I saw that Lin Chen shot a sword light violently behind Lin Chen, arrogant as the sun, burning the sky and cutting the ground, and shot straight at Lin Chen!

Lin Chen Wind God Wing changed, leaning forward slightly to the left.

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

sword light smashed away ten thousand zhang. The huge wave cut open a ten thousand zhang gap from the surface of the sea of ​​bounds. The space was chaotic and the flames skyrocketed!

This scene is frightening! If he is hit by this sword, if there is no War God protective body, Lin Chen is afraid that he will have to cut it in half!

In order to avoid this sword, Lin Chen's speed slowed a few beats.

"hahahaha! travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily!"

Just above Lin Chen's head, there was unscrupulous laughter.

Wind God Wing took a sudden shot, Lin Chen's figure stopped abruptly, setting off an air wave to hit the sea.

The waves are surging and the wind is dancing.

When the two of them looked at each other, they stood in front of Lin Chen. It was a white clothed man, the 8th layer of God Realm!

Moreover, he is still a Sword God!

He stepped on the orange sword light like the scorching sun, and when his hands were negative, Zhou's movement method came and went, suppressing Lin Chen with absolute courage, and overlooking him peacefully.

His first sentence surprised Lin Chen, and Sword God said in a cold voice: "Leave aside your position, I admire you very much."

White Sword God crossed over Lin Chen's retreat, the aura behind him increased, one, ten, one hundred, more and more real Divine Dynasty came here!

White Sword God seemed to be delaying time on purpose, and slowly said: "If you guessed right, you came here for a reward. The news of grabbing you came from the island of the tiger. , Is one of your tricks. Although you don’t know how you did it, you are offering a reward for the arrest warrant. Right, your presence nearby is the best proof."

Avatar refining crazy urged Divine Pill's energy to heal the injury, Lin Chen asked, "What do you want to say."

The white Sword God looked at Lin Chen with great interest: "Faced with desperation, You can still stay in danger, and you didn’t choose to flee. Instead, you chose to fight and develop. I have to say that if someone like you comes to the sea, if you don’t die, it really gives you the probability of turning over."

He casually said: "It's a pity...you underestimated my lord's means. If she wants you to die, you will never live."

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "A God Realm 8th layer, dealing with me a Saint King, do you have to delay time?" Sword God in white said calmly: "In my eyes, you are more like a monster than a Saint King. This is the end of the matter, no one will underestimate you, Lin Chen."


tone barely fell, Sword God draws the sword, the sword falls Nine Heavens The afterglow shines, the terrifying sword light seems to tear Heaven and Earth, the world in Lin Chen's eyes suddenly only has a horizontal line of aurora, that is Sword God's sharpest point!

Swipe~! boom! boom! boom!

A sword wipes out countless reefs, the waves are splashing, and the divine wind is cut off.

Wind God Wing beats at extreme speed, and Lin Chen avoids this sword dangerously and dangerously. Rushing in the other direction again, Holy Force consumes crazily, almost at full speed at this stage.

White Sword God sneered said with a smile: "What's the matter, I can only take care of escape this time, where is your ultimate move."


Suddenly, a strong wind swept through the sky, divine light shuttled through the sky, and Lin Chen's path was blocked again!

One after another divine light natural phenomenon is present and coming continuously.

Step on the divine light, the divine light changes, away from Lin Chen’s ten thousand zhang, there are a total of 2,000 True Gods, and the gods gathered, descending on Heaven and Earth!

The 4th layer of the gods, one hundred and twenty, and the 4th layer Perfection, fifty. God Realm 5th layer, twelve.

Shenzhen 6th-layer, four. Seven Divine Realms, two!

There is also a Sword God in the middle of the 8th layer of the God Realm, which is even stronger than the Heavenly Ghost Avatar that Lin Chen has previously played against!

However, what is even more frightening is that all the True Gods present now, except for the white Sword God, have no plans to make a move!

They are waiting!

Wait for more True Gods to come!

I have seen the stalwart of Golden War God, no one will look down upon Lin Chen again!

Even with such a terrifying lineup, I did not plan to face Lin Chen head-on!

They have to wait, at least until a powerhouse, one of the nine ghosts, arrives before they intend to take the initiative to fight!

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile; "It’s a bit flattered to get you so much attention."

Lin Chen’s injury recovered at a speed visible to naked eye, Lin Chen My heart suddenly shouted coldly.

"God rebellious!"

Next moment, the red glow is tumbling, and Lin Chen's head blooms with a shimmering orange god!


A fighting intent that has exhausted the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, going up against the gods, rushed into the Nine Heavens, the sea shook, and the angry waves rolled up!

Sword God in white backed slightly, his eyes narrowed; "As expected, this child has trump cards. It's really a monster..."

Two old men in purple robes stood beside him , Please say: "My lord, Divine Consciousness is blocked by the magic mist of the sea of ​​bounds. Our message cannot be passed on to the nine Heavenly Ghost lords. At present, people are rushing to tell us, it will take some time, do we..."

Sword God in white raised his hand, his eyes showed terrible confidence, "It's okay, with our background, he has no probability of breaking through!"

Lin Chen took a step, the sky swayed, Holy Force actually faintly surpassed the previous state of using [Godslayer] innate talent!

[The host consumes 4,500 Divine Grade innate talent points to activate the Orange Grade top innate talent: Divine Rebellion. The higher the divinity of the hostile target group, the stronger the effect of innate talent. ]

[Hostile targets: True God 3rd-layer 1880, God Realm 4th layer, 70, 4th layer Perfection, 50. God Realm 5th layer, 12. God Realm 6th-layer, 4 pieces. Divine Realm Seventh Layer, 2 Divine Realm 8th Layer, 1 Divine Realm 8th layer...]

[Acquired comprehensive power increase: 29902 times, the host begins to enter a state of rebellion, and all attacks by the host to break the enemy’s offensive will be Inflict real damage to the enemy. 】

Orange-level top Godslayer, and orange-level high-level Godslayer, make a clear decision!

It’s not over yet!

A touch of golden light shines between Heaven and Earth, Golden War God bathes in divine divine light, holding a War God gun, turned out!

When two thousand True Gods once again saw the Golden War God watching the heavens, although they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but feel shocked.

Even if they have seen it before, they are still throbbing!

【Host uses Golden War God set, charge: 8%. Ultimate attack, ultimate strength, ultimate destruction, get the suit feature: War God golden body. Activate the attached weapon: War God gun. 】

Lin Chen holds the War God gun in his hand, fighting intent hurricaneously, unstoppable skyrocketing pure power!


next moment, the void is shattered, and the golden flash is swept away in a flash!

The white Sword God suddenly stabs his sword!

Clang~! hong long!

Golden's gun point and sword point collided in the sky.

Lin Chen faces the white Sword God head-on!

The white Sword God laughed awe-inspiringly; "hahahaha! Come here well, let me meet, how long can you last in such a state!"

[神逆]Plus Go to the Golden War God set!

Lin Chen, the moment to stake all on one throw!

In the sky of the black sea, there is a faint boundary lined up in the sky.

Crossing the boundary line means entering the 2nd layer boundary sea.

In the entrance of the 2nd layer Jiehai, an illusory shadow of an old man in sackcloth suddenly appeared, carrying a silhouette of a child, floating in the air.

The old man in Mai stared into the distance, as if the void was clearly understood, falling straight into the besieged Lin Chen circle.

The old man murmured to himself.

"Zhongshan's wind and rain are turning yellow, millions of True Gods have passed Divine Continent. Tigers and dragons win the past, the earth is turned upside down and generous."

"teacher, you click The bright flame has not gone out yet."


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