"Everyone who enters the temple, you can find this secret way of refining fire, which proves that you have Great Destiny and great wisdom among you."

lithe and graceful The light white clothed woman closed her eyes and said lightly. Although the voice was not loud, it was deeply heard by everyone, without missing a word.

Lin Chen's eyes squinted, and the silhouette of the white clothed woman is a bit illusory, not an entity, but just a mental remnant.

"Fire Dao is a special secret path, which belongs to the special passage into the main hall. If you can pass the test in the special secret path, you can get countless rare treasures. If you fail to pass the trial, you can move on to The next secret hall, young hallbreakers, if you can persist to the last level, you can leave the Ancient Saint hall safely. If you have a chance, you can get the master’s Legacy inheritance."

white clothed The words of woman shocked countless people present, and the inheritance of Ancient Saint was among them!

A Saint’s inheritance, no Battle Sovereign will not be tempted!

More importantly, the Heaven's Chosen who can reach here, there are more or less holy places in their respective sects behind them, and the inheritance of this Ancient Saint has caused countless holy places. The coveted, thousands of enthusiasm let all geniuses enter here.

Can set off the existence of Saint in every way, such a holy realm, how can his inheritance be ordinary?

If Cangyue Secret Realm couldn't let the general holy realm into, I am afraid that Saint had already acted in person!

After finishing speaking, the white clothed woman turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared, and the path in the passage lit up the Nether Fire, illuminating the spacious passage, exuding the smell of eternal vicissitudes of life.

Heaven's Chosen from all walks of life looked towards Lin Chen with complicated eyes. This passage was discovered by Lin Chen. No one knows whether it was caused by chance or planned in advance.

Regardless of the reason, I am afraid that he is the person most likely to get Ancient Saint inheritance!

Lin Chen smiled slyly: "What are you looking at me? I know I am the most handsome in the holy world, but my dark horse club has always advocated low-key."

Just let the young supreme talent want to beat him, and the admiration in my heart disappeared.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't plan to act first, everyone hesitated. What if there are terrible creatures in this secret path, like the three channels?

Yunhuang Talang·Liao Yuanmo, who is ranked 98551 on the genius list, disdainfully sneered.

"A bunch of cowards, I'm not welcome!"

Liao Yuanmo was the first one, urging the movement method to rush in. He was one of the few who had been from the three passages before. And the genius who retired from the genius list seemed to rely on it.

Seeing Lin Chen doing nothing, after a few breaths, a dozen or so Heaven's Chosen rushed in together, aggressive.

Lin Chen is not inactive, but he is not in a hurry. He is waiting for Phantom Clone to perfectly integrate the cultivation memory of "Shadow Flying Knife", and pile up a large amount of silver sacred dollar coins in the Taoyuan planting bag to repair Wearing the'Dark Night Cloak','Ghost Face Flag' and other Peak treasures left by the geniuses of the genius list.

As long as these Peak weapons are ready and armed with all Avatars, his lineup will be raised to a higher level again! The stronger the strength, the more likely to gain more.

"en? Jueying Flying Knife is not divided into three bursts, and there is a fourth knife!"

When the Avatar merged most of the memories, Lin Chen was surprised to find that this is absolutely perfect. Shadow Flying Dagger's hidden mystery!

"Jueying Four Swords·Gather all the blood, Battle Qi, and spirit, condense in a three-week-old operation mode, and all powers at one stroke, exhausting life and releasing the final desperate stroke. This technique The formidable power will surpass the purple rank battle skill, reach the half orange rank, infinitely close to the orange rank battle skill!"

After reading the cultivation memory, Lin Chen gasped!

Juying Flying Knife actually has Last Style, can it be infinitely close to the orange battle skill?

"It’s no wonder that Ji Wutian has four throwing knives. It turns out that he has no cultivation success for the last knife."

Lin Chen trembled and his heart was shocked. If Ji Wutian still had The fourth knife, that's called a real serial lore, you can't guard against it, he Lin someone will undoubtedly die!

