Most people still don't know, a large net quietly spread out from outside the Ancient Saint Temple.

In the Ancient Saint Hall; the great wilderness is fighting everywhere.

Snatching many natural treasures and collecting attribute light balls, Lin Chen is correct on both sides, the blue white attribute light balls scattered in this wild wasteland are beyond Lin Chen's expectations, there are a lot of'strengthening points' 'attribute value!

[The host gains 102 enhancement points, 89 enhancement points, 150 enhancement points...]

Although the beasts here are strong, most of them are Battle Sovereign. Level or below, so it has almost become the main battlefield of Heaven's Chosen.


In the past one hour, when the fierce beasts in the Great Wilderness were wiped out, the tomb mansion throbbed slightly!

"It has been thousands of years, and finally ushered in Inheritor, hahaha!"

Sharp laughter echoed in the wilderness, the door of the tomb mansion opened, and the sky filled the sky with shadows, countless The shadow of thousands zhang swept across the entire wilderness, alarming countless Heaven's Chosen with vigilance.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, stopped fighting with Leng Yueqi, and looked straight at the tomb—"Are you finally awake?"

Glanced at the system, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent has accumulated to 9.6 million energy points, this attribute value, second only to the "Monarch Overlooking The Whole World" he used when he was fighting against the false gods. The increase rate was second only to that time, killing move is done!

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but the breath is very strange."

"Something's wrong, quickly retreat!"

A crowd of Heaven's Chosen who were grabbing resources suddenly came back to his senses, and the movement method retreated!

"That thing is coming out, do you know that, is there a way to deal with it?"

Qin Jueyan brought Qin Miaoer to Lin Chen's side immediately, He laughed and shook his head--"I can't help it, I only know if I have played."

In a moment, Lin Chen summoned all his Avatars and Dragon Emperor to protect Su Lan sisters back to him.


The infinite black shadows filled the great wilderness like mist, binding a lot of Heaven's Chosen in place, this scene is just like before!

"Damn it, how can this thing make my Battle Qi not work!"

"What kind of weird creature is this, no, don't!"

Many Heaven's Chosen screamed in horror, and Battle Qi was suppressed to death.

There are also some geniuses who have won the list of geniuses with individual movement methods. The movement method flashes one after another, even if they are touched by the shadows, they can retreat!

"Its power has become smaller? Will it cause the formidable power to weaken as the strength of the bound target increases?"

Qin Jueyan is happy, the stronger the bound target , That is, the more the power of the weird creatures will be divided.

"Oh? It seems that this time the temple breaker is a little bit more capable, but it is much better than the last time. I hope to add some fun to this seat!"

There was a weird laugh from the tomb in the center of the Great Wilderness, and the speed of the dark gas surging was a bit more radical!

"Sister Yueqi, be careful, I have another way to deal with it."

Lin Chen confessed, body turns into a shadow, sneaking into the void, and retreating further. position.

At this time, his five avatars took off separately and suddenly exploded into Hah!

"All the geniuses on the list, join hands to deal with this big guy, or we will all die!"


Battle Qi covers the voice, the voices of the five great Avatars of Lin Chen spread throughout the Great Wilderness, and the 44 genius list genius expression congeals.

Tear and pull~!

Blade light and sword shadows, the mental impact turned out, and the arrowheads ripped the airflow soaring. Lin Chen's five avatars took the lead and attacked the black shadows that flooded in the sky.

"That's all, the people in the dark horse club have also taken action, let's do it too!"

"The weird creature is indeed extraordinary, and it cannot be given a chance to gradually break us. , Attack."

"hmph! This seat does not listen to the command of the dark horse club, I was going to attack it!"

Nearly forty geniuses stood on the list instantly Stand, launched a fierce attack on the dark shadow of this tomb mansion from different directions.

Leng Yueqi also joined the lineup of the general attack, but the Dragon Emperor tightly guarded the Su Lan sisters.

Nearly forty geniuses attacked, the power of that kind of power, the situation of thousands of miles changed suddenly, and the sky was full of flowers and the aftermath of the Battle Qi attack exploded. Many Heaven's Chosen were rescued as a result, and the shadows receded.

Boom! boom! boom!

The tomb mansion exploded, and the shadow imposing manner was avoided for a few minutes. When everyone saw that it was effective, they immediately increased the offensive and quickly moved away to avoid collisions and offsetting each other’s attacks, which would be detrimental to the joint attack. .

The tomb mansion was blasted to pieces, but the darkness inside became more and more faint. It was too late until some geniuses realized that it was not good!

"hahaha, a bunch of idiots, fooled. All I am waiting for is when you exhaust all your energy to attack me!"

When the harsh sneer sneered from the tomb, boom With a sound, the earth cracked, and endless black shadows emerged from the ground. The shadows penetrated the participating beasts, absorbed their life energy, and turned them into their own use. Wherever they passed, all the vitality was drained!

Shih~! Sneer~!

The shadows all over the sky are like a curtain wrapper, rushing to everyone, many geniuses complexion greatly changed!

"No, you were fooled!"

When the teenager's sneer sounded, a young and straight silhouette removed all the shadows and appeared directly above the tomb mansion!

"Yes, it's you?"

The weird creatures in the tomb mansion were shocked and silent. When did this Human Race boy get in by his side?

[Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent has been activated, which will increase the host’s next attack and accumulate energy: 9.6 million points. ]

[Use Level 5 to charge, penetrate rune, and open the ultimate moment, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World has increased. 】

"Juying Flying Knife!"

Lin Chen puts his hands on his waist, pure power is gathered, the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi is gathered between the handles, brush it, and a touch of golden Glow turned into afterimage!

There is no need to hide at all. The flying knife cuts open a golden brilliance to illuminate the entire wilderness, and the majestic direct shot towards the tomb, like a golden brilliance under the All Gods turn to Dusk, reflects Only the silence before death!


The blade light is like falling at dusk, the gate of the tomb mansion is mutilated, and the shadow creatures concentrate all their strength on dealing with all the geniuses, and there is no time to notice someone approaching them.


The defense of the shadow creatures' desires has found nothing to be prevented, and the escape of desires can't be faster than this golden brilliance flashed!

And Lin Chen, waiting for this moment, started with the top five Avatars and mobilized all the geniuses on the list to attack and attract its attention!

When the golden brilliance threw a knife across in midair, the formidable power skyrocketed. This blade exhausted Lin Chen’s current strength, and it also blessed the innate talent of'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World'. block! As if to split this world apart, the shadow was cut in half with a tearing sound, turning into a Jinghong and falling onto the veins of the great wasteland!

Lin Chen stepped on the'infinite dark step', Xuangang Golden Tribulation and Sancun Tribulation Body, ignoring everything and rushing into the shadow of the explosion, this blade formidable power is strong, but he Not sure if he can kill the opponent, his target is the alien crystal fragment and the five-light treasure chest!

All the geniuses on the list of geniuses can only watch, a touch of golden brilliance falls, tearing the darkness, and the silver robe boy jumps down, grabbing to the center of the shadow!

The first thing I touched was the Five Light Supreme treasure chest!

[The host opens the Five Light Supreme treasure chest and obtains the permanent orange-level innate talent:'Instant light splitting' fragment, instant light splitting (2/2), has been automatically synthesized into the finished innate talent. Congratulations to the host for possessing The first permanent orange innate talent. 】

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