[Wear the Fengshen three-piece suit, and the host gains the characteristics of the suit, the gift of divine wind. The full attribute speed is increasing by 10 times, 30 times, 80 times, 120 times...]

The wings of azure divine light spread out, the divine wind entangles, and Lin Chen’s foot is like a rainbow. The wind whirled, and the silhouette disappeared in an instant.

Gu Lingtian eyes shrank, his Divine Soul perceives that a fist wrapped around the blue wind is hitting his face at the speed of tore the void!

"My dog-fighting method specializes in mad dogs. I will give you 10,000 punches first, and then I will give you 10,000 punches!"

However, only Lin really surprised Gu Lingtian. Chen's speed has increased again.

His this move is dark Formation, he has seen it once in the battle of Asura King!

Gu Lingtian both hands forming seals, Divine Soul rushed into the sky, turned into a sharp sword out of its sheath and pierced the divine lead Formation that bound him!

"Three Thousand Great Daos, the law of the earth, the divine force of the earth, return!"

Next, he stomped in the void, the earth roared, and the boundless veins seemed to respond to his call , A wave of detached Law Power poured into his body, and a pair of mysterious yellow gods appeared all over his body, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable!

chi! Bang! boom! boom!

The sky was blown up and upset by waves, exploded like crazy, and even the floating rays of light were crushed!

Each punch exploded with a lethality of 550 horrendous power. Lin Chen slammed both fists, and he really hit Gu Lingtian with 10,000 punches in one breath!

The flashing shadow of the fist is like a gust of wind and rain, and strikes the mysterious yellow god armor on Gu Lingtian's body in an instant!

But, apart from taking a dozen steps back, Gu Lingtian was unscathed?

Tear and pull~!

Lin Chen's speed is unabated, and he cuts his whip in the air!

Gu Lingtian reacted swiftly, turning around and slapped a palm to the other side of the void, Divine Soul rolled over like a Kunpeng spreading its wings!


Lin Chen was repulsed by his Divine Soul, and Wind God Wing showed off and withdrew early, and was not affected by the Divine Soul attack.

Stepping on the divine wind, Lin Chen was surprised: "This tortoise shell is so hard?"

Gu Lingtian sneered, "Lin Chen, with my 4th layer Perfection's cultivation base, is in control The Five Elements series of the law of earth and Divine Soul realm, you want to break my defense when you describe the body of Saint King?"

Gu Lingtian controls the law and owns the Divine Soul, far beyond the ordinary True God 4th layer Perfection. !

Lin Chen faint smile, "Are you very proud?"

"Gu Lingtian!"

The black clothed killer came and asked: "This child’s Means, why didn’t you tell me all about Tiancha Pavilion!"


Gu Lingtian slapped away with a palm, and the huge Divine Soul illusory shadow exploded and shook the earth and the earth. Of Weili, black clothed killer vomits blood!

The black clothed killer retreated violently, clutching his wound, with a cold expression on his face.

"Gu Lingtian?"

"Really, this guy has a problem!"

"You attacked my Tiansha Pavilion, your kid is provoking Qian Ling Young Master?"

The killers of Tiansha Pavilion made a coldly shouted cry!

Gu Lingtian ignored the surrounding questions, coldly said; "Lin Chen, shoot a gun, I know you have a golden gun, facing my Gu Lingtian rule, you have no choice!"


Gu Lingtian seems to be arrogant and despotic, but he is actually very cautious. How can Lin Chen kill the Asura King as well. He has been provoking Lin Chen in order to let Lin Chen use his killing move earlier!

"Really, I want to see how hard your tortoise shell is."

Lin Chen's eyes are fierce!

"Divine Dragon Possession!"

Lin Chen waved his hand, and the Divine Dragon flying in the sky turned into a stream of light and shot at Lin Chen, blending into his body, pure The power instantly soared to the equivalent of Divine Dragon's wild power!

Lin Chen said with a big smile: "Do you want to try my gun? Try my elephant first!"


Lin Chen's blood burned, and with a push with both hands, the white divine elephant's long teeth were born suddenly!

A world-famous divine elephant smashed into the wind and clouds, like a river traveling on the ground, the stars moved, and the trunk swept up, passing the sky and latitude, exuding the dominance of overturning the sky, rushing out of the palm of Lin Chen!

