Jue Ying Sanlian·Shuanglian is out!


I don’t know, Lin Chen made a single cut, the imposing manner was not reduced but increased instead, the blade turned around, and a mirror-like knife mark was condensed. The moonlight flickered, and the extremely fast cutting blade glow hit the knife mark, it bounced and flew away with a bang!

As a result, the Mingjing Moon Curtain shattered, and Lin Chen was safe and sound!

However, when everyone has time to marvel at Lin Chen's reaction and ability, a white glow like a rainbow appeared in the world, quietly smashing from the top of Lin Chen's head!

Almost all the Heaven's Chosen watching the battle at this moment only had a single thought — over!

Jue Ying Sanlian, the third cut!

Almost no one can see through the tracks and traces of this blade, and a genius who is better than Qin Jueyan's grade also showed a subconsciously solemn expression!

this blade, too fast! What's more, you can't guard against it. You can't guard against it. After trying your best to withstand the double-sword assault, you have almost no ability to block the third one in an instant. It's extremely difficult to even detect its existence. !

Boom~! The gray talisman suddenly exploded from the top of Lin Chen's head, the space stagnated, the Spiritual Qi was slow, the void seemed to be sealed, and the speed of the flying knife dropped countless times!


Lin Chen slashed the white glow Blade Qi with the blue moon in his hand, and cut the white glow Blade Qi into pieces with a crosscut!

"What? He saw through my third sword?"

Ji Wutian's pupils trembled, and the Dragon Emperor's "blue dragon sword" burst down, Xuan Azure Dragon Yu Yu also released the strength of the infinite dragon to delay his figure, forcing Ji Wutian to take this dragon tail killing sword head on!

+13's brand new "Mirror Moon" smashed the opponent's triple swords, Lin Chen imposing manner, holding the swords in both hands, slashing, the eighth rank swords were full of sharpness!

[The host activates Level 5 recharge, Level 5 penetration, and Level 5 rune. Consumes 680,000 rune energy to eliminate the host's attack traces. Cooling time: 40 seconds, duration: 3 seconds. 】

Lin Chen’s imposing manner slashed to the sky, but did not slay any Battle Qi attack. The audience was puzzled. When even Ji Wutian was stunned, a flash of moonlight flashed across the scene. Cut off his head!

The head flies horizontally, dropping a lot of attribute light balls.

Before he died, he couldn't understand what went wrong with him, how could there be such a strange attack!

"What are you kidding me, Ji Wutian was born Saint bloodline...I will be given to by a kid like this smell of mother's milk not yet dried..."

Ji Wutian heads to the ground , Do not look down!

"Is the genius on the list of geniuses in the end, that last third shot of Jueying Flying Knife almost overshadowed me!"

Lin Chen sighed and said with a sigh of relief. smile: "It's a pity that compared to your shadow flying knife, it's still my Tianyin rune. It's better."

The dragon emperor swooped in and took Ji Wutian's body to the ring and fight. Swallow all the gadgets, and even the dropped attribute light balls!

[Get 88.98 million Battle Qi Essence, 800,000 points of cultivation technique essence, 30,000 intermediate spirit strength, 60,000 intermediate spirit strength, 400,000 innate talent points, 300,000 Heavenly Dao points, 850 enhancement points, 1100 blank attributes, 100,000 intermediate Wind Element energy...]

Massive attribute values ​​are incorporated into the body. Lin Chen’s best harvest is the intermediate Wind Element energy, which directly skyrocketed 28.5 million points. Intermediate Wind Element The total energy value has been increased to 52.1 million points!

An orange crystal treasure box dropped by Lin Chen Ji Wutian, the light screen pops up!

[The host opens the orange crystal treasure chest and obtains: Shadowless Flying Knife Secrets (The grade is not determined, suspected to be half orange Absolute Art). 】

Lin Chen’s eyes lit up, this orange crystal treasure chest is actually Ji Wutian’s famous Absolute Art, the secret of the shadow flying knife?

