Xiao Qing reacted like electricity, his blood condensed like wind and thunder, and he sprinted away with his backhand with two fingers. He actually clamped the tip of the five-color gun with his bare hands!

"Hey, your butt-wiping posture is really unique. It reminds me of the small black dog next door."

Lin Chen sneered, at this time Xiao Qing held the chrysanthemum with his backhand. It really has several points of the charm of'wiping ass'.

"Be careful, he is the Dark Pavilion Young Pavilion Lord ranked 84680 on the genius list, and the Buddha is killing Xiao Qing! Today he also brought six genius assassins to fight together, and his strength far exceeds the original ranking!"

Qin Jueyan exclaimed, Lin Chen handed Leng Yueqi two medicine pills, said with a smile: "Don't worry, give it to me next."

" , My Nine Absolute Cold Veins have not yet transformed into a high-speed growth period, so I have to leave it to you."

Leng Yueqi smiled like a flower, and the beautiful and refined smile made Xiao Qing both shocked and stunned. !

In his heart, Leng Yueqi is so lonely and glamorous, like Fairy in the moon, without asking for mortals. Today, he showed a smile to a man, and it was beautiful if Fairy went down!

"Are you Lin Chen?"

Xiao Qing gritted his teeth angrily.

"I don't want to answer the question of the dead, you touched my bottom line, you and your people must die!"

Lin Chen laughed and hid his murderous intention and raised his hand Snap fingers!


[The host launches the blue-tier nirvana: Tianyin and Ice Evil Prison. Applicable goals: three. The three hostile targets closest to the host have been locked. ]

Boom~! The frost hurricane flows the cold baleful aura, covering Xiao Qing and the two people in the blood sea!

They all around the icy cold current rolls around, like the wind on the ground, Dragon Transformation Volume, as if to freeze all vitality, and the chill that penetrates like bone marrow factor is coming!

"The power of Frost Yin Demon?"

Xiao Qing was stunned but furious, grabbing the void with both hands, and the sea of ​​blood exploded!


The ice is like a tide, and the Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens surges and blows up thousands of blood waves. From a distance, it looks like dozens of blood rainbows flying into the sky!

This time Lin Chen was murderous, he used the blue-level nirvana when he met him!

All Avatar and Lin Chen launched the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi and turned it into a nine-color barrier to protect everyone.

A rain of blood dripped from the sinking sea of ​​the Ancient Saint, the sea of ​​blood dissipated, and everything was lonely.

"Are they dead?" Qin Jueyan exclaimed, Lin Chen this move is even inferior to the flame she controls!

"No, it's not over yet!"

Lin Chen and Qin Miaoer said in unison.

In the center of the blood sea explosion, a round of Big Dipper Seventh Extinguishing Formation appeared, like seven flashes of lightning, seven half-moon-shaped dark red blood shadows joined together, and everyone in the room was discolored. Murderous aura!

"As expected of the man Leng Yueqi was fond of, he was indeed somewhat capable, and he could break my sea of ​​blood. If not, this hunt would be meaningless!"

Xiao Qing grinned, but in fact shocked. His'Blood Sea Buddha Art' is a very strong top grade top grade core method of the purple rank. The blood of the powerhouse needs to be collected. The more blood agglomerates, the stronger the formidable power.

If in the hands of his father, this core method has formidable power comparable to a half-orange grade!

Every detonation of the'Floating Blood Sea' means that the blood of the powerhouse collected by Xiao Qing will be consumed, which is very costly. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen would force himself to detonate the blood sea as soon as he came up!

If not, he would have been seriously injured by the trick just now!

"This is the Seven Killing Formation unique to Dark Pavilion. The seven killing intents are continuous, and the offensive is like a raging sea. It is the famous stunt of Dark Pavilion. It is used by the Dark Pavilion seven masters and is enough to challenge the genius. More than 70,000 geniuses on the list are not inferior! Formation's fatal shortcomings are also advantages. If one person is killed, all will die!" Qin Jueyan solemnly instructed Lin Chen to raise his hand with ease.

