"What trial is this?"

Lin Chen asked the Little Old Man with a solemn expression.

Little Old Man said with a smile on his face—"Swearing. As long as you scold me and win Lao Tzu, you fucking pass."

Lin Chen startled!

Swearing? Can this also be a trial?

Could it be said that all Heaven's Chosen here have been scolded?

"The trespasser, named Ming Zhenjian, was a murderous man in the holy world, rape and pillage, commiting any imaginable misdeed, and he ate countless girls raw. He did many evils to the extreme. He was once a sacred realm, and he was good at spiritual destructive esoteric art. He once had a spiritual cultivation half-step into the sacred realm. He used the sacred art to destroy the hearts of countless powerhouses and even tortured them to death, and was then beheaded by the master. After the killing, the remaining spirit strength will be subdued and suppressed here."

The lithe and graceful white clothed woman's light voice came from the sky.

"Today he only has a ray of incomplete spirit willpower, which will not cause substantial actual harm to the invaders, but his existence will test your mood and fighting spirit. If you can stand him After his spiritual destruction or the successful implementation of the original counterattack against him, he was deemed to have passed the trial after he appeared mentally shaken."

Lin Chen suddenly realized that he caught the little old man in the eyes of the Ming Zhen Jian. A touch of cruelty and viciousness, but more aggrieved and crazy!

"Fuck a bitch, but the little maid by Ancient Saint that's all! Don’t fucking do so much nonsense, boy, you only have ten rounds, whoever wins six rounds first Victory, I have been trapped for countless years. It happens that you guys who are smell of mother's milk not yet dried will relieve me of boredom!"

Ming Zhenjian gave a smirk, and the space around Lin Chen turned around. Has moved to a bluestone arena.

"It's over...Even Lin Chen in the dark horse club will fall..."

"He is not a person...Lin Chen is also impossible, in There shouldn’t be such a humanoid demon in this world..."

"Too terrifying! To pass his trial is countless times harder than fighting!"

"Look at him With a confident appearance, I thought that I could easily win at the beginning, but I didn’t know how terrifying and unbearable to look at the words when the demon began to abuse. But this is still the secret technique of mental disturbance, and no one can avoid it. Open!"

Seeing Lin Chen being transported to the top of the ring, more than 100 Heaven's Chosen from the previous trial by fire all trembled, revealing a dominated tremor and fear!

Even the geniuses on the genius list are no exception. This makes Leng Yueqi and Su Lan and other women worry about it. Mo Qing is sweating coldly, trying to deduce the result of this victory and defeat, but it is chaotic. The future is unknown.

"What kind of trial is it... Just now he said cursing, can it be considered a trial?"

Lan Ruoxue was a little nervous, staring at Lin Chen intently Back view.

Lin Chen is depressed about what kind of'curse trial' this is, Ming Zhenjian grinned grinningly, opening a mouthful of yellow teeth is a startling scolding!

"Niang Xipi’s little bastard, your father and mother gave birth to you so big that you don’t even know how to respect the elders, so you don’t have to hurry up to give you grandfather apologize and express sincerity, it looks like a roadside It smells like stinky shit, and you still have a face to live in this world. It just adds a stinking ditch to the holy realm and pollutes the holy air..."


With the sound of Ming Zhenjian’s verbal abuse, countless divine might rushed like a raging hurricane wave, shaking Lin Chen’s scalp numb, running through Lin Chen’s spiritual protection, His mind echoed.

"This is a very special mental devastating attack. Unless the spirit strength is far greater than the opponent's spirit strength, it will continue to be invaded by the opponent's spirit ravaged and abused to the Divine Consciousness Sea. If you cannot resist the past, you will gradually be Overwhelming the mind in all aspects, and thus collapsed, and his mind was stunned!"

Lin Chen realized in a flash why all Heaven's Chosen would fall and lost his mind. Because this spiritual destruction is accompanied by that extremely vicious words, it is too cruel!


Suddenly, Lin Chen burst out laughing!

Countless Heaven's Chosen startled, and even Ming Zhenjian stopped for a while!

