Qin Jueyan quickly moved to his elder sister and asked curiously: "Sister Miaoer, what's going on? What's the good thing that makes them like this? Let's talk about the other five. I’m so face-to-face, I haven’t seen it on the genius list."

As soon as the two sisters approached, they immediately formed a large landscape painting in the Ancient Saint Temple. It was beautiful and beautiful, and it was second only to cold. A beautiful view of Yueqi.

elder sister Qin Miaoer is as soft as water, gentle and moving, like Fairy in the clouds without being born in the mountains.

Younger sister Qin Jueyan is sexy, hot and charming, like a lonely queen from hell, full of abstinence and conquering charm.

"I don’t know, I just heard what they said about the dark horse club, then...Lin Chen Young Master is the deputy director..."

Qin Miaoer shook his head, feeling a little emotional low.

The clever Qin Jueyan noticed the emotions of the elder sister, and turned to look at the peerless beauty next to Lin Chen, and he knew what was going on, gnashing one's teeth said: "This damn guy, it turns out that there is more My elder sister is indecent!"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't cause trouble to others!"

Qin Miao'er frowned, Qin Jue Yan Jiaomei rolled the eyes, disinclined to pay attention to elder sister, this good old man.

On the other side; Lin Chen saw that the Dragon Emperor had arrived, thoughts moved, and the fifth Phantom Clone withdrew to Leng Yueqi's side.

"Are you planning to do it yourself?"

Ji Wutian raised his eyebrows and unconsciously touched the flying knife on his waist!

"Of course, I know that you are the best player, so I must challenge you personally!"

Lin has a brilliant smile!

"Dragon King, call me!"


Lin Chen’s dragon emperor roared, directly transforming into the body from the human form, the hundred zhang Azure Dragon spread its wings and the purple phoenix wings, swept the rain dragon tail in rage, and the Azure Dragon claws smashed the clouds, and flew out!

Ji Wutian: "...Did I take you! I said it was a good one!"

Lin Chen spread his hands, helplessly said with a smile: "Talk about you Believe it too, then if I say you are handsomer than me, do you believe it too? I fought you a Life and Death Battle, and I was singled out with you? Die for me!"

tone barely fell, With a tearing sound, Lin Chen took a dark step. Like a Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, he emerged from behind Ji Wutian, whose movement method had expanded to the extreme. His pupils trembled, and his speed was even faster than the person in the dark horse club just now. fast!

Shih~! The dragon tail exploded, the edge was exposed, the blue light slammed in all directions, lifted up high, and cut down suddenly!

dragon claw cuts through the sharp azure light. The blade turns and tears off, and Dragon Qi is released all over, forming one after another dragon domain, enveloping the silhouette of Ji Wutian, and its action is delayed. , Profound Light Blade and'Blue Dragon Sword' attacked and slashed!

The Dragon King’s offensive is so overbearing that it makes the scalp numb, and it stuns countless Heaven's Chosen. What kind of dragon is this?

The most shocking thing is the old man Shui Tian. The last time he fought against the Dragon Emperor, he was completely suppressed as a result of his specialization in the Water Element cultivation technique, but now the Dragon Emperor reveals more than Rain Dragon is so simple!


Lin Chen pinched his handprints, and as soon as he came up, he spurred the skyrocketing spirit strength to spin into annihilation psychic energy, because his proficiency perfection and spiritual realm skyrocketed, Lin Chen can now use Annihilation six times a day, far more than before!

Several ten zhang divine light column bursts from the center of the eyebrows, and its power is far more powerful than other Avatars. The two Offensive Talisman texts bless the spirit of annihilation energy and hit Ji Wutian head-on!

"Hurricane of Purgatory!"

Ji Wutian's face was horrified, his hands slammed, and the white light inside his body was blazing. The fragments of the unique crystals condensed into several ten zhang rotating gray storms. Wrap him and forcibly block Lin Chen's "annihilation" mental shock!

"Five great palms!"

