Permanent orange rank innate talent! It turned out to be a permanent orange rank innate talent!

Lin Chen's random thoughts at the beginning turned out to be a dream come true!

Lin Chen's mind has never been overwhelmed by such excitement and ecstasy. Lin Chen's first orange-level innate talent has finally arrived!

Lin Chen didn't care too much, the golden brilliance cut the shadow in half, he took a dark step, the silhouette turned into the void and moved, and suddenly grasped the dark alien crystal fragment!

This alien crystal fragment is very large, almost equivalent to one-fifth of the complete alien crystal, far surpassing all the alien crystal fragments Lin Chen had obtained before!

"No, don't! I finally eat the tens of thousands of Human Race's alien crystal fragments..."

The shadow creature kept begging for mercy, Lin Chen said nothing. , Suddenly pulled out the different crystal fragments, ka ka a few times, the countless veins of the different crystal fragments all collapsed!

" 叽~!"

With a scream, the infinite shadow fades away. This shadow creature, Lin Chen, has fallen away without even knowing what its body is. , There is only a dilapidated tomb mansion standing in the center of the Great Wilderness.

Lin Chen quickly put the diamond-shaped alien crystal fragments into the ring, and when he landed, he saw a magical scene!

But seeing his flying knife cut the tomb mansion into two, and cut all the ground veins through the cracks the length of the hundred zhang. Only the end of the crack is an egg with purple and black lines. ?

Yes, something that is suspected of being an egg, even Lin Chen's previous blessing of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World did not cut into it!

Lin Chen rushed forward and found that inside this egg, there was a slight throbbing vigor.

"In this egg, there is vitality! There is a brand new life!"

Lin Chen is astonished, but there is no time for him to study at this moment, and taking the ring cannot be hidden. A creature, he can only put it into the Taoyuan planting bag.

However, at this time Lin did not realize the seriousness of the problem...

When he put the egg into the Taoyuan planting bag, he had snatched it in the wild before. The large number of silver sacred yuan coins and treasures of heaven and earth began to throb, centering on the purple and black patterned egg, forming a vortex, attracting the past like a storm!

All the medicine ingredients obtained previously were all sucked and piled up by this weird egg!

But at this moment someone in Lin, even if he has a hint of thought released into the Taoyuan planting sac, he will be aware of this mutation, but he does not!

His attention is all on the system! He turned on the system, clicked on the innate talent column, and a light screen appeared.

[Orange-level innate talent: instantaneous light and shadow. It can consume innate talent points and has no cooling time. It is suitable for all rune characteristics of the host, and all attacks can be divided into five. 】

Lin Chen sucks in a cold breath!

This fucking orange-level innate talent without cooling time!

Uncontrollable ecstasy rushed into my heart, Lin Chen laughed unscrupulously!

"hahahahahahaha! Happy, so cool, I didn’t waste so much energy, I finally got you!"

Hear his wild laughter; countless Heaven's Chosen was angry In my heart, the veins were exposed, and the geniuses on the list of geniuses almost turned green with anger!

They were actually used as a tool by Lin Chen?

And just now everyone witnessed him taking away an alien crystal fragment and the mysterious purple egg in the center of the tomb mansion. Everyone clearly realized a problem. They were taken The target is used!

Completely applauded by Lin Chen's jokes, they were thoroughly used!

It's okay to be thankful, so I walked in front of the gates of hell, and all the benefits were taken away by Lin Chen!

Fuck, how can this be tolerated! Take a step back and take a step back, and the more you think, the more you lose!

At this moment, regardless of men and women, all the geniuses on the list are angry!

"Lin Chen, hand over the crystal fragments and eggs!"

"Damn it, dare to use all of us, you are really your dark horse club invincible in the whole world. !"

"Fuck your uncle, dare to take your grandfather grandfather being used as a tool, courage is not small!"

The 35 genius list geniuses swarmed, and the breath rioted , Glared, the killing intent was exposed, and Lin Chen was surrounded!

The five avatars returned to Lin Chen in an instant, and the Dragon Emperor covered the Su Lan sisters and withdrew to the side.

Qin Miaoer hesitated, Qin Jueyan hurriedly took his elder sister's delicate hand-"elder sister, no matter what, we can't mix this matter, and we can't forget the purpose of coming here. There must be no accident between the two of us."

Qin Miao'er bit her teeth and fell silent...

The imposing manner outside the tomb is getting stronger and stronger and with swords drawn and bows bent , Leng Yueqi came to Lin Chen's side immediately, and stood with him, as cold as Goddess in the ice and snow, lonely and unparalleled.

As long as you can be with him, even in the face of the entire world, Leng Yueqi will have no regrets!

"Lin Chen, hand over the egg and the alien crystal fragments, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"You dare to play with us, you are not qualified to have those two Supreme Treasures!"

Liao Yuanmo holds a knife alone, and baleful aura warns Lin Chen awe-inspiringly!

Not only are 35 geniuses on the genius list, there are hundreds of Heaven's Chosen vs Lin Chen glare like a tiger watching his prey!

No matter how strong Lin Chen is, no matter how strong the Dark Horse Clubhouse is, it is impossible to stand alone against Heaven's Chosen. This is a fact everyone agrees. The genius list is not the Three Sects. Every genius list joins. Joining forces will cause multiple battle strength joints!

Lin Chen brows lightly raise, peaceful laughed.

"Oh? There are only two of these babies. If I hand them over, how do you plan to divide them?"

Liao Yuanmo grinned: "Do you want to shake us apart? The issue of profit sharing? We will solve it by ourselves, it is not your turn to worry about us!"

"Yes, if you dare to use us, you are destined to not be qualified to touch this thing!"

The geniuses are pressing harder and harder, most of them don't believe that Lin Chen will still break out the lore just now!

Exerting that Absolute Kill Skill, impossible without cost, even if he can use it again, there are that many geniuses, how many can he target?

So, taking advantage of the chaos, taking him down, robbing the dark horse club and the others’ secrets and secrets, is what all geniuses think in their hearts. This benefit is worth their risk!

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, a stream of light flashed, blocking between the two sides.

It's Qin Miaoer!

"Lin Chen Young Hero also killed the weird creature and saved us all? How can you requite kindness with enmity!"

"If it weren't for his beheading , All of us may not be the opponents of the creature, but in the previous situation, many people would die first, wouldn’t they!" Qin Miaoer plucked up the courage to sound transmission to everyone, her Some words left part of Heaven's Chosen speechless. The situation at the time was indeed extremely urgent. If Lin Chen hadn't killed them, at least half of them would have fallen into the hands of the creatures.

But, how can it be? human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food! The huge benefits are enough to make everyone present abandon all rationality!

There are too many secrets in the dark horse club, which has long been coveted by most Heaven's Chosen!

Especially the very short period of time to learn "Shadow Flying Knife" has made countless Heaven's Chosen jealous and enthusiastic. If they can get this secret, they may have a chance to be in the legendary evildoer in the future. Take one place on the list and become a legendary figure who shines forever!

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter how grandiose you are, this kid also took advantage of us. We almost died because, Qin Miaoer, don’t think that you are ranked 90,000 in the genius list and stand up for him. Speaking, I am enough to stop you!"

Liao Yuanmo warned fiercely, Blade Qi is majestic, killing intent awe-inspiring!

"Miss Qin Miaoer, please leave!"

A few more female geniuses warned Qin Miaoer!

" want to attack Lin Chen Young Hero, then count me too!"

Qin Miaoer clenches the teeth, she will take the initiative if she is clever and clever Once facing the battle, with such a determined attitude, Qin Jueyan on the side was dumbfounded.

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