In just one month, Lin Chen's growth can be said to be against the sky!

One is the system update, and the other is the increase in the ways to obtain resources.

If Lin Chen fails to enter the Trial of Cang Yue because of Bingxin Palace, and he does not have the right to enter the Secret Realm, only the aimless chaos in the strange land, the growth rate can never be compared with the current one.

Create sect and improve the ranking of the genius list. Lin Chen has only these two paths in front of him. These are the ways for him to gain access to higher and more Secret Realm opportunities!

However, the faster the rise, the more it will mean that Lin Chen will stand on the cusp of the Holy Realm! Unless he lowered his head and volunteered to join some of the top Big Sects in the holy world!

"The only step left is the 9th layer Battle Sovereign. The many geniuses that have been destroyed before have allowed me to harvest 1.5 million silver coins. This time I will definitely be able to in a spurt of energy breakthrough 9th layer Battle Sovereign In the middle period and even in the late 9th layer!"

Lin Chen was alive, and his spiritual ideas sneaked into the Taoyuan planting sac.

In one thought, Lin Chen teleported all the Avatars in the Tianzou square grid room to his side.

"en? This little fellow actually used a space shuttle in my Ancient Saint Hall to bring in the five people outside? It's amazing, it's just the Battle Sovereign cultivation base..."

Ancient Saint clicking one's tongue in wonder.

Lin Chen was about to take out his huge sum of money and was about to break three realms...

At that moment, he was dumbfounded!

"Where is my money? My grass, what's the situation!"

In the Taoyuan planting sac, there are only 30,000 silver coins left under the Qingyao tree?

Previously won the harvest of many Heaven's Chosen and various genius list geniuses, as well as massive cultivation resources, only less than 10% of the original!

"A thief? No! Without my permission, Saint can't sneak into my Taoyuan planting sac!"

Lin Chen scanned the interior of the Taoyuan planting sac.

At this moment, all the energy is gathered in a mountain within the valley, some distance from the Qingyao tree, and in the center is a cracked purple-black egg!

All medicine ingredient energy lapses are all absorbed by this egg, and the absorption speed is getting faster and faster!

"Fuck, it’s the ghost of this egg!"

I was so angry that I almost blasted the purple egg. Lin Chen controlled Taoyuan’s planting sac and separated the egg with disgust. The space barrier seals the egg.

Lin Chen took all the medicine ingredient and the remaining silver sacred dollar coins back in the air.

"I lost a lot of money, this time I lost it to the bottom of my heart! Damn, this time I'm the ultimate wage earner!"

Lin Chen's mouth Trembling.

The more than 1.6 million silver sacred dollar coins harvested before, the sect at this level in Bingxin Palace is also a big expense!

There are now more than 50,000 stolen pieces left, the egg of this dog thief!

"I will ask Ancient Saint senior later what kind of egg is this, I can only cultivated it first!"

Lin Chen calms his mind and cooperates with the Phantom Clone next to him to enter the cultivation state.


"The time limit has come, and the ancient Saint hall has reached its closing time, please leave."

White clothed woman fluttered to her.

"Senior, what about him?" Leng Yueqi was a little worried. There is a time limit for the Cangyue Trial. Once the time is up, everyone must teleport away.

"Don't worry, the owner is free."

With a wave of the white clothed woman, Sister Su Lan, Leng Yueqi, Sister Qin Jueyan and Lin Chen's Dragon Sovereign were teleported away.


Beside the skeleton of Ancient Saint. Lin Chen's body adds five Avatars, and the efficiency of absorbing the silver sacred dollar coins is extremely high. The silver sacred dollar coins are billowing into the body like a wave of silver. The more than 50,000 silver sacred dollar coins in the Taoyuan planting bag are disappearing at a speed that can be seen by naked eye.

In the end, when Lin Chen absorbed 45,000 silver sacred dollar coins, the Nine-Colored Life Wheel in his body was turbulent and split, and the origin of the Nine Tribulations broke through shackles!

[Congratulations to the host for advancing to the Battle Sovereign 9th layer Early-Stage cultivation base. 】

Seeing that there are less than ten thousand silver sacred yuan coins left, Lin Chen had to draw the Tianyi holy water again. This time he watered eight pots of Tianyi holy water, and the Qingyao tree began to absorb the luck again. And holy water, grow rapidly.

