"Can tear the enemy’s defenses in any form, but can only resist? Good thing! If it is supplemented by the penetrating rune, wouldn’t it be possible to make the enemy resist my attack and incidental 25% of the formidable power penetration?"

Lin Chen was very pleasantly surprised. The only drawback is the probability, which is only 10%.

"system, upgrade and charge rune."

Destroy the harvest of a large number of geniuses, plus the previous accumulation, the rune evolution stone has exceeded 70 pieces.

【Successful upgrade, Level 6 charge rune, which can increase attacking battle skill formidable power by 600%. 】

Lin Chen feels more confident in his heart, he looked towards the attribute column.

[Strengthening point: 99555 points-blank attribute: 780,000. 】

This time, he is ready! This attribute value will definitely make him undergo a qualitative transformation!

"system, I want to strengthen the core method!"

[Consumption of 12950 strengthening points, strengthening the core method failed. 】

Lin Chen is very dignified, one failure is more than 10,000 strengthening points! How many cultivation techniques and weapons can this strengthen?

However, this is the final step of core method enhancement at this stage. Once the enhancement is successful, it will be +13core method! The overall formidable power is increased by 240%, and Lin Chen's strength will soar again by 70%!

"Come again!"


Strengthening failed, strengthening failed!

A series of enhancement failures, the enhancement points were quickly exhausted, and Lin Chen converted another 430,000 blank attributes!

【Consumption of 12950 strengthening points, strengthening failed. ]

[Strengthening failure...]

However, the crazy strengthening failed!

Counting the original times, the core method enhancement has failed more than 40 times!

Lin Chen has a cold sweat and turned the last 350,000 blank attributes into strengthening points.

[Consumption of 12,950 reinforcement points, reinforcement failure...]

Failed all the way to the last more than 50,000 reinforcement points, Lin Chen was almost desperate!

Strengthen the consumption of core method, too terrifying!

He thought that counting 780,000 blank attributes, there are actually 880,000 enhancement points in the whole, which is enough to strengthen and improve, and there is still a part to strengthen the "Junying Flying Knife", and now even the core method is not strengthened Go up!

"Hey, I will only try to find more values ​​next time. If I knew it earlier, it would be better to strengthen Jueying Flying Knife..."

Lin Chen was frustrated. Hopelessly, I clicked on the "enhanced" function.

[Consumption of 12950 points of strengthening, strengthening the core method "Nine Tribulations of Creation" is successful, the formidable power increase: 70%. +13 overall improvement: 240%, it has reached the upper limit of strengthening, and there is no room for strengthening. ]

Boom~! The origin of the Nine Tribulations in the Nine Colors Fate Wheel has skyrocketed again, as if returning to the stars and the sea, you can travel as much as you like


Lin Chen's mouth is frantically pumped...

On the verge of the final lore? With only 53,800 enhancement points left, the last shot went up!

"Damn it, the heart can hardly stand it... there are 40,000 reinforcement points left, as much as possible!"

Finally, Lin Chen spent 40,000 reinforcement points, 'Juying Flying Knife' is strengthened to +10, and the overall battle skill is improved: 110%.

This strengthening of Lin Chen has learned a certain lesson. In the future, there will be a direction for stable improvement. First, strengthen the areas that can be stabilized. If this core method fails, then Lin Chen really pulled pants! 880,000 points of strengthening points to float!

Suddenly, an idea came to Lin Chen's mind.

He was curious to turn on the enhanced function of the'Ultimate Arm Armor War God Bracer'.

【System hint: This item is derived from the next version of the system·package function, which cannot be enhanced at this stage. 】

"Package function? Will the next version of system still have more powerful functions than enhanced functions?"

Lin Chen is curious.

Boom~! Suddenly, Lin Chen gasped severely, and there was a throbbing and faint throbbing sensation in his body!

This pain comes from the Dragon Emperor bloodline!

"This feeling is that my Dragon King has been hit hard?"

Lin Chen's expression changed suddenly and he immediately quit the system.

"Ancient Saint senior, where are my friends?"

Ancient Saint said: "My maid should send them away. The Ancient Saint hall needs to be consumed every day. The energy is very huge, it is related to my spirit willpower remaining time limit."

Lin Chen's heart shook! Everyone teleported away, and the Dragon Emperor was seriously injured. Did something happen?