This flying knife stunt, Lin Chen has personally experienced how powerful it is. If he hadn't kept a hand of Rune of Slowness in his heart, Lin Chen would definitely die for his last knife just now!

In the melee with the Dark Horse Club, the first among the five geniuses to fall was the highest ranked Ji Wutian?

The fall of Ji Wutian shocked everyone in the Ancient Saint Hall!

"Tang and cousin are dead?"

Ji Qingming was shocked. On the movement method, on the attack, on the defense, Ji Wutian is a first-class expert, high Level cultivation techniques emerge in endlessly, and under Lin Chen and the Dragon Emperor’s turn of siege, they have not even been able to support for two hundred rounds!

Shih~! Boom~!

Golden light is brilliant, Lin Chen's head shines with dazzling golden light, arranged in a row.

"94250 on the genius list, name: Lin Chen, cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 8th layer late stage, majoring in core method: unknown, holding a cultivation technique: unknown. Killing 94250 on the genius list, Jueying Three Lian·Ji Wutian, plundered the ranking."

"94250 on the genius list, Lin Chen."

Lin Chen's lips twitched violently--"What am I...this is What shit ranking! Grass, 94250? That’s two hundred and five? I’m gonna refuse to accept the award!"


Sister Su Lan couldn’t help but puchi smiled and smiled coldly. , This ranking is too coincidental!


The dragon emperor roared, Longyou Void, joined the remaining four geniuses in the battle circle, the situation began to fall, Ji Qingming, Yin Qingyun, Zongyi Jue and Gu Tianxie are always in danger of falling.

But they can't even break through at this moment. With the addition of the Dragon King, plus the superposition of the four Avatar ultimate moments +13 "Infinite Dark Step", the movement speed is extremely fast, and the four have no chance to break through!

"Lin Chen Young Master, your servant is wrong. If you let your servant know that Leng Yueqi is Young Master's person, give your servant ten courage and dare not touch her! But please Rao your servant's life, your servant is willing to dedicate everything to you!"

Feihua Young Master · Yin Qingyun began to beg for mercy, but Lin Chen didn't even look at it and returned to Leng Yueqi Beside, asked distressedly.

"Have you recovered from the injury?"

Leng Yueqi felt sweetness in her heart, and said lightly.

At this moment, Lin Chen clings to Leng Yueqi’s back, picking up Leng Yueqi’s tenderness, and said with a smile—"Come on, use your ice bow to hurt you Clean up all the people!"

Lin Chen’s warm and clean breath clings to her back, letting Leng Yue Qixia fly her cheeks, her ears are red, and her slender jade hand begins to pull under the traction of Lin Chen’s hands. Move her "Thousand Cold Moon Bow", set the arrow and draw the strings, aiming at the four geniuses in the field!

"Don't be afraid, I will teach you step by step. Come and shoot him!"

After that, someone Lin let go of the bowstring for Leng Yueqi, and the arrow is shining. With a sound, Ji Qingming was shocked to avoid dangerously and almost was shot!

"Aiya, missed the shot, come on, let's continue, we still have a lot of time."

Lin Chen has a mean smile behind Leng Yueqi , This glamorous and beautiful beauty is blushing and she is unparalleled in beauty.

Lin Chen repeatedly led her to pull the ice bow, and the arrows that cut through the air smashed into the void and swept toward the four geniuses!

The four great geniuses were suppressed by the four great Avatars while being suppressed by the Dragon Sovereign. They had to be careful of the ice-breathed arrows shot at high speed at any time. There was a risk of falling at any time. Seeing countless Heaven's Chosen scalp tingling!

"Yes, shoot behind him, no, this time the intensity is too small."

"Aiya, the intensity is too great, Yueqi sister, please slow down, let me shoot , Yes yes yes, it's there!"

Lin somebody's sorrowful remarks, and seeing the corners of Heaven's Chosen's mouth twitching, it's almost crazy!

The four dignified geniuses on the list of dignified geniuses, which one is not a famous person, a megatron, who is above countless Heaven's Chosen, was shot by someone like Lin as a target at this moment, and did not fight back at all Power!

The dark horse clubhouse is too cruel!

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