In a moment, the Qingyao tree grew to 88 meters and produced a large number of silver sacred yuan coins and heavenly materials at a high speed, officially entering the peak of the growth period!

Next, Lin Chen removed the egg from the Taoyuan planting sac.

"Ancient Saint senior, what exactly is this thing?"

Lin Chen asked, Ancient Saint said with a smile: "This thing is what I got from a visit to the Holy Realm. Its secret is no less than the inheritance of old man. Its Life Source contains many creature races, namely: Demon Race, Dragon Clan, and the Shadow Clan!"

"The one you killed The creatures in the tomb house are the shadow clan and the companion shadow when I obtained this egg. The shadow clan was born from the orcs. After countless epochs, they have transformed into one of the most mysterious species in the universe. The body is a mass of darkness. , Possesses the divine ability of shuttling through the void, and the top shadow creatures can transform into most racial appearances."

"And the creatures in the egg seem to have bred a head dominated by the shadow race. There are many bloodline creatures, but unfortunately, after I got this egg, the time limit is approaching and I can’t hatch it. If you have the ability, you may try to hatch it and get a glimpse of its own secrets. Of course, old man does not guarantee that you will become It’s the owner."

Lin Chen waved his hand very disgustedly--"Forget it, I don't want to spend a lot of resources to incubate a guy full of unknown factors."


He already has a dragon king with multiple bloodlines, and the dragon king he raises is too low in resources. If the million silver sacred coins and massive medicine ingredient resources are absorbed by the dragon king, it might not be able to The breakthrough has now reached more than 60 million dragon power!

Lin Chen just finished speaking, peng sound, the purple egg full of cracks hit Lin Chen like lightning, knocking Lin Chen away dozens of meters away, dizzy!

"My day, an egg dared to hit me. Did you float or I can't get a gun?"

One person and one egg actually beat each other !

Ancient Saint is full of laughter.


For a long time, the egg stopped. Lin Chen's strength was suppressed, and it was evenly matched.

Suddenly, it turned into a stream of light and shot into the Taoyuan planting sac!

"Can it ignore the Space Formation of air transport?"

Lin Chen is surprised that the Shadow Clan has Space Divine Ability. This egg has spiritual wisdom before it is born, and can be shuttling through the void, if you let it grow out of the shell, it would be worth it?

"Too weak and small, seal it!"

Lin Chen thought that the Space Formation in the Taoyuan planting sac was completely controlled by him, and he sealed the purple egg.

"Fortunately, although it can voluntarily break into the air transport implant sac, fortunately its Space Divine Ability is not enough to break through my bondage."

Squeezed a cold sweat. , Ancient Saint said with a smile: "This little fellow seems to be following you."

Lin Chen curled his lips: "Even if I die, jump from here, I won't hatch this thief. Egg, it owes Laozi more than one million, and I remember it for a lifetime."

After that, Lin Chen opened the innate talent column.

[Passive innate talent: (green rank) Steel Muscles Iron Bones 200%, (green rank) Dual Cultivation acacia, (blue rank) life increase by 200%, (blue rank) divine force 100%, (Blue Rank) Sovereign, (Purple Rank) Assault,]

"system, give me the four passive innate talents of Steel Muscles Iron Bones, Life Growth, Divine Force, and Sovereign."

The above innate talent has no bonus to Lin Chen, because his Body Refinement Realm has exceeded the bonus range.

The innate talent of divine force is only effective if it is less than 10 million dragon power.

Steel Muscles Iron Bones and life growth innate talent were also invalidated because the strength of Lin Chen's body refinement exceeded 10 million dragon power.

His defensive power and self-healing ability of life are far beyond the past. In fact, these innate talents have long been useless to him.

If Sovereign is eliminated, a spike is triggered at a rate of 1/1000, which is only effective for the later stage of the 9th layer. With Lin Chen's strength, presumably no 9th layer today can threaten him anymore!

Even if there is, he will not rely on this'Sovereign'.

As for "Dual Cultivation", um, he Lin has to find a chance to try it out!

[Merge the host to specify passive innate talent, consume 8.9 million innate talent points, 17 million Heavenly Dao points, and obtain the purple rank passive innate talent: tear. Any host attack with a killing intent will have a 10% chance to trigger the tearing effect, which can tear the enemy’s Battle Qi, Treasure Item or other forms of defense. It is applicable to all rune and innate talent stacks, and is only effective for the 9th layer below the holy realm. 】

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