"Ancient Saint senior, Junior has something to leave first. Senior requirements and conditions, as long as I Lin Chen is still alive, I will definitely take revenge for senior!"

Lin Chen a cup one fist in the other hand, Ancient Saint said with a smile: "Haha, I only planned to give half of the inheritance, but now I give it all to you, little fellow, you have an old man in the sky tower. Power, you are destined with me, and the old man believes in you."

Lin Chen a cup one fist in the other hand, before Ancient Saint can send him away, he has consumed tens of millions of innate talent points. Turn on the "Super Dimensional Teleport" to fix the position of the Dragon King, which turns into a space of rays of light and disappears.

"The old man, the Ancient Saint temple, didn't let this kid come and go freely? No wonder he didn't panic at all when assessing his luck."

Ancient Saint didn't know Whether to cry or laugh, this child is all a secret!

"Is he gone, is he worthy of your expectation."

A white figure appeared next to Ancient Saint, seeming to ask non-questioning.

"Perhaps there is no better candidate than him, besides..."

Ancient Saint stands with his hands behind his hands, and his eyes show a particularly deep and vicissitudes of life.

"Furthermore, this little fellow has a strong background. He has the mark of the Fiend clan on his body. Even the old man is jealous!"

"At that time, there was a Fiend clan. Peak powerhouse, a single person rushed into the holy prison, killing the gods of the holy world and dare not show up. This child has a lot of involvement..."


Ancient Saint Temple Outside, the waves are raging.

The high altitude is even more mysterious, and there is a wave of billowing blood, and there is the hoarse sound of thousands of ghosts in the wave, like a mountain of blood and corpses, and the dark atmosphere can disintegrate the fighting intent!

In the space enveloped by the sea of ​​blood, a group of stunning and beautiful shadows emerge, each with its own merits.

Sisters like Leng Yueqi and Qin Jueyan and the others!

At this time, the ladies were all seriously injured, and even Qin Jueyan and Qin Miaoer were severely injured in varying degrees!

The Dragon Emperor has been hit hard by protecting the Su Lan sisters. If it fights alone, the battle strength it exerts is completely different!

The youth stepped into the air to levitate, both hands crossed near chest, and looked at the girls with great interest.

"hahaha, I didn’t expect this action not only to embrace the beauty of the moon, but also to gift so many beauties, this Young Master wants it all!"

"I’m afraid you will not Start."

Qin Jueyan sneered.

Qin Miao'er on the side clenched her teeth, collapsed, and her pretty face was pale.

Young Pavilion Lord Xiao Qing smirked—"Well, the strength of your sisters is indeed very strong. It is not the strength that your ranking should have. At your level, at least 87,000 in the genius list. Around, if this Young Master comes alone, I really can’t take you down."

"Unfortunately, this Young Master’s bloody sea of ​​floating butt can make the power of the six masters return to my body. No opponent, surrender now and swallow this Young Master's heart-refining pill, there is still a way to survive!"

Hearing the opponent's wild laugh, Qin Jueyan secretly cried out!

"Oops, it turns out that he brought the Six Dark Pavilions with him! These six are called the Seven Dark Pavilions with him, and each of them ranks among the Peak killers above 95,000 on the genius list. Could it be that Is it really going to die here this time?"

Thousand zhang is running in the sea of ​​blood, with the Six Paths silhouette looming free, and constantly injecting massive amounts of Battle Qi and Qi and Blood Energy into Xiao Qing, making his breath transcend the boundaries. And keep Peak unabated!

"Leng Yueqi, be my woman!"

Xiao Qing laughed madly, rushing towards the injured Leng Yueqi in the form of a blood light!

Leng Yueqi bit her teeth tightly, her slender hand gripped a short blade tightly, she would rather die than return to her opponent!


A piercing clash of gold and iron exploded, and a sea of ​​blood raged!

"Dare to hurt Sister Yueqi, damn it, give me a piercing eye!"

A silver robe is used to block Leng Yueqi in front of him, murderous aura rushing to the The burst of sky shakes the sea of ​​blood!

The advent of a beam of space, Six Paths silhouette Airborne Formation in the blood sea!

"What?" Xiao Qing was surprised!

Then, the tip of the spear circling the five-color dragon light fiercely stabbed at his chrysanthemum area!

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