When azure robe reported'Wan Jae Hyun Azure Dragon', it attracted a lot of surprised eyes!

This is one of the top ten Dragon Clan ruling the central area of ​​the barren state. Although ranked last, its strength still surpasses most of the Dragon Clan. There will be a Wan Zai Xuan who was born in the northern desert area. Azure Dragon?

The old man of the magic flame eagle raised his head and glanced at the young azure robe, nodded seriously-"Well, it is really Azure Dragon of Wanzai Xuan, or a seventh rank beast. It seems to be very young and a dark horse. , Let's go in!"

The old man handed the azure robe juvenile a token for the competition, and he walked into the arena with his head up.

This'Long Chen Bo' is naturally Lin Chen who has mixed into the barren state area!

One day ago, he sneaked into the central area of ​​the deserted state with'Azure Dragon Piying'.

Lin Chen then used the'Wan Zhonghuo Net Jue' to completely seal the whole body's cultivation base, and with the Azure Dragon possessed, it became a genuine'Wan Zai Xuan Azure Dragon'!

Even the Dragon Clan Old Ancestor, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, can’t see the details of Lin Chen, because Azure Dragon is one with him, and the clothes are seamless, unless Lin Chen actively reveals Battle Qi or runs core method, otherwise there will be no weak spot!

Lin Chen, who became a mysterious Azure Dragon, paid a small price to inquire about Dragon Clan’s battle and a large number of Prediction Masters that day. It is said that those Prediction Masters were collectively brought into the central area and then taken over by the Dragon Clan executives. No one knows.

The news of Yan Qianyun is more transparent. According to Lin Chen's various inquiries, Yan Qianyun was not obediently surrender after being caught, but used the'absolute space ring' left by her family. .

This product is made by 9th layer Battle Sovereign, which has the power of Absolute Defense. If the same level powerhouse hits hard, even if it can be broken, people in the'absolute space' will vanished fragrance and crumbled jade .

"Absolute space has a time limit. Once the time limit is over, it will gradually disintegrate. I am afraid that Dragon Clan of the red lotus flame will also see through this secret before confirming that it will be announced that the competition ends ten days later. The genius wedding banquet..."

Lin Chen casually found a place to sit down, corner of the mouth slightly raise, which instead gave him a chance!

If you come directly to visit and participate in a wedding banquet from an unknown source, it may seem very abrupt and easily arouse the alert of many powerhouses.

But if you participate as the winner of the conference, it is completely different, and you can also get close to and dispel the doubts of the Red Lotus Flame Dragon clan.

Even more how, Lin Chen is very interested in the'Sacred Dragon Pool' rewards obtained in the first five of the conference!

The Sacred Dragon pool is the inheritance of the ten Dragon Clan civilizations. It is left by the Sacred Dragon of Immemorial and Ancient Times. It can refine the bloodline and transform its Life Level.

Although the attribute value of'Azure Dragon bloodline''Rain Dragon bloodline' owned by Lin Chen is as high as several hundred thousand points, it has enough resources and opportunities to grow to the top of the seventh rank.

Go up, it’s the legendary eighth rank Sacred Beast. Lin Chen’s bloodline attribute value at this stage is not enough to support his Azure Dragon to become an eighth rank Sacred Dragon. Perhaps this time the'Sacred Dragon pool' , Will be an opportunity for his Azure Dragon!

"Boy, where did you come from? Why haven't you seen you before? Did you come to the competition too."

A thick dark green python spit out a snake Poke out his head and asked Lin Chen, it was a fierce beast of the sixth rank.

"Fuck you, did you come to ask about the origin of Young Master? Huh?"

A low growl of disdain came from Lin Chen's throat muffled, python He immediately shrank his head and went back, keep quiet out of fear, this guy turned out to be a seventh rank beast?

"It’s crazy, I hope you won’t be met by Lao Tzu, and swallow you in one bite."

The seventh rank of the dragon head sitting next to him, the flame dragon said with A sneer, Lin Chen gave him a middle finger directly.

"Seventh rank low-level garbage! To deal with you, my Long Chenbo only needs a punch!"

The world of fierce beasts and humans are completely different, the civilization of the deserted state Etiquette and red tape are less, only weak are prey to the strong, here, powerhouse is always the most mad and domineering one!

If Lin Chen remained silent, he might be suspected by the beast instead!

He just wants to arrogant all the way to the end! With his character, it is surprisingly in line with the atmosphere of this barren state!

All of a sudden, there were a few seventh rank beasts, the fighting intent was boiling, and the baleful aura locked Lin Chen monstrously!

"Look at you, I haven't seen a handsome dragon. After the meeting, I will knock you all out!"

Lin Chen patted his own dragon horn, very terrifying.

"Yeah, brother, I only ate a few dishes last night and drank it like this."

"Is this kid drinking high? Hahaha, there is a seventh rank. Intermediate Demon Flame Chiron, who knocked who?"

The many fierce beasts beside the audience burst out with rough and howling laughs, and the fire-like Demon Flame Chiron laughed with a grin—" I hope that your bones will be as hard as your mouth later."

Lin Chen sneered and sneered: "Sorry, every part of my body is harder than you."

Many The brutal fierce beasts burst out provocative roars at Lin Chen, he all yelled back, and while he was worthy of the opponent, he secretly turned on the system.

Next, Lin Chen opened the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 Version

Host: Lin Chen

Cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 5th layer Mid-term-Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 71483 million points.

Ultimate strength: 5 million dragon power (divine force blessing: 6.5 million)-Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 338.5 million points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 54560 points (Through Heaven Realm Early-Stage)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 15.66 million points-intermediate talisman spirit strength: 19.55 million points.

Heavenly Dao value: 18.33 million points-innate talent points: 19.95 million points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 200,000 points, Earth Element 170,000 points, Wood Element 180,000 points, Gold Element 200,000 points, Water Element 220,000 points. Thunder Element 160,000 points, Wind Element 170,000 points, light system 120,000 points, dark system 140,000 points.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent: (green rank) Steel Muscles Iron Bones 100%, (green rank) Dual Cultivation Albizia, (blue order) life increase by 200%, (blue order) divine force 100%, (blue order) Sovereign, active innate talent: (blue order) omen of theft, (blue order) ) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Stage) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Return to Origin, (Purple Stage One-time) Super·Full Counterattack, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, (Orange-level one-time) Godslayer (shard 1/3), (quasi-Orange-level) desperate life and death, (Orange-level one-time) Sun God (shard 1/3).

Characteristic rune: Slow Level 5, Penetration Level 5, Recharge Level 5, Phantom Level 5, Sky Hidden Level 5-Innate talent Combination Skill: Deadly Bloodthirsty-Ultra Dimensional Teleportation-Monarch Overlooking The Whole World — Desperate life and death.

Hold a blank attribute: 28560 points (can be converted into any attribute value at will).

Hold treasure:...]

"system, integrate all the cultivation techniques I have on hand!"

This time, Lin Chen, Having accumulated enough cultivation techniques on his hands, he successively destroyed a large number of Battle Sovereigns of the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family, and all the ones that were undamaged were recovered and taken away by him!

In addition, he obtained the crystal ball inheritance of the dean. The most important thing is that two holy envoys died in his hands, and the treasures he has on hand are endless!

Lin Chen is full of expectations. I wonder what kind of cultivation technique can be integrated this time?

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