As the Divine Spark fragments of Asura's natural enemy are turning rapidly, Lin Chen's body is flowing with unprecedented power!

The fleshy shell seems to be full of vitality and vitality, and the Holy Force seems to be continuously passed from the Divine Spark fragments!

Almost the speed visible to naked eye, Lin Chen temporarily broke through to 10 billion powers, and he is still racing!

Lin Chen’s cultivation base, the holy cave realm has not been breakthrough, but its holy cave Holy Force has increased more than twenty times!

Asura's natural enemy, Divine Spark, will continue to activate when there is an Asura clan hostile to the host. The stronger the hostile target, the stronger the effect!

This is an indescribable feeling, different from the time-limited excitement of Godslayer innate talent, and different from the sense of destruction that the ultimate rebels subvert everything, more like continuously, getting deeper and deeper. Sense of sinking!

However, this time Lin Chen’s opponent is not an ordinary Asura family, but a former Asura King! The effect of Divine Spark fragments alone is not enough!

"It's time to let it blossom and bear fruit, and try to see how strong my speed king is!"

Then, when Fengshen's right arm armor emerged, Lin Chen violently Dress up!

[The host uses the Ultimate Aeolus Set·Aeolus Right Armor to increase the host’s full attribute speed. The host simultaneously uses Wind God Wing and Fengshen's right arm armor to trigger the effect of the King of Speed ​​suit and obtain the gift of divine wind. ]

[Host full attribute speed increase: 10 times, 30 times, 60 times, 100 times! ]


Azure's divine light whirlwind takes shape in an instant, disturbing the wind and clouds, Heaven and Earth changes in the universe, one after another criss-crossed azure light across the sky.

Lin Chen wears Wind God Wing and steps on azure divine light. The whole body is slowly floating in the air.

At that moment, all those who witnessed the sudden change of the light screen True Gods actually produced an illusion at the same time

Lin Chen seemed to have become a long-haired shawl, like a handsome wind god, and an illusory shadow flashed past!

Gu Lingtian stared at the divine light wind whirl at the foot of Lin Chen, "Law of Wind? No! It is very thin, but it seems that it has more energy than Law of Wind!!!"

Lin Chen is like a whole body, no, all perceptions have become'light and fluttering'!

All his powers, cultivation base, Holy Force, seem to be used hundreds of times in one thought!

"This is..." Lin Chen looked at his palm in shock, "King of speed, ultimate wind god suit!"

If the Golden War God suit gives Lin Chen It is the supreme invincible, pure power that crushes everything.

The ultimate wind god suit brings the ultimate speed that surpasses all concepts!

This superb speed is all-round, not just a single speed increase! Completeness and'movement speed fast' are two concepts!

A Asura King looked at Lin Chen with a little surprise, "A Holy Land Human Race has evolved again."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "A Asura King, are you surprised or surprised?"

Asura King proudly said: "Human Race Lin Chen, would you like to see the history of the Asura clan?"

Lin Chen lightly said with a smile: "I have only heard of the Legendary of Dark Horse."


tone barely fell, time and space tremble, mountains and rivers burst open, both sides shot at the same time!

Asura King Sauron mobilized the murderous aura, and the murderous aura penetrated the ground veins like a burst of air, sweeping everything on the ground and rushing towards Lin Chen!

At the same time, Asura King's arm holding a long knife waved the sky, killing the blade Qi like a flower, blocking everything!

Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, it's all Asura King's offensive!

Lin Chen is brazen and fearless. With pure strength and cultivation base on the premises, he wore a wind god arm fist to shake Star River, throws a punch!

It was almost a punch without any'sense of luck'. Lin Chen's shoulders shook sharply, and he slammed violently, punching out like a speed!

In an instant, the fist shadow shining with azure light divine splendor all over the sky rolled up like a raging wave, and each punch was filled with the purest power and nine-color Holy Force.

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

All the offensives of Above the Heavens and Under the Earth were crushed by instant crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

In almost an instant, Lin Chen fought more than a hundred punches! And every punch is to do my best!

Even Lin Chen himself was shocked! In theory, this is almost impossible!

To strike a full strength attack with the perfect fusion of Holy Force and pure strength, only stake all on one throw can do it!

But if you want to cast hundreds of times in an instant, it is impossible! It's hard to do it even twice!

The Ultimate Fengshen Set...It's a monster-like state!

"More than...not only the effect of the ultimate wind god suit, but also the Divine Spark effect of Asura's natural enemy!"

Lin Chen can perform attacks like this evildoer, except for the [speed] In addition to the effects brought by the King, there is also the ability continuously provided by the Divine Spark fragments of "Asura Natural Enemy"!

chi! The red light appeared, and the Asura King holding the battle halberd fell from the sky, smashed to Lin Chen with one halberd!

Asura King, I never care about challenges! He almost firmly believed that Lin Chen could break his moves and acted in advance!

Lin Chen stepped on the azure light wind with the soles of his feet, and his body flashed vertically, almost as easy as blowing off dust. Avoid it!

bang! Asura King pierced the air with a halberd, and the halberd pierced the veins, sinking into the earth. He was full of surprises. How could Lin Chen be so fast?

The speed of avoidance is not simply fast, and even the response speed of Primordial Spirit must be extremely fast.

Without Divine Soul realm, that halberd is almost impossible to react!

Boom! A swift azure light fist with fierce and unparalleled strength, instant dozens of punches, completely beaten behind Asura King!

While avoiding the offensive, Lin Chen actually flashed behind him!

This is fast, not only the speed is fast, but also the meat shell and the cultivation base are running fast!

The speed at which Lin Chen mobilized the Holy Force to operate is almost a hundred times faster than usual, with a single thought! Even Lin Chen's Primordial Spirit has a hundred times faster control speed!

It's like Lin Chen's normal use of an orange battle skill, which requires half a breath to mobilize the Holy Force. Now it is a hundred times faster! Using any offensive can almost burst the highest firepower in an instant!

Applying this superb speed to the battle is simply enchanting!

In the past, Lin Chen couldn't even think about it!


The air flow stirred, the blade light was torn apart, and Asura King's multiple arms held a knife and chopped it off, smashing the afterimage of Lin Chen with a bang!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

You azure’s divine splendor flashed in a row, and the afterimage of Lin Chen was like a hurricane Wind Tornado. It surrounded the Asura King and fisted hard. !

Asura King’s full firepower seems to have stimulated certain bloodline abilities, soaring power, the speed of wielding weapons and murderous aura is even more than three points, the blade light halberd flashes, and Lin Chen's afterimages collided together instantly!

Boom! boom! boom!

The two hit from the sky to the earth, and then fought from the abyss to beyond the gorge.

One azure light and the other purple light, the two sides meet like lightning, colliding and fighting at speed.

One person, one Asura, hitting the Tianqi plane constantly shaking, the peaks in the core area turned into ruins!

Xue Jianming and Ji Lan retreated again and again, they were dumbfounded in the face of the battle that naked eye could barely capture!

Outside the Pill Pagoda square, powerhouses from different forces all stood up, stood up in shock, staring at the light screen, their mouths twitched and brows trembled.

Gu Lingtian's face muscles twitched, and for the first time a stunned look appeared on his cold face.

"Do you have this kind of operation?"

This is an unprecedented duel! !

Lin Chen from the cultivation base of the holy realm is actually facing the Asura King Sauron! Still a match?

From the perspective of the gods, since ancient times, no Human Race has ever been able to do this!


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