Ji Wutian took a palm facing him, his five fingers passing by like a blade, a faint gray wind whirled around, and his body reflected the brilliance of Shengwei. He was actually Saint. after that?


Five Jue palms blasted the Dragon King’s Profound Light Blade and the Azure Dragon Sword, Ji Wutian urged the top defense battle skill, but he was still beaten to vomit blood and retreat!

Tear and pull~! Lin Chen stepped on infinite dark steps, the dark catastrophe under his feet twisted, the silhouette flashed, Qi Juejin beat out one after another, using his palm to fist, his horizontal leg into a knife, he attacked Ji Wutian repeatedly in close combat!

Boom! The fist and the wind collided, the golden light fist of the Golden Tribulation Xuangang was shaken back, Lin Chen's eyes showed a bit of surprise-"The Battle Sovereign cultivation base, the first generation Saint bloodline, plus Wind Element alien crystal fragments and Control the Heaven and Earth disaster Force of Tribulation, the legendary hurricane of purgatory, really strong, two grades stronger than Ji Qingming and the others. In singles, if you don’t use Azure Mingyue and Rune of Slowness, you may not be able to win him. !"

Any one is enough to achieve peak genius. It is unexpected that Wu Tian will be integrated into one in this season. The higher the genius list, the more terrifying means and background!

When Lin Chen was astonished, Ji Wutian had no time to rest. The Dragon King snapped down, his sleeves shook, and three unrolled bolts of white silk-like white glow slashed the dragon body in anger. , The mysterious azure dragon scales lased a series of sparks and Battle Qi fluctuations, but was not damaged!

"What a perverted defensive power! Hurricane of Purgatory, an instant finger!"

Ji Wutian once again exerted his strength, a finger pointed, the power of all kinds of hurricanes is condensed between one finger, Passing over the dragon emperor's body, barely leaving a few white marks!

The previous Dragon King was able to fight two geniuses alone, but the reason why the underground world can be one against three is entirely because Shui Tianshou was restrained by Tianyu Yinghai’s divine ability.

The current dragon king has 43 million dragon powers. Pure power alone is at the level of the Three Tribulations Battle Sovereign, and the true battle strength is chasing the Three Tribulations Peak. One dragon can block three geniuses. Top genius!

Lin Chen and Dragon Emperor left and right, one after the other, frantically beat Ji Wutian in turns, attacking madly throughout the whole process!

Whether it is Lin Chen or the Dragon King, either party is enough to make Ji Wutian spare no effort. When the two are added together, Ji Wutian will fall into a disadvantage!

"teacher, are you okay?"

Sister Su Lan came to Leng Yueqi, and she glanced at the sisters in surprise: "Why are you here too, you are not Is it still the true biography of the youth?"

The sisters looked at each other and smiled, and briefly explained what Lin Chen had enabled them to quickly master the core method. Leng Yueqi showed a beautiful smile, which Lin Chen could not think of. The method became more and more magical and powerful, and she was sincerely happy for him.


A rapidly rotating snow flake blade glow flashed vertically, flashing in the direction of Lin Chen!

Everyone's heart mentioned their throat!

The knife is out! After only a hundred rounds, Ji Wutian was forced by Lin Chen to take out his flying knife secret technique!

As soon as the sword was released, Ji Wutian aimed at Lin Chen, because he knew that a flying sword could not kill the Dragon King!

When he avoided the Dragon King’s claws, the flying knife flashed from his waist and it burst out in an instant!

"Fuck me! Speedy Moon!"

Lin Chen seemed to have been wary, with sharp eyes, and instantly drew out the'blue moon' from the knife box in the ring with a knife. Split vertically to break quickly!

The tip of the knife, water, robbery, qi and light flashed like a moon. With a sneer, the blade glow of the snow flakes that Lin Chen struck on top of his head burst into nothingness!

Shoo! Tear~!

It is another extremely fast cutting of snow flake blade glow, cut off from the left side of Lin Chen, and the distance is only less than twenty zhang, it is almost a flash!

No one expected that this season Wutian would actually make two swords in a row?

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