This is the first time he has encountered a youngster who can still laugh under his mental abuse and abuse!


Next, all the handsome in the dark horse club laughed.

Lin Chen madly said with a big smile!

“Don’t be too hilarious. After Lin came to this World, I finally met a competition that didn’t require innate talent and background, cursing? Forgive me to speak bluntly, you are in me The dark horse clubhouse is just rubbish!"

Ming Zhen Jian extremely angry laughed back, and the power of mental devastation skyrocketed to a level, and the speed of speech and verbal abuse became more and more rapid!

"Trash, do you still have the skin to know that you are a trash? You are not as good as trash, even living in the world is a waste of space..."

Lin Chen: "You Tell your father about you? Your sparse hair is like dung pulled by a maggot in a dung pit, why do you still have this thing on your face?"

Ming Zhenjian: "I X You* Banana..."

Lin Chen: "Ba, you stinky spiral-headed dog thief, your shameless beard must be long or short or short. You are keeping the Chinese New Year stir-fry. Or give you a New Year's greetings and ancestors to burn incense..."

Ming Zhenjian: "I will do you..."

Lin Chen: "You just learned how to do it after you do a woolen yarn. After reading a few books, you came out to slander others and put green onions in your nose. What kind of an elephant do you pretend! You don’t look like a cow, but you pretend to be 13? You’re a person, even farting. I smash my heels, where is the blue face living in this world?"

Bang! boom! boom!

The sky is falling in chaos, and the ground is rushing to the Golden Lotus. The two terrifying Spirit, Soul and Qi clashed together in an instant, and the sun was stunned, one after another Baoguang began to shine from the cabinet shelf in all directions!

Rising winds and scudding clouds have to be'fighted' on the ring, which completely stuns everyone!


Lin Chen, the deputy director of the Dark Horse Club, actually suppressed this heinously vicious demon when he met him! Suppress the opponent steadily!

Swipe~! A volume of cultivation technique flashed out of the cabinet, shining on Lin Chen’s head, and glowing in the sky. Every time you win a round, you can randomly get a treasure from the Ancient Saint collection. Since there is a top cultivation technique born, It proves that Lin Chen has won the first round! There are still nine rounds!

Ming Zhen Jian: "How can the old man be like you..."

Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, how can the fluorescence of the rot grass, such as you, compare to the bright moon in the sky!" Fuck Saint? You have lived for 100,000 years. Go back to your mother's womb and rebuild. Remember to bring some walnuts when you go back. I'm afraid your brain is not developed enough, so bring more brains!"

Ming Zhenjian: "I X you..."

Lin Chen: "You are still too impetuous, I scold you *not really scold you*, this mother is not the other mother, this mother, it It is illusory, it is imaginary, it does not exist in reality, because it only represents my disdain and denial of your trial, and after this trial, your mother is still your mother, and I I will also be gentle and elegant and handsome, and if I can meet your mother face to face, I will greet you kindly: hello senior, have you eaten today?"

Ming Zhen Jian I was so angry that I was convulsed, and I didn't know how to answer for a while. This young man is too abnormal!

After hundreds of thousands of years, he has never seen such a terrifying young man, and his state of mind is so strong that he is no match for him, and his mouth is so strong that he is like the mouth of God. , If you don't speak up, you will kill the world as soon as you speak!

Boom~! Because the spirit of Ming Zhenjian was shaken, Lin Chen won the second cabinet round and another medicine pill was born. The brilliance of the treasure, surrounding Lin Chen, strengthened Lin Chen's power.

At this time, he was swirling in a silver robe, hunting in the wind blowing, his both hands crossed near chest, showing the confidence and madness that suppressed the audience, his brows were like swords, and he was overbearing. With an overbearing, endless radiance glow shining on him, at this moment, he is like a Heavenly God descending from the earth!

All Heaven's Chosen dumbstruck in an instant, everyone was shocked that their jaws were about to fall to the ground!

It's too cruel...

I don't know where to whisper.

"Is he still a human..."

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