Boom! boom! boom!

Time and space are shaking, and the divine elephant rolls on and screams loudly. The roar of the elephant is breathtaking, shaking the sky, and roaring the mountains and rivers!

The space-time all around was violently shaken by roar, and the shaking space instantly cracked!

The ground at the feet of the divine elephant exploded, shocking the sky, and the ground collapsed and the mountains collapsed. The divine force of the divine elephant still penetrates the ground even if it is high in the sky. The roar of the divine elephant turns into sound waves and pushes the mountains and rivers. The mountains are tumbling, and when they come, heaven falls and earth rends!


Many powerhouse suck in a breath of cold air!

The pure power of this divine elephant makes True God horrible to see!

This time Lin Chen launched the divine elephant · Divine Spark with a pure power of 260 wild force. The divine elephant from summon is not inferior to the one against the Asura King, and even wins!

"Divine Soul Fusion!"

Gu Lingtian’s Divine Soul stood on top of his head and transformed into his appearance, both hands forming seals, Divine Soul burst out a screaming Divine Soul sound wave , And collide head-on with the divine elephant's roar!

The tyrannical and terrifying Divine Soul Power is not inferior to Law Power, which directly blocked the action of the divine elephant and slowed down!

It’s not over yet!

"Lin Chen, this seat is clear about your ultimate move, even if you become a Saint King, this seat will still be able to suppress you!"

Gu Lingtian suddenly coldly shouted, palms of both hands Holding it out of thin air, a golden lance shining star-like yellow divine light emerged out of thin air. It was actually a Divine Item!

"Earth divine spear!"

Gu Lingtian stepped into the air, the earth roared, and Law Power gathered on the divine spear!

The tip of the spear was faintly discernible with a blood glow, and it soared sharply into the sky, and it stabbed in the direction of divine elephant and Lin Chen!

The power of this attack, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, forced the two black clothed killers nearby to forcibly withdraw from the fierce battle with Lin Chen Avatar!

Shih~! Tear~!

Lin Chen's vast divine elephant was pierced by this spear and penetrated into two halves!

Is the top orange battle skill!

Not only is there the law of Heavenly Might, but also the edge of Divine Item. With this formidable power erupting from the 4th layer Perfection of God Realm, Gu Lingtian as an eternal giant cultivated the foundation of Heaven's Chosen Child, which can be seen. !

Suddenly, when the divine elephant was penetrated, the sharp blade of the divine spear suddenly stopped in midair!

Boom! A fierce palm print blasted through the air, blasting Gu Lingtian's lance!

Gu Lingtian coldly shouted: "dressed up as God, playing the Devil, who is it? Get out!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, "Is there an expert?"

I saw, in the void between Lin Chen and Gu Lingtian, a faint Nether Ghost fire-like flame was burning, and an old silhouette appeared.

"hehe...Qianling Young Master is really amazing, you Gu Lingtian, it really is not an obedient material."

The hoarse voice is like scratching the wall, skinny The white-haired old man dressed in linen, chuckled.

Gu Lingtian couldn't help holding the divine spear tightly.

Shangguan Yun, who was in the middle of the battle, turned her eyes, and there was a dignified look between her eyebrows.

This old monster is a real old monster!

The 5th layer of God Realm!

The black clothed killer injured by Gu Lingtian suddenly drank; "Old man, don't let that kid go!"

Gu Lingtian quietly crushed a space jade slip.

The skinny old man smiled coldly, "Don't be busy, the space here is blocked by the old man's transformation technique, you can't call anyone."

Gu Ling Heavenly Dao: "Are you going to snatch my prey?"

The thin old man said: "You want to snatch the prey of Qianling Young Master."

"Wait a minute, don't you two first I am in a hurry for the matryoshka."

At this time, Lin Chen interrupted the two.

Lin Chen looked at the skinny old man looking expectantly and asked: "Old Mister, are you here alone? Are there any more?"

Everyone was stunned, the skinny old man A stagnation.


You fucking, don’t you think it’s too small?

The skinny old man was extremely angry and laughed: "Why, the old man will deal with you alone, isn't it enough!"

Lin Chen said seriously.

"Less, very few, too little! Should be more!"

Everyone: "?"


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