First Layer Realm By the sea, the cliffs high above the sky rush up like a sword edge.

The palace stands in great numbers, but the flames blaze all over the sky, and the Human Races who burst out of the restraint cage knelt to thank you.

"many thanks, benefactor!"

"The great kindness and virtue of the girl, I will never forget my Xu Family for three lives!"

In the sky The shadow of the palace costume fell to the ground, and when she looked at the crowd, the woman's Xueli appeared a touch of complexity.

She said to everyone; "When everyone leaves, remember to be united, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to survive in the sea in your state."

Zhao Anran who entered the sea of ​​bounds!

Suddenly, Zhao Anran's pretty face changed slightly, and suddenly looked back.

"That direction is the mark of my Divine Kingdom...It's Lin Chen!"


Zhao Anran swiftly stepped into the air, disappeared from the sky, and rushed to the other side at the fastest speed.

Outside Jihu Island.

The gods were stunned and watched the unreasonable fighting in front of them!

One white and one gold two divine lights fight in the air, from the sky to the sea, from the sea to the sea and then back in the sky, alternately back and forth, the spear and the sword intersect.

Shih~! boom!

Lin Chen’s War God gun slammed on the blade in anger, but the sword of Divine Sword was bent but failed to push back the white Sword God.

Sword God's sword bounces off, the divine force sweeps away, and the sword light sweeps away like a crescent moon!

Lin Chen smashed the void, backed up and turned around, turning into a golden brilliance to dodge!

The law of the sword turns into a blazing sun, cutting off the sea!

When Lin Chen avoided, he held the gun and stepped, and the tip of the gun was turned sideways!


Pick up the sword edge, Lin Chen slammed the gun body with his palm, and the gun shot out like a dragon, stabbing the white Sword God in the chest!

Sword God was once again surprised at the speed of Lin Chen's explosion, and grabbed the tip of Lin Chen's gun with one hand out of thin air!

Boom~! The gust of wind behind the white Sword God suddenly rose. Although the War God gun stopped, it was still terrifying after the explosion!

When Lin Chen’s War God gun was captured, the white Sword God movement method went out and disappeared, the eyes bloomed with a terrifying sword light, and the picked Divine Sword moved with his mind and turned into A white rainbow pierced Lin Chen.

At the same time, the white Sword God punch towards Lin Chen!

The heart of his fist forms a sword qi vortex of swallowing heaven devouring earth, brewing the infinite blades of the "law of the sword" and the rays of light converged by the "law of cutting"!

Lin Chen did not back down. When he held the gun and turned and broke free, the gun was provoked, and the tip of the gun pointed directly at the Divine Sword that turned into a white rainbow thorn!

At the same time, his War God right leg armor releases ten thousand zhang divine splendor, the golden light skyrocketed, and when the pure power surged, he slammed a knee and moved towards the white Sword God and swept it past. !

Shih~! boom! !

The two sides are fighting against each other, the remaining strength of pure power and the fragments of the law are lasing everywhere, turning into a terrifying energy storm between Heaven and Earth!

The 8th layer of the God Realm, the god body is in harmony, and the Divine Soul is the law. Reaching this realm, the law has begun to melt into the body of the gods, one punch and one kick can have the law divine might, with the power of breaking the world. 理

A golden brilliance shot upside down from the storm, suddenly fell on the top of the reef group, blasting the shattered reef all over the sky.

This is the first time Lin Chen has been repelled after using the Golden War God set! The 8th layer of God Realm is terribly strong!

【Golden War God set remaining charge: 4%. Consume 4000 points of high level suit essence, start to restore charge... Host remaining: 5630 points high level suit essence. 】

Lin Chen got up, War God set the golden light on and trembled. Even with the 【War God golden body】, he could not be immune to all damage.

Lin Chen wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his vision was a bit blurred, and his breath became unstable.

