"Little friend Lin Chen, let’s go too! Qian Yun is our Yan Family’s single pass, and is the only person in the Yan Family who can cultivation ancestors arithmetic. We must ask her to bring it back !"

The anxious Yan Family Old Ancestor said anxiously, Lin Chen raised his hand and vetoed it.

"No, all of you are staying in Ling State. At the moment, the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family and a large number of powerhouses are lurking in Nine Provinces. No one knows when they will come, staying behind the power of Ling State. the better, even more how, I am going to save people, not to go to a full-scale war. I will take you and I will not be able to use my hands and feet."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Yan Family Old Ancestor can only do it. , Yan Family patriarch grabbed Lin Chen's arm and said solemnly.

"Little friend Lin Chen, Yuner, please!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best to bring her back."

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up, and Bai Ruoyan stood beside him with a smile on his face.

Lin Chen can only say helplessly-"Okay, this time Ruoyan sister will go with me."

"Lin Chen, be careful."

Ning Qingxuan moved forward and couldn't help holding Lin Chen's palm with worry, his blue eyes turned to the hopeful rays of light, he chuckled.

"Don't worry, even the six false gods Aristocratic Family can't stop me, a Dragon Clan in a barren state. I dare not say that I can destroy them. There is still a chance to save someone."

On friendship, Yan Qianyun can be regarded as one of Lin Chen’s best friends. On human relations, Lin Chen still owes her a favor. If she didn’t contact Luo lightly said in advance and let Luo Weier bring the news to Ling State, Lin Chen may not be able to rush to Divine State to rescue Ning Qingxuan.

Lin Chen turned around, facing Shen Lianyun's eyes, the latter was nodded-"Don't worry, I will take the seat in the Alliance, you can just let it go."

"Then it will be troublesome. The deputy dean, everyone, time is up and the others, I will go one step ahead!"

Lin Chen leaped into the air, and the Azure Dragon on the side flew high and the purple phoenix wings flew up, Lin Chen and Bai If smoke rises by dragon!

"This little fellow has repeatedly created miracles, I hope he can succeed this time!"

Staring at Lin Chen's back, Xing Zhan sighed, Shen Lianyun smiled rarely.

"There must always be someone who will be arbitrarily arrogant and someone will overthrow the blank hundreds of thousands of years of Nine Provinces. I am now more and more convinced that that person will definitely be Lin Chen!"


Ling State, the streamer across the seven horizons.

It is the seven sect messengers of the holy world.

"Are we going to return like this without success?"

"Hey, I have prepared for a while, but I didn't expect to be run over before I even spoke."

The messengers have a sound transmission conversation.

"Hehe, some of you innate talents are pretty good, but they have a bit less experience."

The white-haired old man said, everyone looked at him.

"This child temperament is magnanimous, decisive but value emotion, value friendship. He dared to enter the Divine State alone, which is enough to illustrate this point. Such a person is able to coaxing but not coercion. So. , We can start from his side."

The words of the white-haired old man can be heard in the mist!

"Also please Yinlao express!"

red robe frowned and puzzled.

"hehe, in simple terms, is to win over the people around him. Since this child is value emotion, value friendship, he must pay attention to the people around him. If we touch his friends, we will inevitably set up a sect for our own family. A big enemy, but what if the other way around?"

The white-haired old man stroked his beard said with a smile, and the envoys suddenly lit up!

Yes! They can't recruit Lin Chen to go to the Holy Realm, they can recruit Lin Chen's relatives and friends!

If Lin Chen falls in Nine Provinces, they will lose at most some energy and the cost of the Nether Realm, but if Lin Chen succeeds in entering the Holy Realm, it will inevitably be a brand new character!

When the time comes, even if they cannot recruit him into the clan, just looking at the faces of his relatives and friends is enough to make him a Heaven-blessed Genius!

"Xie Yin, please call!"

"Very good, let's quickly search for the life experience of this little friend of Lin Chen, and all the people who have made friends with him will be taken to the holy world , Cultivate it with all your strength!"


"Lin Chen younger brother, you can bring this. When necessary, I can show up by sending a strand of Battle Qi."

During the flight, Bai Ruoyan handed Lin Chen a snowy white jade Jane, the flames lingered, she herself could escape into this jade slip!

This is a realm of sacred fire, Lin Chen can't help but sigh for the power of the eternal sacred fire, he can even carry the sacred flame with him, Bai Ruoyan can enter at any time!

Moreover, with the torch, she has the holy fire all the time, refining Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and turning to tempering Battle Qi, which is equivalent to being in the most efficient cultivation state at all times!

At this level of spirit refinement speed, I am afraid that within a few years, Bai Ruoyan will be able to smoothly break through to the late 9th layer, and envy all 9th ​​layer Battle Sovereign!

"I won't be envious of this opportunity."

Lin sighed, and put the white jade Jane away, leaving him and his Azure Dragon in the void. Thoughts move, Lin Chen brings Azure Dragon into his body!

"system, start the super-dimensional teleportation of innate talent, I want to go to space 3!"

[This teleportation distance is very long, it will consume 3.22 million innate talent points, and Is trapped in a 10-day cooldown, is the host sure to teleport? 】

No. 3 position is the position where Long Kun and Lin Chen fled from the soul family headquarters to the barren state last time. Lin Chen did not replace this position. I can’t think of it coming in handy now!

The most important thing is that he upgraded the "super-dimensional teleportation" to the purple innate talent to achieve such a long-distance Space Teleportation.

If it is a blue level, it can only cross the distance of two Great Prefectures at most, but now, Ling State and the barren state can cross the distance of six Great Prefectures!



A beam of light burst open above his head, and Lin Chen turned into a stream of light and flashed out.

When he reappeared, he had already descended to the Western Desolate Area in the barren state.

The barren state is divided into four great barren areas, each of which is ruled by different powerful beast races, but only the central area is ruled by the top ten Dragon Clan!

"It is a deserted state, what a strong Qi and Blood Energy!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath, then turned into a moonlight, and swept into the depths.

Two days later, the central area.

Recently, Dragon Clan feasted, hundreds of people cheered, and many powerful beasts gathered in the central area.

Dragon Clan conducts an indiscriminate selection competition, which is to take care of all powerhouses in Dragon Clan as fair as possible.

Challenge the winners and get massive rewards. The top 5 players can also enter the Sacred Dragon blood pool, refine the bloodline, and greatly increase their strength and potential!

And ten days after the competition feast, Honglianyan Dragon Clan number one genius also had a happy event, successfully adding another beautiful concubine!

This double happy event overlaps one another, attracting countless orc powerhouses to observe and observe.

The central area, behind a stalwart Holy Mountain, is a huge battle space like a plain.

all around are filled with a large number of different high level fierce beasts, with a hostile aura, only the brutal aura of fierce beasts pervades!

One after another Roared with excitement and turned back in the venue. This fierce beast race, just watching the Battle Qi atmosphere is dozens of times more intense than the Human Race, and it’s full of killing and excitement everywhere. meaning!

A magic flame eagle that belongs to the seventh rank sits at the registration desk, and the head of the eagle is registered with the information of many contestants.

At this time, an azure robe teenager crowded into the crowd stepped into the registration office. There were two Azure Dragon horns on top of his head. Half of the childish face was still Azure Dragon's face.

The Demon Flame Eagle didn't raise his head, and asked indifferently.

"Race, origin, name."

The azure robe boy said with a low growl and obscure Human Race language.

"Race: Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon. Origin: Beihuang District. Name: Long Chenbo."

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