside!

But, it's too late!

Boom~! chi!

Blade Qi is like a dragon and a dragon, flashing like a ripple, cutting through Lin Chen's body, even if his'too divine light' is unable to defend, it is cut into pieces!

Lin Chen's left arm and right leg were cut off in an instant, and blood was spilled!

Seeing this scene, Gu Lingtian unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, "This child, the time for death is here!"


At this moment, above the top of Pill Pagoda, the divine force that is almost annihilating exploded in an instant!

Miss Qin was stunned and looked at Ye Qingwu, whose face changed in a second with a cold expression in front of her eyes.

What's going on with this great aunt...

You are the one who is going to make trouble, and you are the one who is going to get angry!

It's really a woman's heart, seabed needle!


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