"The sea of ​​blood has exploded, they can no longer block the space, you guys retreat first. My dark horse club will take care of him, even if Saint comes today, he will have to die!"

Lin Chen killing intent is first revealed, if he hadn't used the "super-dimensional teleportation" in time, Leng Yueqi would be in danger!

For this person, Lin Chen is dead!

The women looked at each other and backed away.


There are no more combat constraints, the seriously injured Dragon Emperor burst out with a violent roar!

"The Ancient Saint Palace has a time limit. You are the last person to come out. It seems Ancient Saint It’s very possible that the inheritance will be kept in your hands and kill you, but one move, two gains!"

Xiao Qing smiled cruelly and led the Dark Pavilion Liujie to Lin Chen in a flash, as if shocked. A glimpse of the rainbow, the speed set off a sonic boom!

"Seven layers of changes!"

Lin Chen used the seven layers of changes with the 9th layer Early-Stage cultivation base. At this moment, he finally felt the 9th layer Peak and the Battle Sovereign. Road boundaries!

Roar~! The dragon emperor struck, the dragon claw was torn off, and the five avatars each displayed their divine ability and collided head-on with the Seven Dark Pavilion!

Lin Chen draws his sword in an instant, and the blue moon meets Xiao Qing with one sword!

Clang~! Bang~!

Xiao Qing's five fingers were condensed into blood claws, and he actually received the blade of the blue moon from the front!

"Is it an incomplete Holy Artifact, hahaha, you won’t be able to make it for long!"

Xiao Qing laughed, his blood claws waved wildly, with hundreds of bloodstains like The endless blood web imprisoned Lin Chen's retreat!

"Then try it out."

Lin Chen sneered, the blade turned around, cut across, and the blade cut the Blade Technique trajectory of "Mirror Bright Moon"!

Either the moon of speed, or the mirror of attack rebounds, Blade Technique Major Perfection! Collisions and bloodstains in the sky are stranded one after another!

The fighting between the two sides intensified, the Dragon King and the five great Avatars competed against the other six Dark Pavilions. Offensive and defensive collisions, the battle was shaking to the sky, and the battle gradually heated up!

In addition, the strength of the Six Dark Pavilions is not inferior to Xiao Qing! The Peak cultivation base is all a catastrophe, which is seriously inconsistent with their rankings, allowing them to face Lin Chen's five Avatars at the moment without losing the wind!

They were originally only ranked about 94,000 in the talent list. The cultivation base is still in the late 9th layer, and the battle strength is several grades behind Xiao Qing.

But now, each of them possesses strength that surpasses Xiao Qing, and Xiao Qing's strength is breakthrough to an unprecedented limit, and even his strength briefly entered the Battle Sovereign cultivation base. Stably overwhelming Lin Chen's several realms!

“Because of the seven Killing Formation, all of their origins, Battle Qi, are connected together through Formation, temporarily impacting the cultivation base to the all new realm, which is equivalent to putting life and death on the same front. , As long as one person is killed, everyone has to die!" During the Blade Technique offensive, Lin Chen's eyes narrowed.

It’s no wonder that Xiao Qing is so confident. This is equivalent to having 7 talent lists ranked above 85,000 in joint operations. Xiao Qing’s strength is even more than the top 80,000, even the "blue moon". You can go head-to-head!

In the face of this lineup, all the genius rankings in the entire Cang Yue Trial, no one will indeed be his opponent!

"If it weren't for my cultivation base breakthrough, core method +13, I am afraid I have been suppressed now, but unfortunately, your opponent is me Lin Chen! The ultimate moment!"


The auras of Lin Chen and Avatars suddenly skyrocketed. At the moment when the Qingyou Guanghua flows, the movement method and the offensive are instantly reversed!

"Swiss Moon!"

At this moment, Lin Chen once again swung a knife, and the moonlight slashed away!


Xiao Qing complexion slightly changed, how could this offensive suddenly soar so many times?

"Blood Dragon Kill!"

The bloody blades of ten claws are combined and strangled, the blood is like a barbarian dragon, and the blood is like a barbarian dragon. The blood blade claw marks exploded the sky blood light, Xiao Qing looked a little solemn!

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