Shih~! Tear~!

Lin Chen's left arm and right leg were caught off guard and were cut into the air. The sharpness of the murderous aura made all the powerhouses outside the Pill Pagoda square become discolored!

"This kid's leg was interrupted!"

"Let him show off, whoever makes him provoke Asura King, even if he doesn't run at this speed, he hits hard, courting death! "

"I have never seen such a madman. I still don’t run away with such hole cards!"

Many people laughed at Lin Chen’s actions. This is not brave, it’s called bravery. seek death!

bang! bang! bang!

The senior Pill Pagoda suddenly broke out with a terrifying divine might, as powerful as the day and menstrual days, and many powerhouses were suddenly shocked.

Gu Lingtian is even more complexion slightly changed, this divine force, his favorite person,'The Peerless Demon Empress', is from Ye Qingwu!

"She was actually angry for this kid?"

For the first time, Gu Lingtian lost self-control and gnashing teeth, his binocular anger was like a storm, and the killing intent was revealed.

In the plane of Tianqi——

Wind God Wing flashed, Lin Chen exited the scope of murderous aura.

"Immortal Divine Spark!"

Lin Chen coldly shouted, Heavenly Dao value attribute decreased rapidly, and a burst of dark green divine light wrapped around Lin Chen’s arms and knees like a dragon. The broken arm and thigh flew back to heal instantly, being reborn!

Seeing this scene, the high-level Pill Pagoda Ye Qingwu suddenly sighed in relief and returned to calm.

And Ms. Qin's pretty face has slightly changed!

Lin Chen's injury has been completely recovered by lightning?

What is this? Even if it is Divine Pill, there must be a process of refining and absorption!

Even more how, a Saint, it is impossible to take Divine Pill!

Ms. Qin fell into deep thought for the first time, "What is the power used by this child before?"

As a Divine Grade alchemist, Ms. Qin knows exactly what the trick just now means. !

Asura King’s attack is definitely not something that the Holy Mind can recover, even if it is a god body, it will be shredded in an instant!

This Lin Chen has a secret!

"Eh? What's the situation?"

"It seems...Is my eyes dazzled? Just now I clearly saw Lin Chen's arms and feet are broken!"

"Is it because of kidney deficiency and dazzling?"

When the crowd outside Pill Pagoda exclaimed, Lin Chen’s undead Divine Spark instantly healed his injury, but Heavenly Dao’s value was also lost. It is drastically reduced!

A Asura King stepped on aggressively, his power leaned over the sky, crushed the earth, guarded the abyss, and hurled in front of Lin Chen!

"The scope of the murderous aura is too large. It seems that if this stumbling block is not solved, I will not be able to take away my attribute treasure box."

Lin Chen's shoulders shook abruptly, fighting. The intent is rising!

"The Divine Dragon is in possession!"

At the moment when Xue Jianming and Ji Lan were evacuated, Lin Chen immediately raised his hand, and Divine Dragon turned into a cyan ray light across time and space. Come, instantly incorporate Lin Chen's ontology and return to the body!

Wearing Wind God Wing, Lin Chen's pure power is rising in an instant!

His power is assimilated with Divine Dragon. When Divine Dragon possesses his body, his power can burst into pure power equivalent to Divine Dragon's 2.9 billion powers!

This is to make the next ultimate move stronger! !

"Man and dragon are one, Interesting. This king is more and more interested in you. How far can you reach a holy realm?"

A Asura King holds the giant high arm, holding the battle halberd in hand, sweeping across the air, one after another, the murderous aura, which is graceful as a dragon, turns into purple electricity and blooms out of thin air, sweeping all the directions of Lin Chen!

Purple electricity is permeated like a dragon, pure murderous aura cuts through time and space, Heaven and Earth is dim, only the jumping murderous aura thunder rushes towards Lin Chen!

"divine elephant ·Divine Spark!!!"

Faced with Asura King’s endless killing intent, Lin Chen’s cerebral cortex is heating up, and his body’s energy and blood are condensed, as if being injected Inside the rotating Divine Spark, the divine elephant roars and shakes the sky proudly!

The white divine light was pushed out from the palms of Lin Chen's hands, condensed into a hundred zhang huge divine elephant, turned out!

