God World Five Continents, Sinzhou Tianyijiang Foreign Domain ——

The skinny old man is extremely angry and laughs, "It’s really newborn calves do not fear tigers. Crazy than a generation! A Saint King dare to underestimate the old man, and I think there are fewer people from Tiansha Pavilion?"

Lin Chen opened his arms and laughed wildly.

"Of course fewer people come. If you come more, you will all die!"

Om~! Ripples in the space, Lin Chen's head suddenly bloomed with an orange red divine splendor talisman. When it burst, it melted into the whole body. The unique divine force filled every inch of Lin Chen's flesh and blood!

【Consume 200 points of Divine Grade innate talent points to turn on the top orange grade innate talent: Divine Rebellion. Entering the state of divine rebellion, the higher the divine nature of the hostile target, the more the innate talent will increase its strength. If each attack can break the defense, it will cause real damage to the enemy's attack. ]

[Consume 140 Divine Grade innate talent points to turn on the orange high level innate talent: Godslayer. Entering the Godslayer state, the more enemies, the stronger, the stronger the innate talent effect. ]

[Number of True Gods hostile to the host: 14. 】

chi! chi! chi!

A burst of red clouds surged from Lin Chen's body, and the Holy Force of the main holy cave and Taiyi holy cave suddenly soared!

A total of two hundred holy caves have emerged from the Holy Force. They continue to flow backwards, scouring in reincarnation, making every holy cave shine with rays of light!

Holy Force reincarnation, this is the holy land of reincarnation!

Lin Chen, stepped into the realm of the saint realm of reincarnation!


As soon as the sonic boom exploded, the divine fist entwining the divine wind blasted at the thin old man like a shock, his expression suddenly solemn!

Boom! When the skinny old man raised his palm and blocked Lin Chen's instantaneous punch, he retreated four steps in a row, his arms were numb, and his whole body was divine force collapsed!

He immediately mobilized the divine force, the law of water is like a water dragon dancing, and he is preparing to counter Lin Chen——

The divine wind under Lin Chen's feet turns and disappears instantly!

Everyone's faces changed suddenly!

At this moment, among all the powerhouses present, the powerhouse of Lin Chen silhouette can be accurately captured, no more!

Gu Lingtian felt the emergence of the killing intent, and instantly squeezed the divine spear. The divine armor condensed by the laws of the earth's divine force protected him tightly, with no hair exposed.

Boom~! A ray of divine wind whistled past, Lin Chen even gave a false shot, not planning to face Gu Lingtian!

Boom! A shocking explosion echoed, the ground collapsed, and the location of the wounded black clothed killer suddenly exploded!

Crack it~!

The crisp twisting sound echoed. When everyone looked at it again, they were dressed in blue wings, bathed in the silver robe silhouette of divine light, carrying the head of the 4th layer Early-Stage of God, and Xiuyi’s face His a pair of vision is fierce, swept at every powerhouse present, fighting intent soaring to the sky, without fear!

Instant kill! The black clothed killer of Peak was instantly killed by Lin Chen!

Before he died, the face of the black clothed killer was filled with unbelievable, unimaginable what kind of attack he suffered before he died!

The divine wind flashed, Lin Chen pointed like a shooting star, and a finger pierced the black clothed killer's Divine Grade knife! Turned into countless suit essence attributes!

"Something's wrong! This kid still has a killer move!"

"Mother, how many hands did he hide!"

When everyone exclaimed, All of Lin Chen's Avatars have a lantern-like nine-color star cluster suspended above their heads!

"Quickly retreat!"

Shangguan Yun in the distance has quick eyes and quick hands, and she retreats with Xue Jianming's figure!

Lin Chen said awe-inspiringly; "Blast."

All Phantom Clone's Holy Force is emptied, and the instantaneous annihilation of light and shadow, starburst blooms suddenly!

Boom~! Heaven and Earth trembled, starlight's brilliant nine-color energy storm swept the sky!

A terrifying storm of destruction swept everywhere, filling every inch of high altitude!

