Whether it is the Aeolus Armor or the Divine Spark fragment of [Asura Natural Enemy], a single use cannot make Lin Chen and Asura King at this stage contend, and they will even be killed!

However, when the two are superimposed, Lin Chen's power is increased by a geometric multiple!

Asura natural enemies are superimposed with extreme wind god components, the speed beyond the concept is matched with the continuously power of Asura natural enemy Divine Spark, creating a wonderful balance!

Even Lin Chen failed to predict this situation!

Two afterimages are criss-crossed, divine light is emerging, like a whirlwind twisted together, when the two sides collide and fight, even the space barrier is also shattered!

The fist shook the sky, the blade light halberd shadows smashed in chaos, and the two afterimages fought back and forth, continuously, and fully entered the white-hot stage!

A Asura King roar towards the sky; "hahaha! Happy, so happy!"

Lin Chen laughed enthusiastically, "It's so cool, it's so cool!"


During the fierce battle, Asura King and Lin Chen laughed loudly at the same time.

The laughter was thunderous. When it came out of the Pill Pagoda square, countless powerhouses were numb!

Insane! It must be crazy!

Is they crazy or the world is crazy! Such a crazy and subversive scene, I dare not even think about it!

Listen, is this human?

This Lin Chen is simply not human! You shit!

A Saint and an Asura King? How can it be fun to play?

The best thing is that Lin Chen is not the only one! Good guy, Asura King is so happy!

Gu Lingtian stood up abruptly, his face gloomy to bite.

The more he targeted Lin Chen, the more he didn't expect to make him stand out and take advantage of the opportunity. It's an extraordinary shame and humiliation!

Ms. Qin, who is above the top, stared at the two divine lights flashing in the light screen with stunned eyes. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have never imagined this scene in her dreams.

Ye Qingwu blew a whistle, "Look, what am I talking about."

Miss Qin glanced at her. I didn't know who it was just now, she was so anxious. It's about to jump up.

Ye Qingwu said, "Maybe, it's just the beginning."

In the plane of Tianqi;

Shi~! Lin Chen's whip leg flashed like a divine light, the divine force burst, and hit the side of the Asura King in the head!

Facing the counterattack, Wind God Wing showed off. When Lin Chen, who stepped on the azure light divine wind, avoided the blade light, he hit a full strength attack with hundreds of punches. The horror fist shadow hiding the sky and covering the earth, the fusion of Holy Force and pure power, brutally beat Asura King on the chest!

Lin Chen pursued the victory with instant punches, Holy Force continuously drawn from Divine Spark fragments, violently bombarded, punches to flesh strikes on the injured body of Asura King!

"Pu chi!"

Asura King vomited blood for the first time since the battle!

In the Blood Fox Mountain, Lin Chen used divine elephant ·Divine Spark with 98 million powers of pure energy and blood. The power of the divine elephant shook a group of 2nd layers of the gods and surrounded Lin Chen’s twenty statues. True God has received varying degrees of assault damage.

Nowadays, Lin Chen uses the divine elephant Divine Spark with the energy and blood of Divine Dragon possessing 2.9 billion powers, and the formidable power has increased dozens of times! Not to mention the 4th layer of the gods, even the supreme powerhouse, which controls the laws, has to be taken seriously.

Asura King was seriously injured, and he intercepted Lin Chen's divine elephant with one hand, and the impact was unimaginable.

In addition to the injuries accumulated during the battle with Lin Chen, the old injuries were added to the new ones, and the wound broke out, and the wounded body began to collapse and collapse!

"It's now!"

Lin Chen sees the timing, moves again, and the dark divine force that has been brewing for a long time in his palm suddenly erupts and shoots out with one palm!

[The host activates the Divine Spark Fragment, which consumes 10 million points of high-level Saint Heavenly Dao. 】

The dark Formation instantly expanded to the hundred zhang space beside Asura King, and shrank suddenly!

Boom! boom! boom!

The dark divine attraction squeezed crazily by gravity, and the violently contracted space in the Formation was squeezed out with violent explosions. For the first time, Asura King’s actions were restricted!

chi! The sonic boom is rolling, Lin Chen rides thunder and lightning, steps on azure light divine wind, wears Wind God Wing, and all the Holy Force in his body burst out!

At this moment, all the Holy Forces in Lin Chen's holy cave are running at a speed a hundred times faster than usual, gathering on the wind god arm!

"There is still a trump card? Come on, Warrior Lin Chen!"

A Asura King screamed, the sound wave broke the sky, and the supergravity in the divine space shook constantly.

Asura King's strength is concentrated, his arm is raised high, and the long knife is slashed down violently, and a large space of divine attraction bursts open!

Lin Chen, who seized the opportunity, was brazenly not afraid. All the Holy Force was concentrated. Lin Chen threw a punch, like a divine light penetrating it, and swept straight towards the Asura King!


With a blast, it was extremely splendid like an explosion of stars, magnificent, and the many alchemists outside Pill Pagoda square suddenly stood up!

This scene is almost unforgettable!

But I saw a bunch of azure light piercing through the body of Asura King like a shock. The fist wearing the wind god's armplate greeted everyone's eyes, and a pair of azure light god wings came alive, spreading out between the sky!

The divine light that exploded, like the waves surging under the Star River, killed the Star River and shattered Asura's body!

The star named Asura is being concealed by the new starlight.

A Asura King's five-foot-tall divine body has a big hole in the center, drenched with blood, and bloody.

[Congratulations to the host! Obtain a higher level attribute light ball, Divine Grade essence 300 points, Divine Grade vitality 150 points, Divine Grade spirit strength 19 points...]

[High-level holy essence automatically evolves to: Divine Rank essence . The ratio is 100 million: 1 point. 】

At the moment when the attribute light ball is scattered, Lin Chen walking on air gasping for breath.

The previous punch exhausted all his strength, and the pure power and Holy Force were all drained, exploding at a hundred times faster.

Even with the Divine Spark fragment blessing with Asura's natural enemy, Lin Chen was almost spared.

Finally, Lin Chen grinned.

"Lin Chen, the king of the Asura clan, did you enjoy yourself."

Sauron's Ghost God-like face showed a smile for the first time.

"far surpasses the imagination...You can go further."

Sauron said in a low voice as his vitality faded away.

"I still have one more request...After I die, please put the remains of me and my wife together."

Asura King, who is upright and upright, When his eyes closed, he was still standing on the ruins.

Although he is still standing after death, he still stands proudly in the world as a tyrant after death. Asura clan, the history of another king is over!

Lin Chen stared at Asura King and thought to himself; "The last blow, he hesitated."

At the moment when the opponent was restricted by the divine formation, Asura King use point to break surface, when the cohesive force broke through his magical space, the moment Lin Chen punched, his knife was also about to hit Lin Chen.

But, when the blade was about to strike Lin Chen, he hesitated for an instant, which led to Lin Chen's final fatal punch.


At this moment, when Asura King closed his eyes completely, the sky burst out with a divine glow of dazzling!

Lin Chen moves!

That attribute divine light was actually the first time he saw it! rays of light, scarlet! !


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