The most important thing is that as soon as the fourth knife is released, the whole body of Battle Qi, blood, and spirit willpower will be hollowed out. With a single knife, you can also decide to live and die. There is definitely no turning back!

If the opponent does not die, the lamp will run out due to the explosion of this blade, and the battle strength will be damaged by more than 90%. Any Battle Sovereign can cause one's own death.

"Fucking! This battle skill is tailor-made for me! No, to be precise, it should be tailor-made for my Phantom Clone!"

After savoring, Lin Chen is ecstatic!

Jueying's fourth knife, although it will exhaust all Qi blood essence Hua, Battle Qi and spirit strength, and put itself into a state of weakness on the verge of death, it will not consume the origin of the Nine Tribulations!

So far, Lin Chen can only use the Nine Tribulations Stars once in a short period of time, because it is condensed from the origin of the Nine Tribulations. If the Avatar is used, it consumes the origin of the Nine Tribulations. But Jueying Flying Knife will not!

His Phantom Clone only needs rune energy to condense, even more how he still has a trick "Extreme Return to Origin' innate talent. As long as the Juying Flying Knife is not used by the body, it can be replaced by Avatar. After being weak, it is just a matter of using Phantom rune again. It can be described as a perfect match!

Lan Ruoxuefang is anxious. At present, more than a hundred Heaven's Chosen have entered the passage, and Lin Chen has not acted yet.

"The cultivation memory fusion is complete, let’s go!"

Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his five Avatars drew a sharp sharp edge, and then urged the Dragon King Human. Transformation, rush to the forefront, everyone follow closely from behind.

How about entering the ancient palace later, Lin Chen can see it completely, at worst is a robbing thing! With his current strength, unless everyone in the audience unites to deal with him, it will be two words: sweep!

Qin Jueyan and Qin Miaoer have already taken a step forward and have not waited for Lin Chen.

The passage is extremely long, and it took a while for everyone to fly before reaching the end; the strange thing is that there is really no trace of fighting in the passage, calm and tranquil.

When everyone arrived at the end of the passage, what came into view was the dusty indoor space.

The spacious interior, all around the counter is full of various cultivation techniques, dusty Treasure Items, natural treasures, medicine pill, jade bottle, ancient book secrets, and even some rust The splattered scroll is marked with the words'Secret Realm'!

However, what is more attractive at this time is the hundreds of Heaven's Chosen here. Most of them fell to the ground in a vertical direction, foaming at their mouths and convulsing all over!

"Damn, what's the situation?"

Lin Chen was shocked, and with a keen sense of spirit, he discovered that these Heaven's Chosen were not injured, but spirit willpower had been severely injured!

This kind of trauma is not an ordinary Spirit Attack, but more like a flavor that makes fighting spirit collapse!

These signs of loss of fighting spirit, even the geniuses on the genius list have more than 20 recruits!

Qin Jueyan, who is as strong as the highest ranked genius list, actually shrank by the corner, clutching his head, lovable body shiver coldly, like a frightened beauty snake, irritating and scared when he is sexy Time is pitiful.

Qin Miaoer next to him not knowing what to do, he has to spin around.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Chen entire group came to Qin Miaoer and asked curiously.

"Back to Young Master, I don't know... After Jueyan participated in the trial, it became like this..."

Qin Miaoer's tears flickered, she never saw After my younger sister became like this, she had no fighting spirit, shiver coldly.

"Oh? Here comes a group of youngsters again? Gā gā gā, good come, as long as you beat me for one round, you can take away a treasure from here, within ten rounds, if you can win Six rounds, it is considered to have passed the trial."

At this time, a wretched Little Old Man was floating in the void, grinning smirkly, showing a big mouth of yellow teeth which was quite penetrating.

Lin Chen's demeanor is rare and solemn.

What kind of trial is it that can make all of the more than 100 9th layer Battle Sovereign Heaven's Chosen foam at their mouths, and more than 20 genius list geniuses. Even Qin Jueyan’s extremely talented has changed. Shiver coldly, no fighting spirit!

I'm afraid, this is a tough battle!

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