With Lin Chen’s current Avatar cultivation base, drain all of the Holy Force, use annihilation·starburst, and superimpose instantaneous light and shadows, it is completely the incarnation of the world!

If you are involved, even if it is the 4th layer Early-Stage of the God Realm, it will be difficult to get out!

The blocked space on the verge of collapse.

Gu Lingtian backed up again and again, but the skinny old man rushed to Lin Chen like a lightning, surging with the ghost claws condensed by the law of the Yellow Springs-like Death Aura, and he wanted to force Lin Chen to be crushed. Suppress!

Shih~! Tear~!

Lin Chen stepped on the divine wind and moved like tearing time and space, avoiding the claw of the skinny old man that suppressed Ghost God, and rushed into the storm!

When a black robe killer perceives the killing intent, he wants to retreat, it's too late!

Lin Chen smashed his top of the head with a punch!

Five fingers squeezed out of thin air, like a thunderbolt, Lin Chen next moment ghostly appeared behind the second killer, crushed his shoulder, and punched through his body, vomiting blood. Stare.

Lin Chen's divine wings shot continuously, the divine wind turned sharply and flashed, and there were several shots in a row. Almost no one could clearly see Lin Chen's trajectory!

【The host uses the Fengshen three-piece set with all his strength, and the full attribute speed increase is the highest at this stage: 140 times. Charging is accelerating consumption,]

chi! chi! chi! Bang! boom! boom!

The terrifying sonic boom and explosion sound filled the chaotic energy storm. The complexion of the skinny old man and the two Heaven Grade killers was slightly changed!

"That's it!"

"This kid's speed is too weird, he was overcast by his Avatar!"

Annihilation of the starburst storm When it passed, a blood mist fluttered in the sky.

Gu Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly.

The eight assassins of Tiansha Pavilion, all died!

It's all the super powerhouse of the 4th layer of God Realm! One is dead!

The divine wind swirling in the green spun again, and Lin Chen swept towards Gu Lingtian abruptly!


Star Domain, Immemorial Divine Vestige.

The divine light inside Divine Vestige does not fall, shining all around the ruined walls, and the vicissitudes of life and simplicity permeates every corner.

A stone gate stands on Heaven and Earth. Today, countless peerless genius are here! Just waiting for the opening of the funeral temple!

Qian Ling Young Master both hands crossed near chest, stopping on the edge of the cliff, standing proudly, behind him is a group of True God powerhouses, whose breath travels through the sky and the earth!

He looked straight ahead, as if waiting for something.

But, it's not just Human Race!


The wind swept through, time and space trembled, the nine-headed Divine Phoenix flicked across the sky, and the phoenix eyes looked down at the innumerable living beings, and looked at each of the Human Race powerhouse, showing no conceit of arrogance.

Hundred dragons cover the sky, and the Divine Dragon soaring in the sky is driving Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, and the breath of the dragon is in the world, as if returning to the glory of Dragon Clan!

Boom! boom! boom!

The earth quaked, and a group of Asuras appeared, waving their arms, ferocious-looking. The headed Asura King is a Ghost God with Three Heads Six Arms!

They are all first-class powerhouses!

This place is the internal area of ​​the Star Domain of Gods Wilderness, and the powerhouse that can reach here, no one is weak.

Suddenly, a meteor flashed across the horizon. The strong breath shocked the powerhouses of all races!

When the powerhouses were paying attention, the meteor fell into the Human Race camp, the divine light disappeared, and a beautiful figure that charmed all living beings emerged.

Other race powerhouse may not know, but the geniuses of Human Race are surprised!

The Peerless Demon Empress·Ye Qingwu!

Unexpectedly, this time the funeral temple, even she came!

At this time, Ye Qingwu Yukong floated towards the direction of the Qianjia camp.

Qian Ling Young Master raised his brows, and said with a smile; "The Peerless Demon will be here after me, it's interesting."

Several True Gods around immediately flattered and said; "It seems that she already knows in her heart, who is the best man in this generation in Sinzhou."


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