The last time I used the [Godslayer] innate talent to superimpose the Divine Dragon possession, Lin Chen used the Golden War God suit and used the War God gun, and he could only play around in the late stage of the seventh stage of the gods.

Although Divine Dragon's power has soared to a notch after the encirclement and suppression of the gods.

In addition to the increase in the innate talent of the [Godslayer] this time, it is not inferior to the last [Godslayer] innate talent, making Lin Chen’s use of the War God suit a partly higher limit, but at most it can only match Shenjing 8th layer Early-Stage is comparable.

However, the opponent is the mid-term of the 8th layer of God Realm! Each realm will highlight a terrifying gap in the future!

"What a monster, pure power can be comparable to the 8th layer Early-Stage of the God Realm. If you don't kill you today, won't you want every day in the future."

Sword God is floating on the sword light with his foot, and when he is about to win the pursuit——

Crack~! The divine light burst, the white Sword God's right arm suddenly burst into flesh and blood, and the divine blood shot.

The divine arm throbbed, and he looked at his right arm incredulously, "This seat was injured! He broke the rule of defense of this seat? But... when did it happen? A little perception No!"

Holding the War God gun, Lin Chen's eyes flickered fiercely, like a wild beast who was driven to a dead end, grinning; "Don't be afraid of death, keep coming!"

The state of innate talent of God's rebellion; all attacks when the host breaks the enemy's attack will inflict real damage on the enemy.

This is Lin Chen's last chance to comeback. He wants to break through today, but he can only break through the siege within the duration of the Shenni innate talent.

But, the white Sword God in front of you is the biggest obstacle!


Suddenly, a streak of divine light rushed thousands and zhang, unexpectedly blasted a hole from the divine force Formation of the gods!

The gods are horrified, someone dared to break into their circle of war?

Sword God and Lin Chen in white suffocated slightly, and when they looked at them at the same time, they were greeted in a snow-white palace costume. It was Zhao Anran!


"Is it you?"

When the two exclaimed, Zhao Anran, who came from the sky, looked at that beam. When golden light, there is a momentary trance.

"Is that...Lin Chen? What a powerful oppression..."

The gods want to stop, but her movement method is as fast as a star pill jumping. Every time it flashes, Blood Lotus bloomed under his feet, and after several turns, Zhao Anran quickly fell to Lin Chen's side.

"How is it possible?"

The two black-shirted old men in the seven layers of the gods were shocked and shocked!

How is this woman’s cultivation base like this evildoer!

This kind of method is no more than the geniuses who have achieved the'Divine Art Great Achievement'!

Why is there no woman like this in their impression?

White Sword God frowned: "This girl is so young, she has the cultivation base of the seventh stage of the Divine Realm? No, the divine force is ancient and vicissitudes, and the law is strong and condensed, far beyond the ordinary seven. In the later period, it is not like a cultivation base from its own cultivation, but more like a cultivation base from inheritance."

The vision of Sword God in white is clearly understood. Zhao Anran, this woman also hosts a powerful force. Law Power is not in complete control!

If she can completely control this power, I am afraid that the cultivation base will be stronger than him!

Zhao Anran approached Lin Chen. When the two were back to back, Lin Chen couldn’t remember the past and talk, said solemnly; “There are more behind the one who chased me, what are you doing.”


She said very tacitly: "If I help you hold him, how long will it take you."

Lin Chen startled, said solemnly: "Less than a quarter of an hour."

The two were in a very tacit understanding, and they immediately exchanged positions. Lin Chen faced the two thousand True God, while Zhao Anran faced that white Sword God!

"I'll hold him for you, the rest is up to you."

"No problem!"


The two action, the battle situation has changed dramatically!

Zhao Anran spreads out his palms, the Yin-Yang Law dual system is like a black and white double ball floating!

Zhao Anran was in charge of Two Great Laws and stepped on the movement method and stopped in front of the white Sword God!

Lin Chen smashed the void and turned into a golden flash to rush towards the two thousand True God!


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