The divine elephant rushes over, destroying the world, breaking the mountains and rivers, and its power is like a river and the earth, roaring and breaking the wind and clouds!

The charge of the divine elephant swept its trunk, strong winds were everywhere, and the force of a blow fell into the river, shattered all the murderous aura purple electricity, and the lightning flashed!


"Damn! What kind of monster is this Lin Chen, even if he hides a Divine Dragon in his body, he also hides a divine elephant?"

"What's so special about people?"

"His elephant is so fierce! So cruel!"

The crowd outside Pill Pagoda Square was horrified!

Most of Lin Chen's blood was drained, but he didn't fall into a weak state. The main thing was the blood of the god Dragon Qi!

Boom! boom! boom!

The rolling divine elephant crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood actually smashed the offensive of Asura King!

However, the divine elephant itself has cracks for the first time!

Lin Chen's eyes were squinted. In the past, his divine elephant was almost unfavorable to the enemy. This time facing the Asura King, there was a tendency to collapse!

The terrifying wind hit Asura King, facing the divine elephant that was rolling over, Asura King vaguely revealed the color of memories.

"This reminds this king, I used to like to hunt the most ferocious Divine Beast."

Shi~! Boom~!

murderous aura skyrocketed, and a piece of purple light broke the world!

Boom! !

A loud noise, Heaven and Earth Shaking. The terrifying sound lifted up countless fragments of the crustal crust, the mountain tops fell, and the air currents twisted into waves of raging winds!

divine might The extraordinary divine elephant was intercepted!

When I took a closer look, I saw that Asura King had grown a fifth arm, which was fiercely on top of the divine elephant!

oh la la ~! The divine light disappeared, and the divine elephant turned into a sky full of broken lights and floated into the sky.

The broken rays of light dotted the lonely silhouette, making Lin Chen eyes shrank.

Stop divine elephant with one hand!

This is the king of the Asura clan!

This time the opponent is a real ruthless character!

A Asura King, placed anywhere in God World is the strongest existence, far surpassing Lin Chen's previous opponents!

Even if he is seriously injured, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

If you want to kill him, Lin Chen might only have a trump card!

Golden War God set!

But for the Golden War God set, now it’s 4% rechargeable, and it’s used once less once.

The best goal for Lin Chen to use the War God set is to have a Divine Item opponent, but although this Asura King’s weapon is made of divine iron, it is not a Divine Item. Who knows how many The essence of the suit?

Just as Lin Chen was about to take a serious fight, his power within the body continuously emerged, and the fatigue of using divine elephant ·Divine Spark before disappeared completely!

"This is the bloodline of Yin Yang God Dragon? It's not right... Divine Spark is not dead? It's not right!"

Lin Chen's face was full of surprise!

His cultivation base, pure strength, is actually rising in an unstoppable imposing manner!

I saw, Lin Chen's head bloomed with an attribute divine light that only he could see!

The Divine Spark fragments in the body rotate extremely fast, and Lin Chen's power continues to emerge like a new life, with a short breakthrough of 3 billion, 4 billion, and 5 billion pure powers!

His cultivation base of the holy cave is blessed by the rays of light of Divine Spark to have the Holy Splendor ten thousand zhang, which is more than twice as strong as before!

Still climbing! Lin Chen's power is still soaring temporarily!

It happened suddenly, Lin Chen is only now reacting, the moment he saw the system light screen, his face was ecstatic.

【Divine Spark Fragment·Asura Natural Enemy, is continuously launching, hostile to the target; Asura King. Divine Spark is activated passively and continuously. When the battle continues, the host's ability, cultivation base and realm will be temporarily greatly improved. 】

It is the energy that Lin Chen obtained last time, Divine Spark Fragment·Asura natural enemy!

At this moment, Asura King Sauron’s hideous face swept across a faint light, imposing manner coldly shouted!

"Human Race Lin Chen, are you so much? Don't let this king down!"

Lin Chen's mouth turned up.

"As you wish, Asura King."

After speaking, a section of the arm armor of azure divine splendor appeared in the palm, and Lin Chen put on it suddenly!

[The host uses the Ultimate Fengshen Set·Aeolus Right Armor to start blessing the host’s full attribute speed! 】

The King of Speed ​​VS Asura King!


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